Stuck Badly In Deep Mire

Receiving Kang Bo's furious roar Jiang Ying Yue looked scared as she shrank and retreated a few steps back crawling on her knees.

The fear in eyes was visible to all who were standing there.

The crowd was showing more and more displeasure towards hegemonic behaviour displayed by Kang Bo.

But the foolish Kang Bo had no idea how his actions were slowly leading into deeper depths of mire from where he had no chance of retreat.

Before he knew he would be stuck there. Stuck badly in it's depth.

Jiang Ying Yue smirked inwardly looking at Kang Bo's contorting features.

Heh! He dared to come for her! She would show him who was the real boss.

She knew though foolish this Kang Bo was a very cautious person. He cared about his reputation the most. And now that the reputations of his lover and adopted father were also in equation, he would be even more cautious.

Look at the way he was trying to distort his features in the fear of being recognized.

But did he think that everyone here was blind in fool?

Passerby A: "Does anyone know this man? He kinda looks familiar."

Passerby B: " Yes, yes, now that you mentioned, I also find him quite familiar."

Passerby C: "Hey! Isn't he Kang Bo, Master Kang Yongnian's son?"

Passerby D: "Oh, no wonder he looked familiar."

Then the crowd soon managed to dug up the identity of Jiang Ying Yue and even Kang Bo's lover, Juan'er.

It was over for Kang Bo.

Now, Kang Bo only wanted to escape. The revenge that he had to take was long forgotten.

He understood very well that if he allowed this situation to unfold farther he would be in deep trouble. And he would only come as unreasonable and vicious one at the end.

After all, who didn't know that it was Cheng Li Juan herself who courted her death previous day and it was the attendant who had hurt her? Jiang had nothing to do with that.

But, here he had been saying that he had come to avenge Cheng Li Juan. And now that everyone had figured out the situation there was no way to reverse it. The only way was escape. Yes, he had to escape as soon as possible to reduce the damage.

He glared once again at Jiang Ying Yue finally making up his mind to escape as he decided to teach the damn girl a lesson next time. But his Juan'er's wish...

Sigh! Forget it! He would find a different way to coax her.

With that he took his steps to retreat from the crowd not intending to waste any second.

But would Jiang Ying Yue let him easily go?

No way!

Since, he came here provoking her first then he had to at least leave behind a layer skin as a payment. Only then he could live.

Her mood wasn't good to begin with and he came here to trouble her, heh!

Before Kang Bo had the chance to escape Jiang Ying Yue nimbly dashed forward and grabbed his wrist in tight knot.

" You can't go just like that." Her earlier pitiful appearance was now replaced by a firm and unyeilding glint as she continued, " Since, you came here looking for me let's make everything clear. I don' t want to be targeted by you people for no reason again in the future."

" Jiang Ying Yue, what do you want? Don't challenge my patience!", Kang Bo was gnashing his teeth in anger as he tried to tug his hand free from Jiang Ying Yue's clutches. But it was futile.

What the hell?!

Wasn't Jiang Ying Yue a cripple? How come she was so strong?

Kang Bo's eyes bulged in shock. He couldn't understand what was going on.

Damn it!

Jiang Ying Yue caught his reaction and gave him a discreet smirk and pressed on his wrist further.

A searing pain shot through his bones making his whole arm turn numb and boneless. He winced in pain. But she didn't let him go and instead gave him a flirtatious wink.

This combination was so eerie and evil that Kang Bo was scared silly and even forgot his pain.

He only woke up when he heard the devil hood winking the crowd to cause him more trouble.

" My father, Jiang Zemin had contributed his entire youth guarding border of our nation and fighting the enemies, and here I am, as his daughter I don't even have the right to enjoy a relaxing stroll. Every now and then you guys keep troubling me as if I am some sinner. Yesterday it was Cheng Li Juan and today it is you then again tomorrow will be another one. How can I not feel sad? "

" Every one, today I must seek justice for my grievances. I...I can't bear to endure it anymore." Jiang Ying Yue pretended to choke slightly releasing a few drops of tears.

Her pitiful yet firm and unyielding look created such a combination that even some of the burly strong cultivators found themselves tearing up.

Hehe..effect was achieved.

Qiu, who frozen to side witnessing her miss' unusual behavior also started to get the gist and coordinated with her master excellently.

" Yes, today we must seek justice for my miss. Yesterday so many had seen it was Miss Cheng to wanted to bully my miss to vent her anger after being thrown out of the herb hall. My miss was creamy a victim but now young master Kang is blaming my miss for no reason. Every one, I beg you, please help us seek justice." With that Qiu kowtowed several times.

With this pair of master and servant's convincing act the opinion of the crowd was won over and they soon started dissing the people from Cheng and Kang manor.

Cheng Li Juan was already famous for her arrogance even before previous day's incident. So, coupled with the fame that she acquired for herself previous day she was now a well known character with diva syndrome.

And her master, Kang Yongnian wasn't any worse. Like his decile he was also known for his arrogance, as a third grade alchemist he never knew how to bow down. Even before Emperor he dared to show his haughty temper. So, there were horde of people that he had offended.

With this chance, the crowd started dissing relentlessly.

" Yes, yes, this maid is right. I was there yesterday and saw everything. It was clearly Cheng Li Juan who was seeking her death, Miss Jiang is completely innocent in this case."

" You are right. This Kang Bo is just like his father arrogant and doesn't give a hoot about people's life even though they practice alchemy."

" Pfft. you are right brother. And by the way what was he arrogant of, doesn't he feel shameful announcing his love affair in public?"

" Eh? But I heard that minister Cheng was fighting for the position of the crown prince' second consort. Then was he planning to offer a second hand good to the crown prince as his second consort. What a scandal!"

" Yes, it's so messy!"

" Tsk, tsk...It could have been if they were dirty but they went as far as bullying daughter of general who was currently far away from home fighting the enemy. These ungrateful bastards."

" Furthermore, didn't you hear Miss Jiang nearly died during the tournament and even though at the she managed to survive she lost her cultivation. She's quite pitiful."

" Sure it's a pity. A young genius like her now turned into a waste. It must have been heavy blow yet these people...sigh."

The crowd felt that they were indepted to Jiang family and sympathized with Jiang Ying Yue's plight greatly as they portrayed people from two manors as pure evil.

It's over!! This time it's really over.