Miss Is So Scheming Part-1

Kang Bo turned pale as a sheet of paper and tried his utmost to escape.

He tugged his hand with all his might even though the pain in his wrist was making him break into a cold sweat.

No, he couldn't give up! If he did, he would be finished!

The crowd was gradually turning aggressive as some of them were even flexing their muscles to crush him with the heavy hammer of justice.

He was increasingly feeling helpless, stuck in the middle of a pack of hungry wolves.

He felt so scared that he let go of his image as a macho man and behaved like a pitiful little girl who was on the verge of being molested.

With tear-filled anxious eyes and a stiff body he frantically tried to free himself. And it just so happened to be what Jiang Ying Yue was waiting for.

When Kang Bo forcefully yanked his hand which was held by Jiang Ying Yue, she directed the force to make her body fly and land in projectile motion.

From the point of onlookers, it looked like Jiang Ying Yue was flung heavily to the ground by Kang Bo in a fit of anger.

After being thrown harshly in a distance Jiang Ying Yue lay there motionless with her eyes closed. No one knew whether she was dead or alive.

"Miss.....!!" a shrill scream came out of Qiu's mouth as she rushed forward towards her miss.

The whole street turned deathly silent, no one spoke. Everyone had a grave expression as some of them came forward to check the girl's condition.

Qiu trembled as she squatted down beside Jiang Ying Yue and waited fearfully.

" Her condition is not. Her breathing is very weak as if it would disappear at any moment. Her condition was not good, to begin with, her body suffered heavy damage from this fall. I don't think she can make it." The person said after taking Jiang Ying Yue's pulse. He seemed to be a physician and looked very confident very with his diagnosis.

"What....what?.....No, how can this happen?? No, no, can you check her again, please??" Qiu didn't dare to believe his words as she begged him again and again.

The person sighed and said softly, " Little girl, it's useless. You should better hurry and inform your master's parents so that they can see her for the last time."

"Wuwuwu...miss...." Qiu hugged Jiang Ying Yue and cried miserably.

The crowd felt sad when they saw this and completely forgot about the culprit who had harmed Jiang Ying Yue.

The crowd was gathered around on the street forming a circle as Qiu hugged her miss sobbed incessantly.

Kang Bo, who was forgotten by the crowd was also shocked by the turn of the events. He was deathly.

How did this happen??

He just wanted to teach a lesson and had no intention to kill her. Even if he wanted to he would never have the guts to do that. If he did, he would be doomed the moment general Jiang returned.

But now that he had laid his hand on Jiang Ying Yue and caused her death. He was finished!

Panicked Kang Bo wanted to escape, however, the heavens didn't allow him.

Madam Nangong was rushing through the crowd anxiously with four strong and burly residential guards closely following behind her.

Madam Nangong had been anxious through the way. When the maid servant who happened to see the incident rushed to the manor to inform madam Nangong, she was too anxious to even tidy her clothes and hair and rushed here urgently.

Now that she saw the deathly silent crowd she felt even more unease. As if this silence was warning her about something ominous that had happened.

Madam Nangong's heart skipped a beat as she approached the crowd and her steps quickened. However, just as she broke the encircle and reached the centre her legs gave away and she fell onto the ground.

'No. No, God, please, no. I beg you, God.' As she stared blankly at a distance where her daughter was lying motionless on the ground while Qiu hugged her tightly and sobbed, she felt her world has come to an end.

Thousands of arrows pierced through her heart as her soul less turned red and tears began to rain from them.

In her heart, there was pain, also her guilt and above all hatred. She hated herself for not protecting her daughter and also hated the person who caused her death.

Madam Nangong looked around for the culprit. Her eyes turned colder with every second. There was a ferocious glint in her eyes when her gaze locked on a figure, who was trying to slip away sneakily.

" Guards, don't let him go!" Madam Nangong pointed in a direction and ordered the guards.

Following her order, the guards moved swiftly and caught Kang Bo before he had the chance to escape.

" Let me go, let me go, it was an accident. I didn't mean this to happen." Kang Bo saw that he could not escape, so he could only try to use words to fight for the chance to live.

"Gee..he sure is shameless. He can even say that he didn't mean it after killing the little girl." The crowd started to murmur after hearing Kang Bo's excuses.

While the people were discussing Kang Bo's ruthless madam Nangong slowly stood and walked toward Kang Bo, who was struggling to free himself.

When he saw that madam Nangong was standing in front of him, glaring ferociously, his eyes trembled. He had never seen madam Nangong this way. Madam Nangong he knew was always gentle, magnanimous and aloof, not like the standing in front of him. The person standing before him was like a tigress sizing her prey fiercely.

" Madam Nangong, you have to consider this calmly, if anything happened to me my father would not let Jiang's family off. I hope you understand this." Although he was scared he quickly managed to sober up and tried using threats to escape the calamity.

Nonetheless, it was useless. Current madam Nangong was not her usual self. Current she was just a mother who had lost her dear daughter. So, how could the mind care about his threat?

She didn't respond to his threats at all nor did she speak a word. She was quiet, completely quiet like a statue as she stood there glaring at him.

Kang Bo didn't understand what she wanted as he looked at her uneasily.

When it felt like centuries had passed while waiting, madam Nangonh finally made her move.

With a lightning speed, she punched hard in the centre of Kang Bo's stomach shattering his dan ti'an into smithereens.

"No....my core!" Kang Bo howled in pain as he clutched his stomach and rolled on the ground. The guards standing beside him were staring at him with cold eyes.

The crowd was also shocked. They never expected Madam Nangong to this fierce and powerful. It wouldn't have been too shocking if killed Kang Bo to avenge her daughter but the method she used was really to vicious. Kang Bo was an alchemist, without his cultivation he would be nothing.

Furthermore, didn't everyone say that Madam Nangong had long lost her cultivation soon after giving birth to her first daughter. But, now seeing her move it didn't look like at all.

Although Kang Bo was an alchemist he never neglected his cultivation. At the age of nineteen he was already a practitioner if Martial Orange Late stage. Even a single push from him was enough to kill ordinary people. Wasn't Jiang Ying Yue a perfect example.

So, how did Madam Nangong managed to do this?

Did she really lose her cultivation before?