Ascension To Martial Yellow Rank

The evening before the departure,

Under the blue sky, on the lush green lawn of the Brahma world, Jiang Ying Yue sat with her legs folded and her eyes closed. Breathing in and out deeply absorbing the Spiritual Qi from the surrounding.

When all of a sudden dark Orange clouds started to gather above Jiang Ying Yue one after another creating a large orange-coloured umbrella above her head.

As the cloud got larger the dense Spiritual Qi that was moving toward Jiang Ying Yue got fainter and fainter.

Until oppressive power was surging wildely from her body moving outward.


The cloud over Jiang Ying Yue's head exploded with a loud noise indicating her ascension from Late stage Martial Orange rank to Initial Stage Martial Yellow rank.

" Congratulations, master!" Abhram chirped ecstatically as he jumped and trotted over on his stubby legs.

Jiang Ying Yue slowly opened her eyes feeling energised and refreshed.

Past three days she had been using most of her time in cultivation other than preparing for the journey.

The Beast Heaven mountain was a dangerous place itself along with the long treacherous journey, they would be facing many dangers along the way. So, it was better for her to be prepared.

She cultivated day and night and was even more diligent than Abhram improving by leaps and bounds.

Besides, the current time flow inside the chaos world was three times slower than the outside world and coupled with dense spiritual energy it was very suitable for cultivation.

Now that she was at least an Initial stage Martial Orange cultivator she wouldn't be dying without a fight if she encountered any danger.

After spending some time with the little boy Jiang Ying Yue came out of the Brahma world and went looking for her sister who be joining the trip to Beast Heaven mountain along with the two maids Qiu and Niu.

Two days ago, when Jiang Ying Yue went to her mother to get permission to go on a trip to Beast Heaven Mountain Madam Jiang surprisingly agreed without hesitation only condition was that she had to bring along three tails with her.

" Mei'er, have you packed your things?" Jiang Ying Yue asked the girl as she walked into the room.

The girl who had been scratching her head in frustration turned to look when she heard the voice and called out pitifully, " Big sister~"

" What happened?" Jiang Ying Yue asked amusingly looking at her chicken coop head.

" Big sister, what should I bring along? Sister Niu didn't allow me to bring any clothes and accessories." Jiang Ying Mei complained softly.

" Hmm..that's right I told her not to bring any. If you want, then you can bring along two sets of your clothing and as for those accessories don't bother about them. We are going for training not gallivanting." Jiang Ying Yue pointed at the stack of boxes laying on the bed.

" Two....just two, sister." Jiang Ying Mei was shocked.

Jiang Ying Mei liked to dress herself up very much. Now, that her dear sister was asking her to make do with these two sets of clothing Jiang Ying Mei found it difficult to accept.

God knew how long it would take them to return home and till then she had to survive in these two sets.

What if it rained?

What if it snowed?

What If it was too hot?

What if she fell and soiled her clothes?

What if her clothes got stuck somewhere in bushes and got torn?

What if someone stole her clothes?

Various sensical and nonsensical scenarios popped up in her mind one after another like mushrooms making Jiang Ying Mei uncomfortable and distressed.

Jiang Ying Yue had been watching her closely

and could guess what she was thinking and suggested good-naturedly, " Then why don't you stay at home and keep mother company?"

" No!" Jiang Ying Mei said without hesitation. Her intention of following her dear sister could not be that easily shaken.

The two sisters stood there staring at each other silently when Madan Nangong suddenly entered the room.

" What are you two doing?"

" Mother.."

The two little heads turned to look at their mother as they greeted her simultaneously.

Madam Nangong smiled gently and pulled her two daughters along to sit with her on the edge of the bed.

" Yue'er, you are done with your preparation, right?" Madam Nangong asked gently her gaze on Jiang Ying Yue filled with deep affection.

" Huh..yes, mother." Jiang Ying Yue replied obediently.

" Ah... that's good." Madam Nangong seemed satisfied and relieved. Her lips as always curved into a gentle smile as she held her both daughters in her arms.

" Mei'er, are you done packing your clothes?Hmm?" Madam Nangong then turned to her younger daughter her tone a bit skeptical for she knew her little one too well.

As she eyed around suspiciously her gaze landed on the stack of boxes behind her on the bed, " Mei'er, don't tell me you are thinking of bringing along all these."

Madam Nangong held her forehead not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She had no clue from where and from who this daughter of hers had inherited her love for dressing up.

Even before she had turned a year old this little girl was already in love with beautiful clothes and accessories.

Now, this love only grew as she grew older.

Madam Nangong's eyes flashed with helplessness yet there was also unending tolerance and affection.

Jiang Ying Mei saw her mother and sister's helpless look and cheeky smile not feeling embarrassed at all.

" Alright, enough with acting cute. When you are out listen to your sister and don't cause trouble." Madam Nangong gave her a flick on the forehead and instructed in a serious tone, " Do you understand?"

Jiang Ying Mei nodded her head repeatedly to reassure their mother that she would be very obedient and listen to all she said.

She shook her head so much that she ended up being dizzy and could only lay on the bed lifelessly for a while to rest.

Madam Nangong and Jiang Ying Yue were amused at her antics and burst into laughter. They laughed until their tummy ached only then did Madam Nangong take the initiative to change the topic.

" Yue'er, actually mother came to look for you because I have something to say." The light atmosphere of the room suddenly turned solemn as both the girls gazed at their mother waiting for her to continue.

" You're, you should not go out of the Capital through the city gate. You know many people are after our family so it would be better if no one knew about your trip to Beast Heaven Mountain." Madam Nangong saw Jiang Ying Yue frowning appearing as if she wanted to say something and paused for a moment. However, before Jiang Ying Yue could get the chance to speak so started again, " I know you plan to disguise. It's a good idea but unfortunately, it's not enough to get you out of the Capital undetected. You need an identity token to pass the gate. How are you going to take that out?"

Yes, this was a big problem.

Jiang Ying Yue finally realized that she had forgotten and overlooked this problem.

She had prepared everything meticulously except that she forgot about the gate pass.

She couldn't use her token that was registered using her real identity. And even if she wanted to forge one it would take some time.

And time was what she didn't have.

They would be setting off tomorrow morning.

Jiang Ying Yue was annoyed at herself. She was thinking hard to find a way when she heard her mother speak again.

" You're, don't worry..... mother has a way. It's just that you have to leave home ahead of schedule." Madam Nangong''s voice was as gentle as ever.

" Really..." Jiang Ying Yue was curious about her mother's 'way'.

" Yes, now you all go to rest. Mother will wake you up in a few have to leave before people woke up."


People woke up?!

Then wouldn't it mean that they would be leaving at night when people were still sleeping?

Jiang Ying Yue was speechless.

She was thinking her mother's ahead-of-schedule would be a couple of hours earlier.

Now it seemed like she was too naive.

Her mother's ahead of schedule was thoroughly ahead of schedule.