I'll Be Responsible For You

Straddled on top of the man Jiang Ying Yue blinked her large eyes waiting for the man to respond.

The aura around her was that of a street hooligan yet somehow appeared extremely adorable at the moment.

Nevertheless, the man seemed to have sent into trans as he continued staring into those lively pair of eyes that could hold boundless emotions.

" Hey~ Did you hear me?...." Jiang Ying Yue frowned looking a bit impatient. Her impatient voice woke up the man from his daze.

" Yes.." The man snorted softly in response.

The man's voice was a bit hoarse and deep carrying a fatal charm and lethality.

Even Jiang Ying Yue who was renowned for her heaven-defying immunity against handsome men felt a wave of tingle hearing his seductive voice.

Jiang Ying Yue shuddered for a moment before gritting her teeth and suppressing this feeling until her heart returned to its calm and serene state.

" Oh...since you heard me then pay up!" Jiang Ying Yue once again insisted on settling the debt. Her tone sounded much colder than before.

Seeing her so adamant the man's throat moved several times but no words came out of his mouth until he finally responded somewhat hesitantly as if resisting the very idea of paying the debt, "...Alright, I...I'll....pay the money...but can you do me a favour?"

However, Jiang Ying Yue gave him a look of pure disgust when she heard his timid and hesitant tone.

Why was this man behaving as if she bullied him unscrupulously?

What did she do? Wasn't she just asking him to pay the money? It wasn't like she was asking him to die?

Was this man so unwilling to pay the money back?

And what favour?....

He hadn't even taken out the money yet and here he was already asking for another favour?

Did she look that easy-going and charitable?!

The masked man: "??" confused look and pitiful eyes.

Jiang Ying Yue's temples throbbed as she said irritably, " Don't look at me like that....you are not the only one who's pitiful!"

Yes...He was not the only one.

Wasn't she pitiful enough to be counted as one?

First, she got scammed into this crazy 'Purple Cloud' continent.

Second, she had been starving for days only eating a few mouthfuls to survive. Her life and food all seemed flavourless.

Third, she stumbled into an identity that caused her trouble wherever she went.

Her days were just too miserable! Sigh!

The pitiful masked man: "??" blinked innocently and musing inwardly--

' Do I look pitiful?'

" Ahem...the favour I am asking won't be much. Can you first listen to me?" said the man as he tried to sound more confident.

Seeing that the man wouldn't leave if she didn't listen to him Jiang Ying Yue could only agree, " Speak."

" My debt I can pay it back now but can you let me follow you. I have nowhere to go."

" No, no way! Absolutely Not!" Jiang Ying Yue firmly refused this idea without even giving it a thought.

She wasn't crazy.

This man looked too dangerous.

If she kept him around her God knows how many troubles it would cause for her.

So there was no way she was keeping him!

All she wanted to do now was to tell him to pay the money and get lost. And never appear before her again. However...

" Master, take him in, take him in, master! Take him in master!" Abhram chirped like a crazy little bird urging her again and again to keep the man.

Jiang Ying Yue: "...." Shut her eyes feeling helpless.

Did this brat think that this dangerous man was some cat or dog that they could take in casually?

Jiang Ying Yue wasn't the one to shake so easily. Especially when she knew how dangerous this man was. Although he had been suppressing his aura she could still feel his cold-blooded and murderous aura.

He was not a man to be trifled with.

So, she better stay far away from him, the farther the better.

Besides that, that day she had seen how seriously injured he was. The person who hurt him meant him to die but she saved him and if this man followed behind her then won't it cause her more trouble?

" No." Her stance was firm not giving in to the boy.

Aggrieved and indignant Abhram pouted and said, " Aren't I doing this for you? We are going to Beast Heaven mountain and it's always good to have an extra layer of protection, don't you think so, master?"

" Master, I beg you to take him in!"

"Can you take me in?"


These two persons, one inside and one outside kept rambling near her ears so much that it gave her a headache.

Finally unable to withstand Jiang Ying Yue roared, " Shut up you two!"

Her voice was so loud that it alerted Qiu who was guarding outside her door.

There was a sudden knock on the door as Qiu's concerned voice called out to her.

" Miss...are you alright?"

On hearing Qiu's voice Jiang Ying Yue's eyes widened as she rushed to get down from her majestic' throne' and kicked 'the throne' toward the innermost bed before covering it up with a quilt.

After which she also laid down and covered herself with the same quilt.


Jiang Ying Yue heard the door open just as she shut her eyes and Qiu walked inside holding a lamp.

As she walked toward the bed Qiu called out again, " Miss, are you awake?"

" Huh?.... yes, I just woke up.....What happened?" Jiang Ying Yue responded sounding sluggish.

" Oh, I just heard you screaming from outside and came in to check." said Qiu in a concerned voice, " Miss, are you alright?"

" Ah..that?..I was sleeptalking...Oh, Qiu can you get me some water to drink." When Jiang Ying Yue suddenly opened her eyes and saw Qiu carrying a huge lamp walking toward the bed she jumped to stop her.

" Ah..yes, don't bring that lamp it's so blinding...I won't be able to sleep later."

On hearing that her master was thirsty Qiu didn't think much and went to fetch some water from the table and brought the cup to her master, " Here, miss."

" Ah..yes, thank you." Jiang Ying Yue sat on the bed up and gulped down the water in hurry before handing back the cup, " You can go now. I am sleepy. Yawn..."

" Alright, miss."

From the beginning to the end Qiu didn't even notice the huge lump on the inner side of Jiang Ying Yue's bed as' the lump' lay there motionless.

Seeing Qiu retreat and close the door Jiang Ying Yue kicked the man who was lying on her side and scolded him softly, " Get lost! go away...I am not willing to take--"

However, before she could say ' you in' the man cut her short with--

" I'll be responsible for you." His voice was firm and solemn.

" What...what? What responsible?" Jiang Ying Yue failed to understand his meaning and tried asking again.

Nevertheless, the man refused to repeat himself as he got up to leave.

Under Jiang Ying Yue's puzzled gaze he climbed the window and cast a final gaze on the girl.

His silver mask glittered in the moonlight forming a hallow softening his sharp edges and adding a touch of warmth to his cold and chilly eyes.

As he declared before leaving, " I'll follow you from now on."

Yes, from now on he would follow her....wherever she went he would go there too.

He would follow her and protect her until she didn't need him anymore.

His life was worthless anyway. Sooner or later he would perish into hell with the flame of revenge and hatred. Until then he wished to guard her with all his might and heart.

Jiang Ying Yue was first dumbfounded then angry.

What the hell did he say?

'I'll follow you from now on.'

Had she ever agreed to that?

How could this dead man decide on his own?

Was asking her just a formality?

Damn it! Damn it!

She was so angry.