Pay Up!

In the darkness of night, a shadow was crawling into the dimly lit room through the open window effortlessly.

Jiang Ying Yue's hand was clenched under the pillow holding onto a sharp dagger waiting for the intruder to take action.

As she waited patiently closing her eyes and pretending to be asleep the shadow slowly crept towards the bed where Jiang Ying Yue was sleeping.

The shadow stood beside the bed quietly peering at the sleeping person, his gaze hovering across her face seeming to be searching for something.

The person on the bed was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed looking peaceful and serene.

Her nose, her brows, her lips...everything matched the impression of the face in his memory...but, he looked somewhat confused.

Could anyone tell him then why did the person before him look so different just after a few days?

What was this magic?

Jiang Ying Yue was growing impatient while the shadow stood there staring at her with a burning gaze.

She could feel his gaze even with her eyes closed.

What was that fellow doing?

Was it an assassin or a lecher?!

Jiang Ying Yue was pondering whether to make her move to catch the man by surprise when she heard the boy whisper.

" Master... it's that dead man..."

His voice was so soft that it was hardly audible with a slight tremble.

As if he was scared that the man would hear him if he spoke louder.

If it was in the past Jiang Ying Yue would have definitely scoffed at him for his cowardice but this time she wasn't in the mood.

From the moment she heard the word 'dead man' the silver masked man popped up in her mind.

She was extremely agitated.

If it wasn't for keeping the pretence to ambush the enemy she would have already jumped up and scolded this vile man.

The silver-masked man suddenly felt a chill for some unknown reason at the moment.

Siver-masked man: ' What's going on?'

Abhram: ' Silver-masked brother, you are finished! You shouldn't have conned my master!'

While the man was distracted for a moment when he suddenly felt a tight grip on his waist and his world turned upside-down.

What the heck?!

Alarm bells started to ring in his clouded mind and his subconscious response was to kill the opponent swiftly, before he could blink his eyes his hand holding the dagger had already moved for Jiang Ying Yue's throat.

However, he wasn't the only one.

When the man made his move Jiang Ying Yue was also moving for him.

The man was lying on the bed as Jiang Ying Yue straddled his waist creating a sensual scene full of ambiguity.

But these two couldn't feel this ambiguity and there was only murderous intent radiating from them.

The chill from the dagger on his throat and the streak of the deep crimson blood on Jiang Ying Yue's fair neck made the man realise his mistake.

There was a very faint ripple in the depth of his eyes which appeared and disappeared without notice and his eyes returned to their dull and soul-less state.

It was just like the ripples caused by the small pebbles on the vast ocean surface which couldn't bring much change.

Even the man didn't realize this change.

Realising his mistake the man retracted the dagger and threw it on the ground far away from his reach.

Then he looked up at Jiang Ying Yue as if assuring her that he wouldn't hurt her.

" What? Don't you want to kill me anymore?"

Jiang Ying Yue sneered at his action as her left hand moved to touch the blood on her neck.

This damned man already made her bleed, what was he acting for now?!

But the man didn't take her sarcastic tone and shook his head seriously making Jiang Ying Yue choke with anger.

" Alright.....then tell me what you want?" Jiang Ying Yue suppressed her anger and asked him another question.

And it had to be said that Jiang Ying Yue was very good at that.

She knew that she couldn't damage the good before the debt was cleared.

The man just shook his head again implying that he didn't want anything.

There was nothing he wanted from this little girl and even if there was something then it would be to offer her his life for saving him.

Seeing him shake his head like a rattle drum again and again Jiang Ying Yue felt dizzy leading to even more anger.

This man.....he could certainly speak and she had heard him speak before on the day she saved him.

Then why the hell was he playing mute now?!

Gnashing her teeth Jiang Ying Yue was about to roar at him when she realized that Qiu was guarding outside and so lowered her voice but the ferocious look didn't recede from that beautiful face, " Can't you speak? Why do you just shake your head?...and you said that you don't want anything then what are doing here? What are you here for?"

Then she paused and cast a suspicious glance and continued, " Don't tell me you are here to pay me back?"

Jiang Ying Yue's face donned an expression that apparently said ' I don't believe you.'

A couple of days ago she had wasted her whole day carrying a sack searching for this man in the whole city even planning to kidnap him back in case the man refused to pay but to no avail. And instead, she got into trouble and wasted her precious time and energy on that jumping fool.

The masked man: "...."

The man was dumbfounded and looked a bit lost.

Yes, why did he come here?

From what he remembered he had planned to see her only after taking his revenge and that also only when he could come back alive.

Then how come he was lurking here?

He himself had no idea what he was doing here.

He only knew that he couldn't control himself from coming here.

Under Jiang Ying Yue's suspicious gaze the man felt that he had to say something, " No. I am not here to pay."

His voice was a bit hoarse, deep and husky full of charm and fatal to the ears.

Jiang Ying Yue felt her maiden heart beating fast and cursed inwardly reminding herself of her purpose.

'This man is a debtor I am the creditor. How can there be this kind of relationship? So....'

She should first get him to pay and clear the dues and later she could think about it.....

" Master, you are too lustful." Abhram who had been secretly peeking at her thoughts whispered.

And Jiang Ying Yue managed to catch it at once and her slightly flushing face turned black.

She was freaking furious!

This damned brat was peeking into her mind again!

This brat had to be taught a lesson!

The little boy had no idea that because of his disobedient mouth he was going to cry soon and was busy pouting and whispering a few more words secretly fuelling his master's rage.

However, no matter how furious Jiang Ying Yue was she couldn't beat that brat at the moment so she directed all her anger toward the man, " Not paying....then what if I ask you to pay?"

With that, she held the dagger and gestured like a rogue, " Pay up! Hurry up! Take out the interest as well!"

But the man stared at her blankly looking somewhat lost again.

His mind hovered across only one thought.

Was she asking for money? Then....what about him? What was he going to do after taking revenge?

His dull eyes looked desolate and lonely.