
"YOU BASTARD...I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" came an alarming shrill cry as a figure of a man was seen flashing before their eyes.

The crowd gasped. The Tian Shan and Yuan Fang who stood in the front were about to rush over when they saw the ugly man was going for the boy.

A sense of urgency hit them, especially when they saw the man releasing his spiritual Qi.

Green-colored spiritual Qi burst forth. Though the Qi that burst forth wasn't too dense it wasn't too sparse either. Which told them that the ugly man was a Martial Green cultivator of the intermediate stage.

This was a deadly situation!

In this land, Martial Violet was the highest rank they could achieve in cultivation. It was the highest achievement for a cultivator and may take decades of hard training and cultivation. Yet after going through all that there was no guarantee that one could manage to achieve such cultivation.

.....Unless one was extremely talented and had tons of resources to aid in his cultivation.

And that was exactly where most were beaten by an entity called fate. One couldn't choose how they would be born nor could they have any option regarding the place.

So, those who were born talented but lacked resources could only lay at the bottom strata of society unless they were persistent, determined, and above all ambitious.

As for those who had the blessing of the heavens and were born into big and prestigious families with hundreds of years of heritage, even when they lacked talent with countless resources that their families provided them they won't be doing so badly.

However, for those who lacked both this world was a hell hole where they could sink deeper to live in the shadows of the powerful cultivators.

So, in conclusion, cultivation was a game that required both 'luck' and 'talent'.

....And this man here seemed to have that very 'talent'.

No wonder he was so arrogant and conceited.

The man looked to be in his thirties at most. At this age he was already a Martial Green rank Intermediate stage cultivator it was not an easy feat, to be honest.

It was said Martial Violet was the highest stage of cultivation but it was very rare for people to achieve it. And those who had done could be counted on one hand. They were rare as spiritual herbs and most of them belonged to The Four domains of the mainland. In the six kingdoms, this kind of people with such terrifying cultivation was none.

It had to be said that even Old general Jiang attained his Martial Blue Initial rank when he was almost seventy which caused a small wave of shock in the whole capital. It was a spectacular sight.

This man here was only half his age, and yet he was already able to achieve such cultivation. He was indeed these people's eyes.

However, not all people thought this way.

And the first one to disagree and comment on this was none other than little Abhram. He was the Guardian spirit of a chaos world and wandered around in search of a master. So, there was no doubt he had seen the world more than anyone else here.

Thus, according to him, it was only right for him to comment on this and show some of his displeasure at their short-sighted minds.

" Hmph! Just master will show you what is called talent!.... master show him what you are made of!"

Jiang Ying Yue just stood there motionless while this talkative toddler was jumping with excitement.

And how could he not?...

It was time for him to see his master fight a real fight.

Yes, a real fight that was what he called it because all the fights before that Jiang Ying Yue had fought were all child's play in both of their eyes.

A small chilling smile crept over Jiang Ying Yue's scarlet lips as a glint flashed past her eyes. She was just waiting for the right moment.

She didn't flinch nor did she get intimated by his shrill cry and powerful aura. She just stood there with her back straight, there was no sign of fear within her.

" DIE...YOU BASTARD!!" The man threw a punch and the strong spiritual Qi that flowed through the punch created waves in the air forcing a few people standing nearby a few steps back.

So powerful!....

Yet....that thin willowy figure stood tall and straight in the same place. Jiang Ying Yue's pure white robes fluttered in the wind wildly yet she stood there staring deeply at the man.

Her eyes and smile which were full of mirth served as an outright provocation to man fueling his rage further.

" Xiao You!....get behind us!" Tian Shan and Yuan Fang rushed in and stood before Jiang Ying Yue shielding her from the berserk man. With the wind blowing wildly and in midst of a cloud of dust they rushed in without any care or concern for themselves. They looked disheveled their long hairs dancing wildly and going astray in the wind. Yet, it didn't concern them....what concerned them at the moment was only the boy's safety.

They were so frantic and flustered that they didn't even realize what had happened.

Jiang Ying Yue's face which always held a relaxed smile cracked for a moment and she stared at the duo dumbly. should she describe it?.... It was as if land that had suffered long years of drought had finally ushered in a light shower of rain. It was so light that it was barely enough to quench its years of thirst and revive it back..... yet somehow it was so comforting.

This was what Jiang Ying Yue was feeling right now.

She was a bit touched.

That was how humans were. A sincere heart and a bit of kindness were enough to touch them. There was no need for flashy promises and flashy presents.

.....And if some people take this kindness for granted just ignore them they aren't supposed to be called human. Just think of them as different species.

Jiang Ying Yue wanted to ask why would they do that she was just a stranger who happened to walk on the same road as them.

However, the situation at hand didn't permit her to do any idle talking.

Jiang Ying Yue pushed the duo on either side when she saw the oncoming attack.

The ugly man was going berserk like a mad bull rushing headfirst to collide with the opponent.

The crowd was in suspense: waiting for.....

As the man threw another powerful punch packed with dense spirituality Qi Jiang Ying Yue finally took action. Dense spiritual Qi burst forth at once covering her surrounding; forming a kind of protective hallow of bright yellow, bright as the sun.

There was another round of gasping.

They rubbed their eyes again and again unwilling to believe what they saw.

Tian Shan and Yuan Fang who were pushed to the side were also dumbfounded.

Tian Lan and the other three girls donned even more funny looks. Their mouth and eyes were open wide as they could.

This...this tiny boy was a Martial Yellow Advanced stage cultivator.

Heavens! Was the world coming to end?!

Some found it astonishing while some found it unfair.

Innumerable thoughts were going through these people's minds as Abhram gave an evil smirk.

He was smug and proud of his master.

Just wait!...with his master's cultivation speed and their treasure, it would only take a decade or two to show these fools of the three continents what is called Genius.