Psychopathic Killer

Jiang Ying Yue's fist collided head-on with the opponent's fist that bore terrifying and wildly-surging spiritual Qi.

The two fists collided with a bang and rebounded immediately forcing the two too take a few steps back. The collision caused the air surrounding them to shift wildly in form of waves outwards. Dust and wind with the remnant of the two kinds of spiritual Qi covered the surroundings as a veil of mists.

It was a terrifying yet awe-inspiring scene in the eyes of those cultivators.

How powerful!

When the mists subsided slowly they saw the two still standing at the center, looking unharmed and unbothered by the dust and wind.

Everyone was shocked at this discovery.

How old was this little boy?....

Thirteen...or maybe fourteen?

How on the earth was he able to achieve such a feat at this age?!

This was shocking as well as infuriating!!..

Tian Shan, Yuan Fang, Tian Lan, and all were gaping, unable to digest the shock.

Now that they gave it thought, they suddenly realized what had been missing.....

In the past week, they fought many small battles along the way, not to mention all the looting and all. They were so immersed in their small victories and pondering over the kind of brain the little boy had that they missed this important detail.

....That crafty brat, who won all the fights effortlessly had never actually fought seriously because they had never seen him revealing his cultivation. He always fought with nothing other than his sheer physical strength. Yet, he was nimble, agile, and neat. His moves were so out of this world that they couldn't but marvel while trying to understand them. They were so immersed in all this that they missed the most important detail.

They were such a fool!!

Jiang Ying Yue had indeed fought only using her physical strength throughout their journey and it was mostly because she wanted to train her long ill and bed-ridden body. However, there was also one other reason for her doing this, which was to hide her monstrous cultivation speed.

When Jiang Ying Yue left the Capital she had only been a Martial Yellow Initial stage cultivator, and now look!...

Wasn't it scary?!

Won't people find her abnormal if they found out this?!

And she looked so young dressed as a boy.

There was no doubt they would turn suspicious of her and there were even high chances of chasing after her to find what kind of treasure she held. It would cause her an endless stream of troubles which she hated most. So, she just hid it as much as possible.

Furthermore, she needed to level up her cultivation if she wanted to return alive and well from that dangerous forest. So, she often sneaked into the Brahma world when everyone rested at night and spent a couple of cultivating there. As the time flow was different in the chaos world and with the abundant spiritual energy it didn't take a lot of effort to climb up two levels.

Now she was almost at the edge of the Martial Yellow Advanced stage, ready to break into Martial Green rank at any moment.

To others, this achievement of hers would be frightening. They would feel ill at ease if they knew this. And was there any lack of malicious people in the world?...

One could easily guess what could happen after this news got out. The incident with the previous Jiang Ying Yue wasn't the case. The tournament wasn't as simple as it seemed. There were many forces behind it other than the royal family. It's just that their power was too great that nobody dared to mention them.

Jiang Ying Mei, Qiu, and Niu were also stunned at first but they were able to easily digest this shock for they already knew she was a genius. And thought it was only reasonable. They accepted it quite readily without any doubts or questions. What worried now them was this battle.

However, that was not the case for all. Wei was the one who was the most shocked among all these people. He was not like these people. He had higher cultivation than all of them here, and also he had known Jiang Ying Yue for a while, earlier than most of these people which of course excluded her family.

He had subconsciously happened to gauge her cultivation when before they set out from the Capital when he came in contact with her while running her errands. It was easy as breathing for him to tell that Jiang Ying Yue was at her Initial stage of Martial Yellow rank. But now he was shocked to see her skip two levels in a week and that was also when he had hardly seen her working on her cultivation. All that he had seen her do was fumbling with different herbs whenever she got the chance.

How was she so outstanding?!..

And now there was she was fighting a man who was stronger than her by a whole two levels, yet she looked unperturbed.

He had never seen someone like her before. She was so unique in every possible way she could be. She was such a miracle and...he must protect her well.

Wei's eyes were deep as he paid close station to this fight.

On the other side, Although the ugly man was shocked at the opponent's competence it didn't put him off. After all, his cultivation was two whole levels higher than that of his opponent's. Still...he wasn't the reckless kind; this time he took out his weapon.

Now, he would see how if this brat remained nonchalant.

He produced his weapon from his space ring. It was a sharp, wide-edge broad sword. It glinted coldly whenever rays of sunlight fell upon it. This sword held a chilling and terrifying aura about it as if it had bathed and drank the blood of countless men since it was forged.

....And even now it was asking for more. Its lust for blood seemed unending.

Jiang Ying Yue looked at the man coldly. She was right, this man was a psychopath killer, who only knew how to kill. He mustn't have even spared innocent people to quench his cruel heart.

"What?.... Are you scared?" The man gave crazy laughter as he continued, " This is Blood-devourer, my spirit weapon. As its name suggests it likes devouring people's blood, especially~ the fresh blood of sissy boys... like you...Hahaha."

His laughter was maniacal, stripping away all his disguises and revealing the monster he was.

He was a psychopathic killer.

Jiang Ying Yue had been right about him. He liked killing people just to satisfy his bloodlust and prove that he was capable. He was capable of destroying them all just with the flick of his finger, and all they could do was cry and beg for his mercy.

This 'they' he was referring to was obviously those people with good-looking faces.

They deserved to die! They were all shameless!...

They were the kind of people who snatched away other people's wives shamelessly, breaking their homes. They had no morals.

His eyes turned red as he remembered those painful and humiliating memories.