End OF Fan Chang

The man had his eyes opened wide. He was trying to understand what struck him with his last remaining consciousness.

He could feel his life force slowly leaving his body. He knew this time he wouldn't be getting up again.

.....But, still, he wanted to understand what happened.

How did he end up losing?

....When he was so close...so close to winning and killing that bastard who stole his wife.

He felt a piercing pain in his throat and even breathing felt like a laborious task to him. Blood trickled down from the corner of his mouth. With his trembling hand, he groped about his throat and found a very thin object like a needle pierced into it. So, this small object was the cause of his doom.

How laughable!...

This was too cruel!

This world was too cruel!

What did he do to come to this?!

Jiang Ying Yue saw all the flickering emotions in his eyes. There was anger, hatred, sadness, unwillingness, and even some helplessness, yet there was no regret, no guilt. Not a drop of it.

So, this scoundrel was now playing the victim. Hmph!!

As if being under some spell, Jiang Ying Yue subconsciously started murmuring something. Her voice was soft yet it was clear and audible.

As if recounting an incident she had seen or a tale she had heard somewhere Jiang Ying Yue began.

"Huang LiQiu, a pretty and sweet girl. She was gentle by genre and very soft-spoken. She was also very kind even to those who you people shunned and called waste. Such a sweet girl was obviously treasured by many. Many fell for her sweet smile which was sweet as honey and you, Fan Chang were also among them. "

"However, her heart only beat for one and this person was her childhood sweetheart, Cao He. "

"Cao He was a handsome lad with a sunny smile and a bright personality. He was good at everything and had a good background. He was a perfect match for Huang LiQiu. Even both of their family agreed to that."

"He loved and treasured Huang LiQiu dearly and Huan LiQiu also reciprocated his feelings. Their love was mutual."

"And soon they were engaged and were ready to the knot."

"However, before their happy wedding, an accident happened."

"Huang LiQiu got kidnapped on her way to the temple. And guess who was the kidnapper?...".

Jiang Ying Yue blinked her mirth-filled eyes at the horrified ugly man or Fan Chang.

" It was you, right?"

"You always considered her as your property when she didn't even know your name or identity. You stalked her like a creep and lusted over her body like a crazy pervert."

"After you kidnapped her you wanted to force yourself on her but she wouldn't let you, she resisted until her fiance broke in with his man and beat you to a pulp."

"Still, you were smug thinking that you had succeeded in your scheme. No one would marry a girl who had ruined her reputation. Even though nothing happened she was still kidnapped. It would leave a stain on her reputation forever. So, in the end, Huang LiQiu would be forced to marry you."

"Your scheme was too deep. However, it was a pity it was not deeper than Cao He's love and care for Huang LiQiu."

"He trapped you and trapped all the news about this incident. He was smart and decisive and his parents were also kind and understanding people. So, Huang LiQiu and Cao He got married on the day they were scheduled to. "

"....While you were trapped in the dungeon. Later you were tortured badly until you yourself couldn't recognize your face and were thrown into the wilderness to feed the wild beast."

"But you turned out to be tougher than they had thought. You managed to escape that forest and ran away as far as possible, never daring to show them your face. You were scared that the next time they saw they wouldn't let you live."

"You coward! You pervert! She was never your yet you call her your woman. You tormented so many innocent people just to vent your unreasonable and ridiculous grievance. How dare you even call it a grievance when you were the only one who did all the wrongs!" Jiang Ying Yue was roaring, at last, her anger rocketed and shot out of the roof. It was unlike her usual self even when she got extremely angry you would only see her giving an enchanting yet chilling smile.

This was something new to behold.

Abhram also realized something seemed to be wrong with his master. He shouted frantically, " Master!! Master!! Wake up!!"

Yes...he was urging her to wake up because Jiang Ying Yue wasn't completely awake.

Her eyes were misty as if covered in a thin veil of fog.

She was in a state where her consciousness was hovering between dream and reality. She couldn't tell the difference.

However, she had a pressing feeling that her dread wasn't just a dream. It seemed to be fragments of someone's past.

And this someone was...

Jiang Ying Yue was jolted and woken by Abhram's yelling and blinked her eyes.

It's gone.

Then she looked at the man who was looking at her like he was looking at a ghost. He didn't even look that scared when she killed him.

"You...." He struggled to speak with the last ounce of strength he had left in his body as if he wanted to ask how did she know all this, however, his remaining words faded into a whisper with his last breath.

After his death, silence prevailed on the street. The crowd was shocked beyond belief.

Everything that happened today was too shocking.

They couldn't decide what shocked them most. Their heart was pounding hard inside their chest.

Their first shock came on encountering such a young talented boy, their second shock was obviously the fight and spirit weapon and after that when they were almost sure about the result and even looking to place a bet, everything turned upside down.

The man who was supposed to win was killed so easily by the boy who in every way was supposed to lose. This was terrifying and overwhelming.

And what was even more overwhelming was hearing such a shocking backstory of this man from the boy. But this wasn't the end.

There was more to come...

What about the killing policy of Lan Quan?

This boy broke this rule which had existed for...God knows how long.

Was he going to be judged?

So, they had more drama coming their way.