Wei's Most Treasured Porcelain

All were talking noisily about what was about to befall the poor boy.

However, Jiang Ying Yue could only hear a humming noise. Her face was growing increasingly pale. Her world seemed to be spinning. She could even see countless stars

blinking at her.

Her thin body was swaying in the air looking as if any strong gust of wind would blow her far away with it.

Wei bolted over when he saw her steps faltering and carried her gently in a bridal carry.

He seemed to be in haste yet his movements were extremely gentle and careful as if he was handling his most treasured porcelain.

Being surrounded by Wei's fragrance that reminded her of mint, Jiang Ying Yue slowly let herself slip into unconscious feeling reassured and grateful for bringing along this 'dead man' with her.

He would clean all her mess. She needed a long sleep.

Jiang Ying Yue's sister, her maids, and all her companions rushed over and followed behind Wei who had already bolted towards their inn without further delay.

Wei had a feeling that they would be too late if there was any more delay in treating her wound. Now he regretted listening to her. He should have just killed that scum on the spot. If he would have done that her injury wouldn't have aggravated so much. She was losing so much blood that her face had turned ghastly pale.

That sword was named rightly. It was indeed a blood devourer. It was as if all of Jiang Ying Yue's blood was sucked out of the wound, she had been pressing on it during the duel and this whole time but it seemed to be completely useless. The blood kept flowing from her wound like water flowed from the broken dam of river. It seemed unstoppable.

Crimson fresh blood dyed Jiang Ying Yue's white robe and the red patch that was only covering her shoulder was growing rapidly. Her neat white robe was now turning into bright red.

Wei's strikingly handsome face which always held an indifferent look finally seemed to show a few lines of worry and nervousness which he himself seemed to be unaware of. It was there yet it seemed hardly noticeable. And if it was no one would have paid any attention.

Now everyone's concern was only hovering about Jiang Ying Yue.

Xiao Tingfei and Bai Ya were also standing among the crowd and taking in everything. Moreover, they seemed to be unusually quiet.

Nevertheless, these two were none of Wei's nor any of Jiang Ying Yue's companions' concerns.

To hell with Xiao Tingfei and to he'll with his scheme!

Bai Ya was still staring at their back, there seemed to be some unwillingness in her eyes.

" Was that boy speaking the truth..hmm, that man really is useless?" Bai Ya whispered to her guard who was standing beside her.

Bai Ya had her doubts and she was right to have them.

Wei had a such bearing. He was noble just like an Immortal God aloof from all goings in the mortal realm. Proud and indifferent that's the impression he gave anyone who saw him. So, how could such a man be useless?

" Answering to master, yes he was speaking the truth. Despite his bearing, he didn't have a shred of spiritual energy in his body. There was no spiritual aura around him." The guard answered her in a solemn voice.

When the cultivator reached a certain level it was easy for them to gauge anyone's cultivation just by perceiving their Spiritual aura, unless they encountered someone who had cultivation higher than theirs.

Since this man himself was a cultivator of Martial Violet rank he thought his judgment was right and he didn't give it further thought.

What he didn't know was that a cultivator who had high enough cultivation could easily conceal their aura if they wanted. And Wei just did that, otherwise with his high cultivation wherever he went on this continent his aura would force everyone to kneel and cause them to suffocate.

With this answer the last glimmer of infatuation that lingered within Bai Ya's eyes extinguished. The man was not worthy of her.

Xiao Tingfei saw all this from the corner of his eyes and felt his heart was aching. He loved that woman so much that he even schemed to break off his engagement with Jiang Ying Yue but this woman turned out to be heartless. She did this so openly, trampling all over his heart and dignity.

Xiao Tingfei stormed off to the inn without waiting for Bai Ya with his people.


"Hey, open the door! My si....my brother needs me! Open the door! Wuwu...open..."


Jiang Ying Mei was frantically knocking on the door that was shut tight. She was sobbing as she kept urging Wei to open the door.

Everyone stood outside the door not knowing what to do.

At last, it was Tian Lan who went to comfort sobbing Jiang Ying Mei, " Xiao Min, don't cry your brother will be all right. Wei is treating his wound, so don't worry. We'll see him soon."

Tian Lan patted her trembling shoulder. Tian Shan also came forward and told her nothing would happen Wei was now treating her would so they must wait outside.

Jiang Ying Mei finally calmed down and obediently waited outside with the others.

The only ones who knew what was wrong were Qiu and Niu.

Jiang Ying Yue was a girl but dressed as a boy these people thought him of as a boy. So, nothing seemed to be wrong with Wei treating their master's wounds to these people. Only they knew what was going on but they dared not speak because they felt that the most important thing right now was saving their master.

They could think about these matters later. Furthermore, even they Wei treated their master's injury who would know?

They were so far away and nobody recognized them.

On the other side, inside the room, Wei gently laid the girl on the soft bed. After which he took out three red colored pills and fed her. The pill melted into her mouth as soon as it was placed on her tongue. The color seemed to return on her pale face after consuming these pills.

These pills were Blood Replenishing pills, the same type of pill that Jiang Ying Yue had fed Wei when he was wounded at that time. The only difference was that this pill was Superior Grade. The one Jiang Ying Yue fed him was Common Grade and it cost her father a lot to get that. So, one could guess how priceless Wei's pills were yet the man fed those precious pills to Jiang Ying Yue like candies.

If Jiang Ying Yue was awake she would be very pleased knowing that the pill she fed him came back to her only in more quantity and upgraded form. After all, she had spent days crying over the expensive pills that she gave away for nothing. It was only later she let the matter slide when Wei returned the money with the added interest to her.

.....Perhaps, she would have also realized how much this cold and indifferent man treasured her.