Despicable Existence

After feeding Jiang Ying Yue the pills Wei didn't bother wasting any further moments and tore off Jiang Ying Yue's blood-stained robes with a soft tug of his hands.

Layer after layer all her clothes were removed that were coming on the way of treating her wounds.

As his hands worked nimbly and steadily to remove those layers Wei didn't pause or flinch. His face looked indifferent as ever and there wasn't even a flicker in his gaze. He was just like an immortal from the heavens who gave up on his emotions and desires that belonged to the mundane world.

He didn't look anxious nor did he look embarrassed or excited at the sight of the beautiful snow-white swan-like neck and shoulders that were starting to reveal themselves.

He looked wooden and emotionless from beginning to end as if he had never known what feelings were, what temptations were.

When that indifferent and cold immortal-like-man finally paused Jiang Ying Yue's clothes that covered her upper body were all taken off only leaving the layers of long white clothing that were tightly wounded around her chest covering her feminine charm from the outside world.

The upper half of it was already covered in blood, turning the snow-white fabric into the red of sunset and emphasizing the beauty of the lady who lay there with her eyes closed. That blood-dyed piece of clothing painted a stark contrast to Jiang Ying Yue's snowy skin making her beauty stand out beyond any words.

Nevertheless, as indifferent as Wei was he didn't even glance at that place where spring lay undisturbed in its deep winter sleep. His unchanging gaze was solely focused on the ghastly-looking wound just above Jiang Ying Yue's chest, on her right shoulder that kept bleeding like an ever-flowing stream.

After taking a brief glimpse of the wound Wei's hands started working again. He took out things that he needed to treat the wound from his space ring and started working on it.

While Wei was treating Jiang Ying Yue's wound Abhram gawked at them with his mouth opened in the shape of a big 'O' wondering if his master would beat him and Wei to death after waking up and realizing that she had been taken advantage of in her unconscious state.

But, what could he do?

Poor him couldn't step out nor could he bring her casually here in the Brahma space. And even if did he would only get beaten.

After all, his master hated trouble and if she disappeared all of sudden into thin air it would stir a huge uproar, then when she woke up she would be spending all her time cleaning up this unnecessary mess. He knew his master would be absolutely against it.

That was why he hadn't even thought of bringing his master inside even after seeing her bleed so heavily. The water from the Moon spring could have helped her stop her bleeding easily but he dare not. He just waited by the side waiting for Wei to treat his master's injury.

His master had prepared a special ointment that contained water from the Moon spring. Although she had only used a very little quantity it was enough to make a good ointment. The ointment was very effective, the spring water seemed to bring up the healing properties of the herbs in the ointment to maximum level. The wound that would take a week to heal would be healed in three days. To others, it was a miraculous creation.

On the way, even Tian's brother and sister and others had inquired about this ointment, especially Tian Lan, who studied alchemy, was amazed by its healing effect. They were all very curious about where Jiang Ying Yue had bought such a miraculous ointment, they wanted to buy one too. So, Jiang Ying Yue knew their intention she stuffed them each with a bottle of ointment, and even Wei was included.

It had to be said she was quite generous and her generosity finally paid her back at this moment. Jiang Ying Yue's life was saved but.... her singlehood was gone after this.

" Sigh....master, it looks like your happy event is settled. You can't blame me, I can't help you with this." Although he was sighing and lamenting for his master his crafty gaze never left the man. There seemed to be countless schemes brewing within them that only he had the knowledge of. All though he still looked adorable as ever his bright innocent eyes looked completely different. His usual innocent eyes now seemed to hold the wisdom of an immortal sage who had seen all the changes in the world, witnessed all kinds of grief and joy, and seen both greatness and follies of humans.

Wei, who was cleaning the wound paused for a moment feeling as if someone was staring at him, and looked up staring straight at the girl who was lying unconscious with her eyes closed.

His movement was so sudden and fast that his deep gaze collided with Abhram's catching the boy off guard.

Abhram was shocked as his face held pure disbelief. He stared back at the man trying to see if was mistaken.

How could this man tell he was staring at him?!

How could this man even feel his gaze upon him when he had been hiding inside his chaos space which shielded his presence?

If Wei could really do that then he was a scary existence.

Was it alright to keep him?

Abhram had many thoughts going inside his mind as his eyes stared at Wei with utmost scrutiny.

Wei's face was still indifferent and his gaze still ripple less yet many thoughts seemed to be passing through beneath them. His gaze was dark and cold, darkest and coldest as they could be. So cold that it gave Abhram a shudder, he shrank his little neck involuntarily.

Shortly after this distant confrontation, Abhram retracted his gaze, still shuddering slightly. However, it didn't stop him from trying to see from the corner of his eyes how Wei would respond after this.

Sure enough, Abhram saw Wei lowering his head not long after he retracted his gaze.

This...this man was terrifying!!

This time Abhram didn't dare to peep secretly at him anymore. If this man was this dangerous and had some evil intentions then his master would fall in danger after his discovery. Therefore, it was best to hide and be cautious until his master grew stronger.

On another side, Wei was busy treating the wound, after that glance, he didn't give it further thought. He was cleaning the wound as well as Jiang Ying Yue's blood-stained arms and shoulders. His movement was steady yet it held an undeniable gentleness. He wiped the blood stains off and cleaned the wound with alcohol and began applying ointment before bandaging it.

All this while, his gaze, and actions remained pure and unsullied, not holding any desire or thirst.

After bandaging the wound he looked at the face of the sleeping girl, reaching out to touch her cheek which was beginning to show some color. He gently caressed her soft skin as if fearing to disturb the girl's sleep and whispered softly, " I know I can't feel it...but now that I've seen you I must bear this responsibility...just like I promised last time." For some reason the man looked so lonely and miserable as he continued, "...I...I know it's unfair to you, I know I don't deserve it and it is my own selfishness trying to push myself onto you in the name of responsibility. I am a despicable existence. But....can you give me chance and wait for me. I can finally see some hope for myself and I--"

Before he could finish what he was saying Wei heard a huge commotion outside the room.