An Unbreakable Promise

The shouts and yells soon attracted the attention of the other party.

Jiang Ying Yue just raised her brow slightly and glanced at them nonchalantly while Wei continued maintaining his expressionless face.

No one could tell what these two were thinking.

" Your desire for death is just too great I guess," Tian Shan sneered condescendingly as his gaze grew colder, however, he didn't order his people to take immediate action as if wanting to see what more the guy had to say.

" Isn't it just because you used some money to hire a few mercenaries you are strutting around boasting your might?!... Without them you are nothing, you are just a son of bitch, a dog who's all bark and no bite!"

Since he was going to die Gao Peng felt that he might as go all out and make the party unhappy.

Even though, he knew his end was near he was unwilling to give up and wanted to continue.

" And YOU, Xiang QingLing, you whore! Who doesn't know--Aaah!...." His scolding was suddenly interrupted by his sudden heart-wrenching scream.

And what followed after this scream was a long and deathly silence...

Gap Peng slumped on the ground limply as endless fresh blood gushed out of his throat and chest.

Those who were standing beside him immediately retreated a few steps back in horror while their faces couldn't be paler.

As he lay there taking his last breath endless regret and unwillingness surged in Gao Peng's heart. His vision was gradually going blurry while the light of the world was getting farther and farther away from him, slipping away from his hand like a handful of sand.

No one spoke a word.

Jiang Ying Yue's expression didn't change a bit as she just glanced at this scene casually, her gaze slowly shifting to Tian Shan and Yuan Fang, whose gazes were still frosty.

Even in the world where she came from, there was countless killing and deaths despite being ruled by law. So, there was nothing to be surprised about it, especially in this world where society was entirely dominated by nothing but brute force.

What was law?!....

As long as you are strong, you are the law!

A strange light suddenly flashed in Jiang Ying Yue's lowered eyes which were hidden beneath her long and thick lashes before she lazily shifted her glance.

" You guys..." Her chin pointed towards the opposite direction, " Want to come with us?" Her smile was too bright to ignore.

The people opposite were already horrified beyond words from the previous incident. Now that Jiang Ying Yue mentioned them all of a sudden they only felt an endless chill and despair. Especially, that smile of hers was too beautiful yet frightening. It couldn't help giving the feeling that she was hiding a sharp knife behind her smile.

And once they stepped into her trap, they'd be doomed for life.

They shrank behind like quails intending to run to save their pitiful lives.

The trio also couldn't help but look sideways not knowing what she intended to do.

Jiang Ying Yue instantly saw through their intention and glanced back at Wei, who got her signal.

The other party had just taken a discreet step back when they suddenly found themselves unable to move anymore.

As though their feet had been cast of metal ore, appeared too heavy to lift.

In a state of fluster, they couldn't help glancing down, however, what appeared before their eyes only made their skin crawl and their hearts bleed in despair.

The soil under their feet which had been supporting them all this while had somehow come to life and was moving on its own.

The clump of mud had gathered in the shape of huge and ugly caterpillars gradually crawling up and moving upward their feet. And it didn't long before their whole feet had turned into mud feet, trapped in the walls of soil tightly.

" Do you think it's easy to run?... Hmm?" Jiang Ying Yue smirked nonchalantly before turning her gaze to the trio, " Brother Tian Shan, there's no need to rush. Let's treat your people first."

Her voice was exceptionally calm and unhurried. After all....she was idle and had nothing better to do at the moment!

" Huh?...Yes." Tian Shan was baffled by her change in subject and nodded mechanically.

" Let's treat him first. His condition looks very serious." Jiang Ying Yue pointed at Old Ba after sizing up all the patients present.

" What are waiting for?!... Bring him here!"

Jiang Ying Yue gestured at Little Eight, who was supporting Old Ba, looking slightly dazed.

How the heck, when the heck did this guy turn into a physician?!...

If it was some minor wounds they would have no problem in letting him treat them, but their wounds this time were too severe to play around with. It would be detrimental if they allowed it.

They needed an experienced physician to deal with it immediately.

Little Eight didn't move, he glanced at his master asking for help.

Tian Shan took in his pleading gaze and swallowed before glancing back at the youth, " Xiao You, don't misunderstand. We appreciate your goodwill but their injuries this time are too severe. I am afraid you won't be able to help them. We have to wait until we find a good physician after we return to Lan Quan."

Jiang Ying Yue just nodded slightly, she didn't mind it all. After all, he was concerned about his people. There was nothing to blame him, they had only known each other for a while. It was okay not to place his complete trust in her.

Since he didn't want it, she wouldn't force it. She wasn't meddlesome, to begin with.

It was just a pity...

Jiang Ying Yue didn't think much and just took her step to settle the people Wei had captured for her earlier when someone suddenly called for her.

" Xiao You, I am willing. Can you help me treat my people?" Xiang QingLing's clear voice rang behind her.

A flash of surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes when Jiang Ying Yue heard her request.

Not only her but even Xiang QingLing two companion was shocked by her decision.

Not only them but there were also their guards who were equally shocked hearing her words.

" Sister Xiang, are you sure?" Jiang Ying Yue asked again to make sure.

" Yes, go ahead." Xiang Qing Ling's voice was firm and her eyes didn't waver.

In response, Jiang Ying Yue didn't speak anything but instead smiled faintly.

Her answer was evident.

She didn't know if Xiang Qing Ling was a fool or just too smart.

If it was up to her, then she'd definitely label her as later.

Soon under Xiang Qing Ling's unwavering and oppressive gaze, her guards lined up to get treated by Jiang Ying Yue.

They might be unwilling inward but they didn't dare show it on their faces.

Although their situation wasn't serious as Old Ba their injuries were also quite serious and even showed signs of infection.

" It'll be a bit painful, bear with it for a while." Jiang Ying Yue commented holding a sharp scalpel in her hand. The thin and sharp scalpel glinted coldly under the light sending a shiver through the spine of the guard, who was leaning against a tree root.

He was a big man, who had seen countless storms and had fought countless battles of swords, yet at this moment he couldn't help but want to escape.

How he wished to faint at the moment!

" Don't move! If you move how am I going to treat you?" Jiang Ying Yue frowned at the man, who shivering all over.

" Pfft..."

No one knew who it was, someone suddenly let out stifled laughter.

While the guards of the other two glanced at the man lying sympathetically.

Although their faces expressed nothing of the emotions they felt, their gazes were clearly saying, ' My condolence brother.'

The man wanted to die in that very instant. He wished that the earth could swallow him whole allowing him to escape this embarrassment!

He was already red and irked by the wanted gazes when...

" Don't worry, their turn is coming soon, you can also laugh at that time." Jiang Ying Yue said lightly and gave the man a light pat on his shoulder as if comforting.

However, it wasn't sure whether she was comforting him or scaring the rest.

This tactic really worked and the man finally felt good and let go of his nervousness.

Anyway, he wasn't the only one who'd be going through it, what's there to be scared about?!

Seeing that the man had calmed down Jiang Ying Yue got down to work.

She first disinfected the scalpel and disinfected the wound with alcohol before deftly cleaning and scrapping off the infected area and applying the ointment before covering it with clean gauze.

The wounds, which were deep, she cleaned them before performing a stitch, using common hemostatic herbs or acupuncture to stop the bleeding throughout the operation.

The people couldn't help but gasp when they saw her using a knife and needles in such an innovative way.

And it didn't take long before the man was patched up from top to bottom.

" Sigh..."

The man couldn't help letting out a sigh. Although the process was painful, the pain wasn't to the extent that he couldn't bear it.

Instead after the pain, he felt much better. The puss and infected skin were removed making him feel less painful and lighter.

" Thank you, Young Master You." The man stood up and thanked her gratefully. There was no scepticism in his eyes like before.

" No need, I am doing this for Sister Xiang." In other words, it was Xiang QingLing who owed her a favour.

As smart as Xiang QingLing was, how could she not understand her meaning, " Xiao You, I owe you this one. Please help me treat the rest."

So, after this show, one after one all lined up and came forward to be treated willingly.

Jiang Ying Yue was busy while Wei was assisting her by her side.

Time flew quickly, and all of Xiang Qing Ling's people were treated by Jiang Ying Yue.

And they wouldn't lie, they were feeling much better. They felt that their pain had miraculously reduced by half.

Of course, it was all due to the ointment that Jiang Ying Yue had applied to the wounds that caused them to feel much better. The ointment contained water from Moon Spring which in addition to having a healing effect also boosted the effects of the herbs present in it.

Although Jiang Ying Yue didn't add much, only a few drops, it was enough.

" Xiao You, I apologize for earlier, we're blind to not recognise Mount Tai!" Seeking that she was done handling the last patient Tian Shan scratched his head and apologized.

Not only that but he also dragged Yuan Fang behind him, " This bastard always acts mute when it comes to a situation like this!... Xiao You, don't mind this blockhead. I'll apologise on his behalf. Can you treat our people?"

As he spoke he rudely kicked Yuan Fang.

Regardless of this bickering, Jiang Ying Yue could feel the deep care and bond between them.

A certain emotion bubbled in the depth of her heart and Jiang Ying Yue's throat moved slightly.

" Okay."

" In the future, if you need our help just tell us, and we'll do our best to help you," added Xiang QingLing as a promise.

However, no one had the idea that this promise at this moment would forge an unbreakable bond and make them the strongest allies in the future.