A kind and Nice Person

It took Jiang Ying Yue quite a while to deal with the injuries of the rest.

She was sweating slightly and looked a bit pale, showing some signs of exhaustion.

There were dozen or guards and in addition, they were all riddled with injuries, it took her quite an effort to deal with them.

"Fortunately, he got treated in time, otherwise, even if he hadn't lost his life, his limb would be lost for sure." Jiang Ying Yue commented lightly while her hand moved nimbly, treating Old Ba.

She guessed that these people might have eaten some sort of pills which was why their condition didn't deteriorate much and kept them from crossing the gate of the underworld.

If it was normal times, she was afraid they would have died from just massive bleeding given the sizes and degrees of wounds they had.

Wei, who was standing by her side frowned slightly and took out a handkerchief from somewhere intending to wipe the sweat formed on her forehead and delicate nose.

As his long and slender fingers moved downward, enlarging before her face and pressed the handkerchief on her forehead gently Jiang Ying Yue's body unknowingly stiffened and her hands paused along with her heart and body for a moment.

For a brief moment, Jiang Ying Yue felt that time had frozen and her heart missed a beat.

However, it was only for that moment. Soon after Jiang Ying Yue let go of this feeling, suppressing her beating heart. Her hands resumed what she doing and moved at a natural pace and no one seemed to have noticed her momentary change.

After she was done, the trio was very grateful and thanked her profusely.

These guards were not some ordinary guards. They were the personal guards who had followed them since their childhood. In addition to the relationship of master-servant, they also had a unique bond due to long periods of companionship.

Furthermore, if they were to die now just like that the huge amount of resources pooled in training them would also end up becoming waste.

When it comes to what she deserved Jiang Ying Yue wasn't modest, she readily accepted their gratitude and asked them to take a seat to get treated.

" Huh?..."

" Aren't you also injured?"

" Oh...yes!"

Three hurriedly lined up and waited for their turn patiently.

Jiang Ying Yue had to agree that they were good and competent masters. Although their injuries weren't that serious, choosing to place the well-being of their subordinates above them at a time like this showed their great character and leadership qualities.

For a leader, it was most important to gain the trust and loyalty of their subordinates to get a complete hold of them. It was basic and one of the most important factors that revealed the competence of a great leader.

To hold over your people's minds and hearts completely and make them do your bidding voluntarily.

Sometimes, people had the misconception that only deep fear could bring out complete loyalty in people.

But Jiang Ying Yue didn't think so. Fear could be overcome over time, one could eventually grow out of it and escape it someday. However, it was different when it came to loyalty, which was very part of your conscience and one's belief.

At most, fear could torment a person for a while or might be a couple of years or decades, however, the nagging conscience that kept gnawing on your soul and mind as you take your every breath was just like a slow-acting lethal poison. A belief when broken could crumble one's spiritual world to dust.

The regrets and guilt that followed after that would even torment you on your deathbed until you take your last breath.

A wise leader was adept in employing these two great factors to advantage, using them in appropriate proportion to command his people's utmost loyalty.

" Alright, we are done here!..." Tian Shan stood up and dusted his clothes as he turned to ask Jiang Ying Yue, " Should we get going now?"

It was getting late, if they didn't leave now they had to spend another night in this deep jungle.

" Wait a bit..." Jiang Ying Yue responded lightly, standing up and walking up to the captured people.

Obviously, her words were directed towards the trio.

" I don't have much time to waste, so let's make it simple." Her gaze was sharp and the languid aura about her was gone. She looked exceptionally stern and serious when she got down to business, " You want to get out here, right?... Sure, I'll take you all out...but I have a condition."

With that, she stared piercingly into their eyes and stated the condition, " Without my help today, there's no doubt you'll die here corpseless. Since I'm giving you a second chance to live, you all owe a life, right?... Since that's the case, shouldn't you repay me with something equivalent in exchange?"

The terror in their eyes slowly turned into confusion before it gradually lifted, igniting a faint spark of hope. It was burning gradually, starting to take its shape, however, in the end, it didn't even get the chance to grow before it was doused with a bucket of cold water and extinguished mercilessly.

They plunged back into the abyss of darkness where only fear and despair dominated them, intending to swallow them whole.

They couldn't speak, up to below their noses they were covered in solid walls of mud. They couldn't move, couldn't speak and could only stare at her helplessly.

Jiang Ying Yue looked at their colourful expressions that came and went like passing wind till fear emerged from deep down their pupils like an evil ghost from bloody hell.

A satisfied smile bloomed in her eyes as they crinkled into beautiful crescents, " Don't look at me like that, I am a very kind and nice person."

Her tongue didn't falter a bit as she delivered her sentence very smoothly.

People standing behind also nodded unanimously, their little brother, Xiao You was indeed a kind person!

However, what was she planning to do with these guys?...

Was she really going to help them despite knowing the grudge between them?!

They felt very complicated. They wouldn't lie that they were a bit disappointed.

However, regardless of their disappointment, they didn't plan to do anything. Since she wanted help then so be it. This was just a small matter to them.

" I am not lying." She said softly as if trying to convince them her expression turned stern and serious, " Since, I am giving you a second life just pay me back with your lives. I don't ask for more."

Everyone was speechless.

What sort of kindness was this?!

" From today onwards your lives will solely belong to me! Do you understand my meaning?..."

That meant they would be no different from her slaves from the moment they nodded to her agreement.

" You choose! I'll count to three, if you agree then blink your eyes. And if you--don't--then go to hell!"

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes suddenly turned frigid cold, her change in expression was even faster than flipping pages of a book.

From just her eyes alone, they could tell that if they disagreed she'd kill them in that instant.

" One--"

Even before she could start counting the people blinked frantically.

Since there was hope, why not grab it?!

They could just find a chance to escape later!


Jiang Ying Yue sneered inwardly.

" Wei, let them go." She gestured behind and called for Wei, " Here, help me feed them these pills."

She handed a handful of dark-coloured pills into his hands and pointed her chin at the people in front of them.

Even before the people got the chance to react Wei was already done with his assignment.

When the people realised they hurriedly tried to spit back the pill until they were on the verge of vomiting. However, it was still too late.

" It's useless." Jiang Ying Yue commented lightly.

" What did you feed us?" The edges of their eyes had turned red as they glared at her furiously.

But, the person who had caused this didn't mind a bit and even smiled back lazily.

" Poison." It was a word.

However, the people who heard it felt their world collapsing.

Jiang Ying Yue took in their shock and fear as she continued, " Don't worry as long as you are obedient to me it won't kill you."

The trio who had labelled the youth as a 'kind' soul suddenly felt their judgement wasn't that reliable.

" As long as you have your antidote every month you can live a healthy life but once you dare to defy or betray me, you won't have a good ending. "

Her voice was light she spoke as if she was speaking about some day-to-day matter and not dishing out such terror-striking threats.

Tian Shan suddenly turned even more interested when he heard Jiang Ying Yue's words.

He walked up and asked curiously, " Xiao You, what sort of poison is this?"

" Gut-devouring poison," replied Jiang Ying Yue.

" Gut....devouring..." Tian Shan muttered back.

" Yes, just how the name sounds. Once you don't get the antidote in time you'll experience excruciating pain in your gut for whole three days and nights before ending up dead."

She said lightly as if she was just sharing some common knowledge, however, the people who heard her couldn't help feeling a dull ache in their guts unknowingly.

Just....the sound of it was too terrifying to imagine!

Upon seeing Jiang Ying Yue's this side Tian Shan immediately came to the ultimate conclusion that whether they managed to establish a good relationship with this boy or not, they must never offend him!

" Brother Tian Shan, you guys don't mind me taking them from you, right?" She asked acting as if she were taking this bunch of living people as some common commodity.

The terrified bunch:"....."

What the hell do these guys take them for?!!!

" No, no, do as you deem fit. We don't mind at all!" Tian Shan waved his hand furiously.

He didn't dare!!

After which, her glance landed on the other two standing behind who also hurriedly nodded that they were fine with it.

They didn't dare!

Soon afterwards, Jiang Ying Yue patched up the people despite their furious resistance before standing up to leave.

" Let's go."

The two scouted the road at the front while others followed behind them closely.

" Why do I feel that it's strangely quiet and peaceful today." Tian Shan couldn't help but mutter.

" It's not just your feeling, it's the case." Yuan Fang stated distastefully.

" Ah, Fang, why do you feel that you acting grumpy today?! Did someone harass your mother in your dream?!"

" Harass your sister, harass your whole family! Get lost from here!--"

He suddenly realised he had said something wrong and shut up.

The two bickered as Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help touching her nose secretly.

It looked like their leisure stroll today had scared away all the beasts around here.....

Unknowingly they walked for a long distance and arrived near the edge of the forest in no time.

" Brother Tian Shan, we're here." Jiang Ying Yue stopped in her track suddenly.

" Huh?.. Aren't you coming?"

" No."

" Why?!" The three looked puzzled.

However, Jiang Ying Yue didn't answer directly and just said, " I'll go back later. However, I want to ask for a favour. Can you bring my brother and maids back to Lan Quan?"

With them staying she couldn't help feeling uneasy. It was better for them to return to the city.

"Why?!... It's dangerous here you should come back with us!" They tried to persuade her.

" No, don't worry about me, I have Wei here."

She couldn't leave before completing her task.

The three saw that she looked resolute and dropped the idea of persuading her any longer and agreed to her request of bringing back Jiang Ying Mei to Lan Quan.

" And what about them?" In the end, Tian Shan pointed at the group of people who looked fearful and uncertain.

He didn't speak more but Jiang Ying Yue understood. He was asking whether he should make some arrangements for them, not allowing them to escape before Jiang Ying Yue came back.

" Hmm...let them be. It's fine even if they run."

When the poison acted they themselves would come crawling looking for her.

With that, both sides said goodbye and walked in opposite directions.