Beast Tide

Four days passed in the blink of an eye.

However, the treasure that Jiang Ying Yue had been looking for was nowhere in sight.

After four days of relentless combing the string that bound Jiang Ying Yue's patience had long turned taut, at the edge of snapping.

" Do you want to go back?" asked Wei perceiving that she wasn't enjoying this and looked rather tired.

"...." ' want to go! Obviously, want to go!'

It wasn't she hadn't thought of this, however, this brazen system was completely unreliable, unreliable to the extent it hadn't even mentioned a word about the penalty for not completing her task five days ago.

For five days they had been going around in circles looking for some nameless and formless treasure but the system didn't even let out a peep. It was only when her patience had reached its limit and she was gearing up to ditch this task when..... a sudden alarm went off.

Sigh...Now she couldn't leave or her soul would get obliterated!

"....No, let's stroll around for a few more days," said Jiang Ying Yue a bit sullenly.

Wei glanced down her at and saw that she wasn't looking good and wanted to say something, however, after hesitating for a moment he decided against it.

" Alright, I'll accompany you." He would accompany her however long she wanted to stay and wherever she wanted to go.


Upon hearing his word Jiang Ying You didn't respond anything, looking ahead appearing as if trying to ignore him.

Since that night, it appeared as if nothing had changed yet deep down she knew something had changed.

This feeling was strange, however, it wasn't that unfamiliar to her.

Since, she was a child she had seen how her parents got along and had heard countless times how their love came about, how the tree of their romance bloomed after they met.

Although she hadn't had the chance to fall in love in her past her life, forced fed dog-food had taught her enough in life.

She couldn't be called a veteran but she wasn't a newbie either.

And that was why she was so conflicted!

Heavens, did she have a knack for finding trouble for herself?!

Of all people, she had to fall for this man?!....

'Om Shanti...Amitabha...Jesus, help me....' Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help chanting countless mantras and slogans trying to calm her rapidly beating heart before directing her voice at Abhram, who was following them far behind.

" Abhram, did you find it, can you sense it?"

" No, Master."

" What about Azure?" Jiang Ying Yue asked again, the little girl had disappeared without any trace.

" No, Master."

Jiang Ying Yue's mood grew even more gloomy.

Her silly sister and maids must be worried sick because of her!

Jiang Ying Yue didn't ask anymore and started with her daily chores, killing beasts, collecting cores, and looking for rare herbs.

Just like that another half a day went by and there was still no movement.

At this point, Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help finding this situation funny. It was just like how she had seen some expectant mothers awaiting their upcoming delivery impatiently, however, the babies turned out to be exceptionally stubborn and unwilling to pop out until everyone around turned super anxious.

They had to wait day and night, however, in the end, everything depended on the babies' mood.

Was...this treasure also some sort of baby?....

Jiang Ying Yue mused.

" Do you like beast cores?" asked the man suddenly.

Jiang Ying Yue's train of nonsensical thoughts was interrupted by Wei's sudden question. She was dazed for a moment before she nodded casually, "...Hmm."

Although she didn't like beast cores...she liked money!

It's technically the same thing.

Wei silently noted this in his mind as he followed her closely.

Doom, Doom!

Doom, Doom!

Both suddenly halted in their tracks, alerted by sudden vigorous tremors.

Was this....their Azure?!

This was the first thought that came to Jiang Ying Yue's mind.

However, Wei just squinted his eyes and his movements were too quick.

" Ah!..." Jiang Ying Yue let out a startled yelp when she felt the ground her feet vanishing.

In a flash, Wei picked up Jiang Ying Yue by her waist and jumped up the highest tree within his sight.

When Jiang Ying Yue finally realized what had happened the sight below her not far distance gave her another shock.

Hordes of beasts of all sizes and shapes were rolling on the forest ground resembling infinite tides of a vast ocean.

Waves after waves followed behind stampeding everything that obstructed their way, making their way in their direction.

" This..." Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help turning pale not because she feared death, but because dying this way would be way too torturous.

" Beast tide," Wei said lightly not looking a bit scared or unruffled as his eyes scanned the surroundings.

Then, he turned to Jiang Ying Yue and looked down, staring into her eyes, " Hold on to me tight, alright?... I won't let anything happen to you." His warm palm gently caressed Jiang Ying Yue's pale face as if trying to bring back its warmth and color.

Wei said it lightly, but Jiang Ying Yue could feel his determination and confidence.

" Hmm." Jiang Ying Yue nodded quickly and took initiative to coil her hands around his neck, interlocking the fingers of her both hands and forming a tight knot.

Upon seeing her action Wei glanced at her deeply before picking her up and running in the same direction where the beasts were heading to.

He flew, from this branch to that branch and from this tree to that.

He was incredibly fast!

" Baby Dumpling?!...are you alright?!" Jiang Ying Yue sounded worried.

That pitiful, small guy....did he manage to escape?!...

" Master, don't worry, I am not some weakling. I can manage this bit of trouble." His tone sounded quite nonchalant and smug.

Did it mean that....this guy was calling her a weakling?....

Because in no way this was a...' this bit of trouble for her!

Was she overthinking?...

" Oh, Master, forget about me!... Go and pick up the treasure!!" said Abhram, his voice unusually excited.

" Treasure?!...where?!" Jiang Ying Yue's eyes lit up, not because she found the treasure but because she could finally go home.

And soon Abhram responded from the other side, " Follow the tide, follow the tide!...." He hollered through her mind.

" Huh?...Alright." Jiang Ying Yue was decisive and immediately commanded Wei to continue with his track. Anyway, they were running that way.

And soon they entered the deepest part of the forest, the core of the mountain.

It was the most dangerous part of the mountain and sheltered the beasts of the highest ranks.




Even from afar, they could hear the powerful and furious roars that send forth an ominous feeling.

When the two appeared at the scene they finally saw something incredibly astonishing.

Waves after wave were rushing over and surrounding the caves near the edge of a cliff, appearing like an aggressive army trying to besiege and break into the city.

However, that was not what shocked Jiang Ying Yue. What surprised her was the scene where an enormous Tiger was battling against the rest and defending the cave.

Its roars were furious and full of killing intent as it tore its opponents into shreds mercilessly.

No matter how many came not a single one could get anywhere near its cave.

It looked ferocious to the extreme with bloody claws and fangs.

The two didn't move and stood there watching the scene unfold.



Soon another series of roars rang out in the air.

However, this time the noise came from inside the cave, sounding particularly heart-wrenching and mournful.

The beast outside heard the cries and responded with similar heart-wrenching roars.

Through the roars, Jiang Ying Yue could feel its panic and helplessness as his gaze kept tilting toward the cave while it fought outside.

" Master, the cave!" The little boy exclaimed suddenly.

Abhram didn't say more, but Jiang Ying Yue understood his meaning.

The treasure they were looking for was most probably in the cave!

And...these hordes of ferocious beasts seemed to be here for the very treasure as well!

Jiang Ying Yue sucked in a deep breath.

This was a task she couldn't escape.

So, she could only face it head-on.

" Wei, you stay here and wait for me." Jiang Ying Yue turned to the burn. She shouldn't drag others into her mess. Wei had already repaid what he owed her and had no obligation to ensure her safety further in such circumstances.

Although she often took advantage of people, she wasn't completely conscienceless.

With that, she bolted towards the cave not giving him chance to react.

They were standing behind a small hill near the cave which was shielded by large rocks, so the others couldn't see them.

Jiang Ying Yue took this chance when the great tiger was distracted by the fight and not paying attention and swiftly slipped into the cave.

The interior of the cave was pitch dark. Jiang Ying Yue had to squint her eyes to adjust her vision.

As she proceeded her ears caught some noises. The sound seemed like a weak purring.

Jiang Ying Yue wanted to keep walking and follow the sound into a tunnel when she suddenly felt someone tugging.

After a tug, she felt a large hand enveloping her soft palm and her calm breathing hitched for a moment.

" What are you doing here?! Didn't I tell you to wait outside?!" Whispered, a frown on her face showing visible displeasure.

However, Wei appeared as if he hadn't heard, pursing his lips and not responding. His large and rough palm brushed against Jiang Ying Yue's soft and dainty one, holding her tightly.

This response was enough to imply his thought.

However, to Jiang Ying Yue, who seemed already sensitive to him, this gesture came out with an entirely different meaning.

Her focus was somewhere else.

Annoyed and stunned by the touch, Jiang Ying Yue wanted to scold him for his shamelessness.

Did this guy know what he was doing?!

He was playing with fire....damn fire!

Jiang Ying Yue took another deep breath and lifted her foot and stamped on Wei's, taking the chance to escape from his grip.

She understood that she couldn't stay close to this man, otherwise, someday she'd completely lose her mind.

No, way....her peach blossom was way too blinding!

She couldn't lose her sight and mind because of them!

Jiang Ying Yue quickly ditched the man and walked faster taking the tunnel. As her steps came closer and closer to the end of the dark tunnel, the purring noise that she had heard before grew stronger.

And when they finally arrived at the place Jiang Ying Yue comprehended the situation.

Inside the tunnel, a huge tiger, or precisely a tigress a bit small than the previous one outside the cave, lay limply looking pained and dispirited.

With every breath, it took it let out a soft and weak purr indicating that the beast was struggling with unbearable pain.

As soon as the tigress heard the footstep, it slowly lifted its head and glanced at the intruder weakly, its eyes appearing dim and lifeless showing its lack of energy even to show some vigilance.

" Are you hurt somewhere?" Jiang Ying Yue quickly sat down beside it to asses it's the condition, lifting her hand trying to comfort the beast first, " Don't worry, I won't harm you. You'll be completely fine after I treat you."

Jiang Ying Yue rubbed its meaty and furry head gently.

The tigress seemed to understand her words and moved its head gently moved, trying to feel more of her touch as it moved its limbs to the side to show its bulging tummy.

" You are pregnant?!" Jiang Ying Yue exclaimed looking at the bulge in its stomach finally realizing the reason behind its mouthful cries.

" It's okay, I will help you deliver your baby, just cooperate well with me, alright?" Jiang Ying Yue said gently touching its stomach.

The tigress could feel a lack of hostility and greed from her touch and licked her hand in agreement.

" Alright," Jiang Ying Yue smiled and turned back to order the man, " Wei, get outside, guard the door."

Wei also understood the situation and know that he shouldn't be here. Even though it was a beast it was still a female. However, he was still worried about Jiang Ying Yue.

" Go, go, if I need you I'll just give a yell." Jiang Ying Yue gestured with her hand and shooed.

And in the end, Wei could only agree to it and stood in a place not far from the tunnel.

Just a yell....and he would rush back at a lightning speed to save her!