Personal Feud

" What? Illegitimate daughter?!" This time it was Jiang Ying Yue's turn to be stunned and speechless and Tian Lan was finally satisfied.

" It's ridiculous, right? However, who can we blame? your changes are just too drastic." Tian Lan looked up and pointed at the impeccable face that looked heaven-defying.

Jiang Ying Yue touched her face and took Tian Lan's words as a compliment and hummed softly with a smile of amusement, Besides, what else could she say, she really did forget to take her drastic change in appearance into account causing such a ridiculous misunderstanding.

However, deep in her eyes there was a hint of imperceptible ridicule in her gaze.

This Xiao Jinggou was quite talented!

She had to say that Xiao Jinggou was really too skilled in using public opinion. From the beginning, he had done a lot to discredit her father bit by bit, ruining his years of reputation and merit until he was despised by the whole nation. And even so, Xiao Jinggou still refused to let him off. He was really too cruel.

What sort of enmity did Xiao Jinggou have with her father that he was hell-bent on defaming him even after knowing that he was most likely dead?

It was only them who knew that her father was still alive, did it not mean that Xiao Jinggou's hatred for her father was to the extent that he wouldn't let go of him even if the person was dead and gone?

Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help wondering whether her father's predicament really was the product of a royal power struggle or the result of a personal grudge.

Moreover, it seemed like that old b*stard cared a lot about his face always using hypocritical means to portray the image of a magnanimous and kind monarch in front of the people.

" Heh, you still don't care?!" Looking at her still lukewarm response Tian Lan instantly lost her cool, she had already been furious when she had heard those words, but this lady here who was the object of all rumors and talks didn't seem to care at all, " You know how outrageous the speculations are outside? If not for my strong willpower I'd have knocked those people to the ground until their own mothers couldn't recognize them."

" Alright, alright, I know Sister Lanlan cares about me, here drink some tea." Jiang Ying Yue poured some more tea into Tian Lan's cup and pushed it to her to drink.

Tian Lan was so angry that her chest heaved rapidly, taking a big gulp she patted her chest trying to soothe her heart, and said, " It's good that you know, try to cherish it."

" Yes, yes, I'll definitely cherish you."

Tian Lan rolled her eyes before shifting her gaze and looking curiously in front of her, " What are they doing?" gestured with her chin at the busy guards who were digging the ground ceaselessly.

" Oh, I asked them to dig a pit."

" A pit? For what? To bury people here?" Tian Lan looked at Jiang Ying Yue with great interest seeming looking forward to the girl's evil tendencies.

" You'll know later." Jiang Ying Yue was speechless, did she look that evil and eccentric that she had to bury people in her courtyard?

Jiang Ying Yue didn't say more just sipped her tea quietly pondering her image.

Tian Lan also understood that the former didn't wish to speak more and sensibly stopped, since the other party wished to keep it so mysterious then she would play along, " Ah...alright. By the way, what do you plan to do next?" She still couldn't help feeling unease seeing how calm and quiet Jiang Ying Yue was.

She wasn't worried at all, the whole capital was boiling but she sat there drinking tea like an immovable mountain in her courtyard. Tian Lan really had no words to praise her composure.

" Aren't you worried? We can't go on like this, right? What if that 'old dog' grew some brain and called our bluff? Although he is stupid he had some schemes up his sleeves, there's no way he would let himself be threatened in this manner for long, he would definitely send his people to look high and low for the so-called hidden army you mentioned."

'Old dog' was like the code name they had set for the Emperor without any prior discussion. And everyone tacitly agreed that the name was

" Then let him be." Jiang Ying Yue said feigning a worried look, " And who said I am not worried? Can't you see I am so worried that I am covered all over in cold sweats?"

Tian Lan once again rolled her eyes seeing the former's exaggerated acting, the look in her eyes clearly say, as if I believe your evil.

Although Tian Lan hadn't known her for a long time she understood that this person was very deceiving, the girl may be sweet and harmless on the surface but inside she was busy calculating everyone. And the people wouldn't even know when he got pitted.

She remembered how her brother had repeatedly warned her to be careful when dealing with this person. It was fine helping each other to maintain a good relationship but she shouldn't get too close.

At that time, Tian Lan didn't care much nor did she have the mood to care. Anyway, between a man and a man, how intimate could a relationship be. Although she treated Xiao You as a younger brother there was still the boundary of gender. But who would have thought that brat would give her a shocking surprise, the handsome little brother she had thought her to be was no longer a brother but a tender and beautiful little sister.

Heavens were really playing with her and testing her limit of worldview.

" Sure, you can continue acting." Tian Lan no longer believed her naive and pitiful appearance.

" Sister Lanlan is wise and knows that one shouldn't judge the book by appearance. Don't worry, I am not the complacent type, I never took my opponents lightly." Jiang Ying Yue also knew that Tian Lan really cared about her and she was very patient telling her not to worry about her.

" It's good that you know. And it's not just about Xiao Family, they might be the main culprit in your father's downfall but you cannot ignore the other forces lurking in the shadows." Tian Lan's tone was very solemn she was really worried Jiang Ying Yue and her sister would end up in danger because of negligence.

Although, she didn't think much of whether it was the Xiao family or the Bai family, their entanglements with the mysterious force that might have some connection to the Land Of No Bounds still made her feel uneasy. However, she couldn't say all this directly, she didn't want to entangle Jiang Ying Yue in a complicated situation that might bring her more dangers.

Jiang Ying Yue also vaguely felt that Tian Lan knew something, however, seeing that she had no intention to speak Jiang Ying Yue didn't ask either.

When the duo was chatting the people who were digging the pits were done with their work and came to ask for further instructions.

" Hmm, this is big enough, now go and arrange for a few big bathtubs. Then, arrange them in the west courtyard that was not destroyed."

The guards nodded and left.

While Tian Lan was curious, her curiosity was growing to the extent that she felt like her heart was itching.

Jiang Ying Yue felt like her body was going to burn a few holes from her intent glaring.

" Enough, I made the lunch, you should go and eat! You must be hungry." Jiang Ying Yue shooed the person away.

However, before leaving Tian Lan suddenly remembered something and turned back mid-way.

" Why are you back?"

" Oh, I forgot something. Here..." Tian Lan took a big wooden case and slammed it on the table, " Ah... it's quite heavy!"

" What is it?" Jiang Ying Yue gave a glance before asking.

" Before, my brothers and sister left, they asked me to give it to you. When they were in the Beast Heaven Mountain they hardly had the chance the harvest anything, so after they came back they asked someone to send these things for you. See if you like them?"

Tian Lan lifted the lid of the box and revealed the treasure inside.

They were countless beast cores, many previous and rare herbs, and shiny best quality furs.

Glancing at them Jiang Ying Yue suddenly remembered the time she had joked with Tian Shan to hand over fifty percent of their harvest feeding them with good meals. It was just a joke, however, these people took it seriously. Although she was very poor at that time she could still afford to feed them a few meals.

She really didn't expect this, these frugal-looking people to be so rich.


" The host has yet to unlock the previous bonus package and the additional bonus package. The system reminds the host to unlock them as soon as possible, these packages might contain valuables that can help the host in her day-to-day life."

The system notification rang abruptly as soon as Jiang Ying Yue laid her eyes on those glittering cores. Its tone sounded quite hasty.

Jiang Ying Yue gave a sneer.

After completion of the last task that was rescuing her mother the reward of the task automatically unlocked itself.

It was the huge white castle at the center, it was an enormous library encompassing all sorts of texts and knowledge. Jiang Ying Yue had to agree that it was a priceless treasure with boundless value.

Jiang Ying Yue was very pleased with it, however, the reward pleased her didn't mean that she was pleased with the system as well which kept on deceiving her at every turn and event. So, it had been dragging on for so many days, and she refused to retrieve the bonus package and left the system hanging.

Was she at fault?

No way, it was all System's doing!