Redeeming Bonus Packages

The system was too aggrieved.

" Bonus package? What sort of bonus package is it when I need to use my money to obtain it? Can you be any more deceiving?!"

Jiang Ying Yue's tone wasn't good, after she woke her mind kept wandering to that reality-like dream she had before she left to rescue her mother. There was a feeling that kept telling her something wasn't right then she suddenly remembered the time she killed that serial killer twisted guy called Fan Chang, her memory around that incident seemed to have been completely wiped clean and she only remembered that she had killed Fan Chang and nothing else.

At that time she also found it strange and had even thought of asking Abhram about this but didn't find the chance.

Thus, these thoughts were left to shelve and she didn't find any opportunity after that until this recent incident.

That feeling in both incidents was really very similar, the only difference was that in her last dream, she membered everything. That was why she was so restless, she was really troubled, wanting to seek all these answers. However, this so-called all-knowing system was too slippery and tight-lipped.

After seeing no hope from it Jiang Ying Yue was already prepared to ask Abhram and Azure, however, she soon realized that this shady system was threatening them as well. Knowing this her temper immediately exploded. Henceforth, they began their war torturing each other. However, it was mostly her who won the battle, but Jiang Ying Yue wasn't proud of it because she hadn't gotten the thing she needed.

She was really vexed here this system was adamant about not saying and there her mother had also not informed her anything before leaving. She just left her letter saying that not to listen to any nonsense, that their father was still alive and she was going to rescue him....oh, right, there was also this sentence at the end ' Stretch it until it breaks.'

What to stretch?! What to break?!

She didn't get anything!

Tian Lan saw the twisted look on her as if she was going to murder someone and wisely turned around and fled in haste.

" Oh My, it looks like someone is going to suffer misfortune!" Tian Lan patted her chest looking back after running a distance.

" You want me to unlock bonus packages? Alright, first tell me what's wrong with me, and I'll immediately use these cores to retrieve those packages."

" Host...." The system gave a feeble call in protest.

" Don't you dare give that host!"

" You better hurry up and tell me what is it if you want me to hand you these cores. Aren't you hungry? I bet these top-grade cores must taste very good!" Jiang Ying Yue continued with a knowing look.

" What...what.." The System's stiff voice couldn't help but falter when Jiang Ying Yue exposed its secret.

Seeing this Jiang Ying Yue smile brightly, " What? Did you think that I was a fool? Why would you be so concerned about these cores if you weren't the one using them?"

" Host, I really can't answer your queries but you have to believe me I am it for your own good." The system sighed but neither admitted nor denied her guess instead tried to negotiate, " Dear Host, why don't you try opening one of the packages, I swear on my 'system code' that it would be definitely something the host desire !"

" Really?" Jiang Ying Yue eyes slightly lit up. She knew it was useless quibbling on this matter, the system wouldn't answer her doubts no matter what. Since this was the case, it was better to look for more benefits through this matter.

" Yes, Host, I can guarantee!" The system patted his imaginary chest.

The light in her eyes grew brighter. She had read a few web novels in her past life when she was too tired from work and tried to relax. And that was why she wasn't that shocked when she transmigrated here. However, the world and space she had transmigrated with was really very disappointing. She was too disheartened. Now it looked like she finally had some chance.

" That means that you control the placements of items in those bonus packages?"

" No, no, Host, don't misunderstand, I don't." The system immediately tried to wriggle out of her trap. If it agreed to it, would it have a good ending? No way, absolutely not.

" It's just that everything the space does is based on the Host's requirements and needs. That was why I am so sure of this."

" Hmph!" Jiang Ying Yue let out a scoff and entered the space soon after.

Although she didn't believe it, she could tell that it wasn't lying about the bonus packages when it said that she might get what she needed.

Jiang Ying Yue walked up to the Cultivation pagoda and placed the huge box of beast cores at the center of the pagoda as per the system's instructions.

Jiang Ying Yue glanced down staring at the intricate design drawn on the floor with countless inscriptions.

As soon as the wooden box was placed in the middle engraved inscriptions on the floor lit up in a circle from the edge slowly moving to the center until the whole circle glowed brightly and moved like wheels in a circle then gradually swallowed the box placed in the center.

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes glowed when she saw this.

Soon after the movement halted the wheel spun in reverse and the box that was swallowed in the vortex appeared again.

Jiang Ying Yue walked up to the box and squatted down to look inside.

Inside the large wooden box were another three smaller wooden boxes of identical size. Jiang Ying Yue hurriedly opened them the first one contained the seeds of rapeseed, the second one contained peanuts and the third one potatoes.

Seeing the items inside the box a smile on her lips almost threatened to bloom however Jiang Ying Yue immediately suppressed it.

" Only these?" When bargaining she had to act cool, only then could she get the upper hand.

As expected the system who was gleefully sucking on the energy of the beast cores choked immediately hearing her indifferent tone, " No, Host, you still have another package to unlock." He said somewhat reluctantly, actuality it had enough meal for today and didn't want to take out anything more. However, what could it do when it's master still so discontented?

At this Jiang Ying Yue rolled her eyes, " Just say you aren't full enough, why talk in circles?"


Hearing her the system felt too suffocated and aggrieved, it was clearly the host who wasn't satiated enough, why did it have to bear all the blame instead?

Jiang Ying Yue didn't care about the system's mood and sentiments and hurriedly took out anther batch of unused cores from her space and piled them on the floor, waiting impatiently. Her face seemed cool and expressionless but her quick actions seemed to say otherwise.

Soon the same set mechanism repeated and the bonus package appeared before her. It was a modern oil-press machine.

Jiang Ying Yue was really happy with both of the packages and she could finally put this space into some use.

Although she grown some herbs and vegetables that she had gotten from Elder Mo, it was not much. When she had gotten those saplings she had asked those brats to help her plant them and look after them, however, who know those two fellas turned out to be plant murderers, no it should be plant aborters who couldn't even keep a sapling alive.

Under their destruction hands all the herbs and vegetables stalks and saplings that she had painstaking gathered didn't live long and departed to heaven ways.

Jiang Ying Yue angry and sad but what could she do? With their cute appearance she couldn't even bear to beat, after all it would child-abuse. Hence, she could only warn them with a glare to stay away from her precious plants in the future.

After that she had brought few packets of seeds of common herbs and asked Elder Mo for a few more saplings and planted them personally. But fortunately due to condition of the space growing plants and herbs in the space was very busy, it didn't take her much effort in taking care of them and they were already thriving.

Jiang Ying Yue was in a good mood but she still remembered to clear her doubts, " Tell me, can I only use these beast cores to redeem the bonus packages, can't I use another alternative way?" Although she wasn't a kind soul like Buddha she still found it unacceptable to kill so many beasts to level up her space.

It was too inhumane!

If it was not necessary she really didn't want to kill them. After all, it was a life. She was taking the life she never gave them. It was too cruel and unbecoming for a human.

" Yes, if the host wants she can use spirit stones or anything with high spiritual energy content instead of beast cores to redeem her bonus packages."

This answer seemed to relieve her greatly she smiled faintly and left the space. If she stayed inside for too long she was afraid of alarming the people around her, hence whenever she entered the space lately she didn't stay for long.

Jiang Ying Yue felt tired and decided to go in to take a nap.

The noon soon passed and the evening came when Jiang Ying Yue finally woke up from her nap feeling refreshed.

Qiu who was waiting outside heard the movements inside and came in.

"Has Yu Hai returned?" asked Jiang Ying Yue while putting on her outer robe.

" Yes, Miss, he is just standing outside to report." Replied Qiu while helping her with her clothes.

It didn't take long, after dressing up Jiang Ying Yue walked outside followed by Qiu, and saw Yu Hai standing outside the tent who immediately saluted her when he saw her.

" Master, I have completed the task and brought the people here." He reported.