Determined Tian Lan

The guards were still dumbfounded, disappointed, aggrieved, and puzzled. But they could only suppress their sadness and unwillingness as they stood up staggeringly with their heads bowed and cupped their hands respectfully.

With myriads of emotions surging within them their mood was extremely complicated and they looked despondent. Their hearts were full of bitterness. How dearly they hoped that it was all a dream, a nightmare, however, the greasy sweet-salty taste with a hint of bitterness in their mouths kept them awake.

They knew it was hopeless. In the face of reality, everything was hopeless. They could never escape. From now on they were destined to rot in the lowly ditch with nowhere to go. All struggle was useless.

Although they were unwilling to admit it, there was a trace of subconscious blame in their hearts which stirred their emotions further into a complete mess.

How could they not be resentful when their years of hard work, sweat, and blood were destroyed by someone just like that?

Even though that person was their master, their hearts still couldn't help but resent her a little.

It was natural and Jiang Ying Yue was also aware of this, however, she didn't expose them.

Looking at their despondent selves Jiang Ying Yue suddenly felt a hint of pity for them, after all, in the end, they were just a bunch of half-grown teenagers who had no one to rely on in this world.

They were just homeless orphans who were picked up by her father and trained. In their hopeless life, they were finally given some hope. It could be seen that even though they had to serve someone they dearly cherished this opportunity.

Her maternal instinct was suddenly aroused and her heart couldn't help but soften.

Forget it, just explain it to them!

Jiang Ying Yue smiled with a motherly glow and said, " Don't fret, this is not the end. The medicinal bath you just took is a special prescription that will help you build your foundation for your cultivation. After soaking in it, it's like your whole being is reborn, your whole body will go through remodeling, your bones will grow stronger and lighter and meridians will widen. And all of it just took this single painful bath...oh, and also losing your base cultivation, but I still think it's worth it, don't you think you so?"

Yu Hai and others felt that they had heard everything and understood everything yet why did it seem like they had understood nothing at the end?

No, was more like they understood it but couldn't believe it.

After all, they had never heard of such a magical potion.

Especially that motherly aura around their cool and aloof master baffled them even more.

Were they dreaming?

It must be a dream, otherwise, how come their master was so good-tempered today?!

Looking at their dumb and somewhat disbelieving Jiang Ying Yue's patience was finally at its end, her motherly tenderness that she had displayed a moment was gone.

With a look of impatience, she roared at them, " So, what are you waiting for?! Scram!! Go back and get some rest. From tomorrow on you'll start your special training under my guidance. I'll personally train you and monitor your progress. You brats, you better be prepared to be punished severely if you dare to slack off! Now scram!!"

Her change in expressions was faster than flipping books. Her sudden temper was just too shocking.

Yu Hai and others trembled and ran, for the first behaving like a bunch of teenagers after so many years.

Jiang Ying Yue sighed feeling once again feeling she was getting more softie.


Jiang Ying Yue was just thinking to herself when a fierce wind blew past her, blowing her hair into a mess that almost stabbed into her eyes.

Damn it! Who Was this crazy?!

Blinking her eyes hard Jiang Ying Yue stared at the guy who had a somewhat perverted look in his eyes as he circled the vats.

Slightly emerald green water in the tub had already turned dark and viscous which emitted a foul stench.

So now what was this evildoer up to?!


Jiang Ying Yue wasn't done scolding the person yet another gust of wind blew by once again blowing her hair into a mess, nearly stabbing her eye-sockets.

Damn it! Did these people have some sort of enmity with her eyes?!

Jiang Ying Yue blinked her eyes and looked at the two who seemed to going bonkers over there.

" Yueyue, you are indeed my id...I mean you are indeed great you can come up with such a prescription!" Tian Lan looked at her with starry eyes and requested, " Yueyue, can I try it?"

" Are you sure?" Surprised by her request, asked Jiang Ying Yue, " You saw the price you have to pay, are still willing?"

Tian Lan's playful appearance suddenly disappeared and her eyes suddenly flashed with determination, " Yes, I am willing."

Looking at her delicate face Jiang Ying Yue suddenly realized that the girl looked quite haggard and pale compared to before. Under her playful surface, she seemed to be hiding her weariness.

But Jiang Ying Yue didn't ask her, everyone had their own pride. She would just support her silently if she needed her help.

The two of them had known each other for a while and helped each other in their distress, so now they could really be considered friends. So, as a friend, she would just silently support her friend.

" Alright, I'll prepare it for you." Jiang Ying Yue agreed with a smile and held her hand.

She really didn't know how to comfort people, but holding hands seemed to work.

Tian Lan returned an equally bright smile.

" Let's go, I'll cook lunch."

Wei Mo remained quiet and followed them silently to the kitchen.

Although the effect of the Foundation building potion sounded impressive he wasn't convinced.

He didn't think that its effect was better than their lord's method of training.

Wei Mo also had his bias, his bias was his lord. Even if someone beat him to death he wouldn't agree that Jiang Ying Yue's method was better than his lord.

Just forget about talking!

Although Jiang Ying Yue found the evildoer's silence a bit weird she didn't think much and hurried to prepare lunch.

A few of them came back to help in the kitchen to prepare lunch, and Jiang Ying Yue directed them to make the fire and clean the vegetables.

The merry fire danced on the stove and the huge iron woke soon heated up.

Checking the temperature Jiang Ying Yue poured the oil, then the beaten eggs, and then stirred it with a huge spatula in a continuous loop. After which she poured the cooked rice and added some salt, then continued to stir it until the rice turned fluffy and golden.

That's it, don't ask for more!

Scallion, vinegar, and whatnot she didn't have all those things.

This was the plainest of the plainest of Egg fried rice she had ever had.

Just forget it, just eat, this was also a heaven's blessing, she didn't dare to despise it, after all, who knows some immortal will hear her and she'll end up in an even better place than this.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't dare to think and silently worked in the kitchen.

" Did you see it? now you do the rest." Jiang Ying Yue handed the guard her spatula and walked over to another stove, stepping aside to watch.

Upon seeing that there was no problem, Jiang Ying Yue nodded. This was a talented cook who walked over to another stove to prepare another dish.

Since there were so many mouths to feed it was impossible for her to do all the cooking. If she spent her days cooking for then what was the use of having so many subordinates?

Not only them, but under her guidance, even Qui and Niu had learned some kitchen chores, now at least they knew how to chop vegetables.

The second dish was stir-fried tender and crisp cabbage and reddish. And last was crispy spring potatoes which were her favorite.

Although, they weren't much at least the food quality was better than before. She could finally eat something that a human should eat.

" Sister, it's so delicious!..."

" Hmm, so delicious!..."

" Who would have guessed that these things didn't have a trace of spiritual energy but tasted so good." Wei Mo smacked his mouth and lamented with a look of pity which immediately provoked Jiang Ying Yue.

Don't talk about spiritual, spiritual!

If it hadn't been for this so-called spiritual energy she wouldn't have suffered so much here!

Almost every ordinary fruits and vegetables were extinct, these guys were still busy planting herbs.

Just thinking about it Jiang Ying Yue could hit someone. It was frustrating.

She snatched the potato Wei Mo was reaching out to pick.

" Since eating them is useless, you should eat less and save up more space to eat herbs." After saying that she handed him a bunch of herbs out of nowhere to munch.

Wei Mo: "..."

Could he say that it was unintentional?

Wei Mo's looked glum, he wished that he could sew his mouth. He was regretting it too much.