Strangeness In Her Body

After lunch, Wei Mo was still lingering around with his gorgeous face looking exceptionally miserable and aggrieved like his husband had betrayed him.

Jiang Ying Yue got goosebumps.

In the end, unable to withstand she hurriedly pressed him a bag of roasted peanuts and sent him to continue to stare at people.

Of course, Wei Mo had no complaints. Embracing the big bag of pea-nuts Wei Mo was satisfied and left to carry out the task given obediently.

Although ordinary fruits and vegetables grown inside space couldn't freely absorb spiritual energy as the herbs did, they were still far more delicious and more nutritious than the vegetables and fruits grown outside.

No wonder Wei Mo was so addicted!

Even Jiang Ying Yue who grew up feasting on the best delicacies all over the world couldn't get enough of them.

Perhaps this was the magical effect of magical soil and water.

After chasing the person Jiang Ying Yue went over to see the house.

The construction work was going in full swing. After eating the guards had rested for a while before they started working.

Although Carpenter Zhao had a strange temper he was very meticulous and experienced when he got down to work. Hence, Jiang Ying Yue wasn't worried, after taking a look she went back to practicing alchemy.

Three days passed swiftly. On this day after taking a look at the house Jiang Ying Yue returned to her tent to continue refining pills.

However, with how weird she was there was no way the way she practiced alchemy would follow the normal trend.

And really she never disappointed people!

The realm of alchemy had nine stages. One had to accumulate years of experience and hard work only then could they advance to the next level.

A beginner alchemist who had just started learning alchemy must master all the basics and must have at least three years of experience in addition to being able to refine a First Grade pill to be graded as a Grade-1 alchemist. However, this was all the case when someone was very talented.

If you were talented you could pass it in three years, but in case you weren't it wasn't an uncommon case when people spent six or seven years or even decades before they were successfully able to refine a Low-Grade pill.

And these requirements would only get more stringent as we move up the ladder.

No wonder those old foggies were held in such high regard!

No wonder those guys were so arrogant and contemptuous of others!

Nevertheless, all this had nothing to do with Jiang Ying Yue. She didn't care.

What those arrogant guys had taken decades to achieve Jiang Ying Yue managed to achieve in the span of three days.

Climbing three consecutive levels in three days!

That meant three days ago when she just started fiddling with the alchemy furnace she wasn't even a beginner and now in just mere three days she could already be titled a Grade-3 alchemist.

What sort of operation was she carrying?

This move of hers was enough to shock those alchemists to the core until they started doubting the meaning of their existence.

Abhram and Azure had already seen much, now they were completely numb and speechless.

They finally accepted defeat.

When it came to choosing such a owner they had completely lost to the System.

No wonder the System would scoff at them and scorn them at every turn saying that they were too incompetent and useless and easily got scammed by a white lotus until they lost their judgment.

The duo was too aggrieved but they dared not complain.

They deserved it!

They agreed that their sight was too shallow.

After all, they had seen how amazing the master the System had chosen. Jiang Ying Yue's talent and aptitude were beyond their imagination.

Especially her boundless mental capacity that seemed to expand beyond the horizon put them in awe.

It had to be noted that Jiang Ying Yue had been refining pills continuously for three days in a row and even continuously advancing. But she didn't look tired a bit, she was full of vitality spirit as she trotted back and forth juggling between various duties.

The whole morning she'd spent her time training the YueMei guards, then she head to the construction site, then to the kitchen, then back to the construction site, and return to her tent to spend the rest of the night refining pills.

She barely slept for two or three hours, but her complexion didn't look a bit pale or haggard instead she seemed to be glowing.

They couldn't fathom her strength at all.

What sort of monster was she?!

Jiang Ying Yue didn't care whether people took her as a monster or a devil. She was completely focused on refining pills so that could exchange them for spirit stones or beast cores and get a few more ingredients.

On this day, she was doing the same not caring about how those two little fellas were gawking at her until...


A sharp pain seem to penetrate her brain then as if something within it was breaking. Then it was followed by a kind of grating, not too dull or not too severe, but extremely irritating. Apart from the sharp pain she experienced at the beginning this kind of pain was much bearable but was extremely annoying.

Jiang Ying Yue frowned slightly but didn't stop she was amid pill refining if she stopped now the pills would be ruined.

The herbs were very costly, she didn't want to waste them for nothing. So, she held on but who knew shortly after...


Another spasm of pain more severe than before assaulted her once again as if a tight string within her mind was going to snap at any second. Next moment...


This time she couldn't react in time and somehow her alchemy furnace exploded.

Not only her pills were gone, but even her much-treasured alchemy furnace was gone.

But it was too late!

Jiang Ying Yue reacted a beat later she still managed to escape, but her face and robe still ended up being covered in black soot.

However, she wasn't the only one and fortunately had two little underlings to accompany her to share this fate.

Jiang Ying Yue lay on the ground motionlessly feeling the sudden weariness wash over her in that instant. Her head was throbbing.

Was her body finally reacting?

Jiang Ying Yue wondered.

Jiang Ying Yue wasn't stupid, she had also long realized her strangeness.

When it started she couldn't tell but she could clearly feel the changes in her body. As the days went by these small changes became more apparent.

She was growing stronger both physically and mentally for some unknown reason.

It was very baffling and till now Jiang Ying Yue couldn't figure out the exact reason. But her intuition kept telling her that it had something with the dream she had a month ago before she went to rescue her mother.

Jiang Ying Yue couldn't tell why she had this thought but she very much trusted her gut-feeling.

" Miss, Miss, where are you?!" Qiu rushed over anxiously after hearing the loud noise of explosion.

Although, the explosion wasn't that big it was still big enough to blow up the tent. Everything was in tatters and Qiu couldn't find her lady in sight, she became more panicked.

She was about to run back to call others for help when a person lying on the ground in the far corner raised her hand and called out softly, " Qiu, I am fine, don't call others."

This was a courtyard Jiang Ying Yue had set up especially to practice alchemy, it was bit far and people rarely came here. If there was nothing was urgent no dared disturb her when she was working.

So most probably no one hard the explosion just now.

" What's the matter?" Jiang Ying Yue knew Qiu must have come looking for her for something urgent and asked directly.

Qiu immediately trotted to her side and helped her sit up but glancing at her hesitate whether to say or not.

" Just say it. It's nothing, it's just soot." Jiang Ying Yue gestured at Qiu to continue while dusting the dust and soot on her clothes.

She was not hurt. It was just that she felt tired and her head was hurting.

Seeing her insistence Qiu couldn't not say and finally bit the bullet, " Miss, someone is making trouble at the door."

Jiang Ying Yue just sneered, Oh looks like someone was growing impatient!

Good! Her mood wasn't good today and someone sent her a free punching bag!

Looking at her strange smile Qiu suddenly shivered.

By the time Qiu recovered Jiang Ying Yue had already walked away, going towards the direction of the main entrance.

" Nangong Ruyi! Come out!! This old man is here to avenge his son!"

" Nangong Ruyi! Come out, come out this instant! Stop hiding inside like a quail!"

" Come out this instant, otherwise don't blame this Old man for his ruthlessness!"