Troubled Xiao Jinggou

" So, tell me, Sister Lanlan. Are all those people from those two big sects Buddhists?" Jiang Ying Yue asked in such a casual tone but Tian Lan's back suddenly turned cold.

It also made her realize how naive and ignorant she was when faced with such a situation. Even a little girl like Jiang Ying Yue realized the presence of the dangers that were always lurking around them unnoticed but she remained oblivious to them.

While she remained in a state of ignorance the little girl beside her not only recognized them but also went forward and provoked them effortlessly.

Jiang Ying Yue was a talent, a genius. Tian wholeheartedly believed it.

It suddenly dawned on her why her cousin and senior brother and sister were so worried about her. No wonder when they returned this they didn't dare to bring her along. They said that it wasn't the right time she had to grow up more, she was too weak now and wasn't suitable to return yet.

At that time Tian Lan naively thought that they were only talking about her physical strength but little did she know what they actually meant was her mental fortitude.

The Land of No Bounds was a treacherous place. It was not peaceful and followed an order like the world outside. It strictly depended on the rule of the jungle. If one didn't have enough means they would be eliminated even before the game began.

For them to be able to survive that bloody battlefield and climb to the top they had to be capable enough both physically and mentally.

But Tian Lan lacked in both of these aspects. Among four of them, she had the weakest strength. As for her ability to recognize a scheme and guard against it while thinking of appropriate measures to counter it, Tian Lan didn't have that ability as well. Perhaps they saw that she was the youngest amongst them and sheltered her too much causing her to develop such a naive and carefree personality. They blamed themselves for it but it was already too late to regret.

Now they only hoped that in their absence Tian Lan could shed her nativity and grow up and become strong.

However, contrary to her brother's and senior's impression of her Tian Lan wasn't that naive or ignorant.

Although, she didn't think of this at first, however with just Jiang Ying Yue's reminder she immediately realized the problem without any explanation.

With Jiang Ying Yue's identity, she was bound to clash with the narrow-minded royal family sooner or later. And Bai Ya, as the Crown Princess of the country would also certainly participate in this mix and then if their most beloved daughter was doing something 'dangerous'. How could the Bai family sit quietly and watch?

Obviously, they would also join in the fun.

She didn't know about the Alchemist Association but the Bai Family had been dying to get involved with the matters of these lower regions since ages ago.

She didn't understand what sort of treasures these barren lands of these lower regions were hiding under them that tempted those haughty b*stards so much that they were willing to send their most precious daughter here for marriage.

Tian Lan felt the situation was growing even more complex and she didn't know where it would end.

" But, Yueyue, isn't it too rash for us to act now? That Old coot might not have guessed yet but we know better than anyone else, that we have been playing them all along. And I think it wouldn't take long for that Old Coot to figure out all this....or he might have already guessed it, otherwise he wouldn't have sent his 'precious' son and daughter-in-law to irk us despite your warnings."

Tian Lan had guessed it right.

A lie was a lie in the end. No matter how well it was crafted it was bound to be exposed sooner or later.

Emperor Xiao Jinnggou had his doubts since the beginning but because he was used to being cautious he still sent his people to investigate the forces more thoroughly. But in the end, he still hadn't managed to find which only made his doubts grow deeper.

Raising so many excellent soldiers, all cultivated at that. The Jiang Family must have used a mountain of fortune.

Was the Jiang Family so rich?


Or were they hiding their wealth from the beginning?

....But it didn't seem so.

Xiao tried everything to make his old brain run but he still couldn't figure it out in the end.

He also had his doubts that the forces in Jiang Ying Yue's hand might have nothing to do with the Jiang Family and instead came from someone else, most probably her mother, Nangong Ruyi.

Xiao Jinnggou thought so because of that group of mysterious people who had helped him before.

Even though those people hadn't mentioned any of it Xiao Jinnggou keenly felt it. They said that they were here for revenge and their target was the Jiang family. After that, they refused to say anything.

At that time, he was ecstatic when they said that they'd help him unify the six kingdoms if he helped them in their revenge. However, he was also doubtful about how the Jiang family managed to provoke such powerful entities and also regarding these people's real purpose. He didn't believe that the matter was that simple.

These people were so powerful, if they were really here to exact revenge why would they need his help? Couldn't they do it themselves?

He had many doubts and questions at that time but the temptation was too huge to ignore. Hence, despite his cautious nature Xiao Jnggou only hesitated a little before agreeing to help.

Both parties struck a deal. Xiao Jinggou would help those people deal with Jiang Zemin while those people would help him fulfill his dream of unifying the lower region.

In the beginning, everything was going as per as wish. His lifelong ambition was finally taking its shape and his old 'rival' whom he hated so much was finally getting his deserved ending.

He was very happy and comforted but this happiness didn't last long.

The plan turned out to be a complete flop. Those people abandoned him halfway and disappeared.

His most hated 'rival' was killed in the war cruelly, and as expected he got his sticky ending...but Xiao Jinggou didn't find it comforting either instead it caused him huge trouble.

The War God of the Burning Phoenix was gone and so were his soldiers, now who'd defend the nation?

Because of the sudden war, the equilibrium that had lasted for more than two hundred years was already disrupted. Now the nations were already in chaos.

Xiao Jinggou had a headache every day and Jiang Ying Yue came to add more to them.

He felt that the whole Jiang family was his nemesis. They just couldn't let him be in peace.

He was unable to figure out clearly anything but the time was rushing him.

So he had been trying other means.

He thought that the young Jiang Ying Yue was too immature to know his thoughts when intentionally provoked she would definitely reveal something or show some clues.

However, the damned girl turned out to be a tough one. Her pattern was so unpredictable. She was so overbearing that she directly slapped his 'dragon face in public and held his people hostage in broad daylight.

Xiao Jinggou was now both angry and confused. Was the force behind the canned girl really that formidable that she dared to not only offend the royal family but also go ahead and provoke those two giants?

Was she too stupid and immature or was someone giving her guidance from behind?

Xiao Jinggou thought and thought and thought and kept thinking until he nearly went crazy.

In the end, exasperated, he didn't care anymore and decided to take out his trump card.

Jiang Ying Yue slapped the 'dragon' face and she even did it very roughly and mercilessly but she didn't care. She couldn't be more leisurely and carefree.

She was still explaining. She shook her head and said, " Sister Lan, you also understand that it's only a matter of time before the Bai family gets involved in this matter. Their arrival whether sooner or later will only bring us disadvantages."

" Then, why?..." Tian Lan couldn't understand how the girl's brain was functioning. Was it broken from too much pressure?

She was saying that it would be a disadvantage then why did she go ahead and provoke them?

Was her life too easy recently?

However, Jiang Ying Yue didn't answer she just gave a small snicker, " Hehe...guess?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

Tian Lan was stunned. She wanted to complain that her good sister was not a nice person at all, she had such an annoying habit. However, before Tian Lan could voice out her thoughts their chat was interrupted by the sudden commotion.



A series of fierce and vigorous roars resounded throughout the small mountain. The trees nearby shook from the tremors but the air seemed to have halted.

These noises alerted the duo and they immediately looked ahead.