Not Gossiping...I Am Doing It For Our Lord's sake

The day was bright and beautiful. The sky was cloudless and blue and the sun shone brightly in the sky.

Although, autumn was here the day was relatively warm and pleasant.

Under the clear sky, everything basked under the warm sun.

It was....only them

Yes, why was it only them?

On such a beautiful and sunny day, a corner of a certain mansion seemed to be surrounded by impenetrable gloom, appearing dark and frigid.

It was as if all the light and warmth had been sucked away leaving damp and dark coldness.

Amid this uncomfortable coldness, the two masked men stood outside the door, their posture upright and stern, not moving an inch almost appearing like the stone statues carved outside the main door with a fierce and magnificent aura surrounding them.

Wei Mo resisted the urge to rub his arms behind his stoic and stern face was his deep helplessness.

It felt so cold.

He didn't know what had happened that caused their lord to behave in such a manner.

He had never seen their lord behave this way. It was quite strange and confusing.

Their Lord looked nothing different than usual but his keen senses were telling Wei Mo it was very dangerous inside.

Hence, despite his extreme curiosity Wei Mo didn't even dare to poke his head inside let alone step inside the door.

However, this feeling....was rather torturous. Even his toes wriggled inside his boots dying to know what had happened.

But he was also scared.

'If their Lord heard him poking his nose in his business he would be good as dead.'

Still unable to contain his curiosity within himself Wei Mo took a glance at the door, making sure no one was around before whispering, " What's the matter with our Lord?" He lowered his voice to the extent that it was barely audible, puffing out a mouthful of foul air in between. Even a spiritual practitioner like the man standing beside him would have a hard time figuring out what he was saying.

However, they have been brothers for so long that the man easily understood what he was saying.

Wei Mo was scared but his addiction to gossiping was more serious.

Wei Jun's face twitched under the mask as he started him speechlessly before nodding his head expressionlessly.

Speaking of which he was also very shocked at that time but given his personality, the shock only lasted for a few moments before he regained his composure. As for curiosity, he wasn't Wei Mo, who had to know everything. He wasn't interested.

" Really?!" Wei Mo exclaimed as a spark of gossip ignited in his eyes, " Then, hurry up and--"

" No." However, Wei Jun who knew where Wei Mo was going immediately shook his head cutting him off. Then he said seriously, "We are the Lord's subordinate we should be aware of our boundaries."

Wei Mo: "...."

Wei Mo: " Heh, kid don't be so boring like Wei Jiu. Tell Big Brother what you have seen." His flippant yet evil tone was that of an adult who was coaxing the kid to do bad things.

Wei Jun, the kid, was furious, " Who are you calling a kid?!" He hated it the most when people treated him as a kid. He was such a big tough man, why did they have to treat him as a kid?

Just because his parents were too young to give birth to him a few years earlier than them?

This was too much!

No way!

Wei Jun's sore spot was poked mercilessly, he was in no way easy to deal with.

No matter how much Wei Mo coaxed him or poked him he wouldn't reveal anything.

Wei Jun was a tough nut to crack but Wei Mo wasn't an easy one either. Wei Jun might be a tough nut but Wei Mo was also a professional nutcracker.

Wei Mo's beautiful crimson lips curled into a devilish arch as he tried to entice the little young man bit by bit.

Hence, both parties quietly exchanged blows while trying their best not to alert their Lord.

One pouting and one squinting two parties fought.

In the end, facts proved that 'gossipmongers were the most persistent ones.'

When it came to digging out rumors or any gossip they were the most reliable.

Wei Mo really figured out a way and slowly yet steadily started to subdue the stubborn opponent.

Wei Jun, the stubborn brat, was really very unwilling at first but with Wei Mo's trump card by his side, his firepower started to weaken.

" Are you not lying to me?" asked the young man pitifully, feeling unwilling, unable to vent his anger anywhere.

Yes, that was what Wei Mo thought. If Wei Jun knew what Wei Mo was thinking he would definitely fly into a rage and put forward another round of resistance.

However, Wei Mo wasn't stupid enough to say that on his face. He was already dying from itch, he couldn't wait any longer.

At this juncture, he didn't dare to provoke someone.

" Of course, what else intention could I have? I am doing all this for our Lord's sake." Wei Mo put it very righteously. He was doing this all for their Lord's well-being and not all for the sake of...gossiping.

No way in the world he would admit that. He still had to save some dignity of an elder.

Nevertheless, Wei Jun, the stubborn brat, was not convinced. He kept a straight face and pursed his lips as he spat out, " Come on then take an oath."

Wei Mo:"!!!!"

This rascal!...

Wei Mo choked.

This brat was really ruthless.

Sure enough women and brats were the most difficult to handle.

" Alright...alright, I admit." As a result, Wei Mo's righteous stance started to weaken. However, Wei Mo was still Wei Mo, the Great Wei Mo, who had seen and heard gossip of all realms, plastering a thick skin he still managed to say at the end, "I admit that I had other selfish motives but you cannot deny I also have good intentions."

Selfish motives?

It was purely a gossiping motive.

As for the good intentions, what good intentions could he have?

Hmph! He wasn't that stupid!

Wei Jun didn't believe him, Wei Mo put on a shocked look, trying his best to convey the hurt in his voice, which was faint as a mosquito humming, " Wei Jun, am I that unreliable in your eyes?"

Wei Jun didn't even need to think as he mercilessly nodded, " Hmm."

Wei Mo: "...."

Wei Mo suddenly felt as if he was hit by a bolt out of the blue. He was truly hurt this time.


All he did was chat a bit and listen to gossip when he was free from the missions, why were they treating him as if he had committed some unforgivable crime?


Wei Mo was wallowing in sorrow and self-reflection when the door was suddenly pushed open.

The bickering stopped at once and the air seemed to have grown a few degrees colder.

Wei Mo's exaggeratedly upright posture stiffened as he screamed in his heart.

Oh, Heavenly Immortal Dao, he was finished!