Herr von Fell

The moment Beelzebub proceeded to squeeze the caracal's neck Alexander replied in kind by slashing the albino troglodyte's arm with a quick swipe of his right paw. He may have been weak and wounded, but he would fight yet. The chimpanzee let out a cry of pain and backed away, taking a moment to look at the injury. It was not deep, yet it mattered not. One strike was all the ape needed for an evil expression to appear in his eyes and for him to bare his fangs.

Down came an eagle-headed cane onto Beelzebub's left shoulder. It was not a hard hit, but it was not a light one either. Regardless of how hard or how light it was, Beelzebub looked up at the figure holding the cane and there stood Herr von Fell.

Herr Ludwig von Fell was sixty-eight years and stood at a height of five feet and ten and a half inches. He was fairly athletic in build, deathly pale and his hair still retained its black colouration, not a single one even greying. He was square-jawed with coal-black eyes and a handlebar mustache that was said to have been stolen from Kaiser Wilhelm II himself. Upon his left cheek was a horizontal scar as if something had slashed him. His attire was consisted of his uniform from the Franco-German War, pickelhaube excluded as that was saved for when he went hunting, a monocle that he wore over his right eye and a medal upon the right breast of his uniform's jacket.

The moment Herr von Fell had arrived in the room, Alexander felt a feeling of fear fill the room. Hippolyta was now hiding behind Gemma, holding onto her kimono, while Alan was now shaking. At the sight of her former master, Roxana let out a loud hiss, something that Herr von Fell ignored completely while keeping his eyes on Beelzebub, now cowering on the floor.

"Play nice, Beelzebub." He said, his tone menacing. "As much as I detest being in the house of one whose good German blood is diluted with that of the Irish savage, we must be respectful to our hosts, even if most of them are not worthy of respect." His gaze falling upon Alexander, Herr von Fell then said: "Well, well... I'd heard Captain Smith had acquired a new male caracal. What is his name, boy?" Alan did not answer. He merely glared at Herr von Fell, who turned to look at the youth, saying more threateningly while gripping his cane tightly: "What is his name, boy?"

"His name, Herr von Fell, is Alexander." Captain Smith said as he entered the room, followed by his mother and Igraine.

Herr von Fell stared at the Northern caracal. He stared at the feline with his critical eyes while Alexander's own eyes narrowed.

"I do not like this name..." said Herr von Fell, raising his cane a tad, holding the head over the Northern caracal's cranium. "And this creature is not fit to be seen. You would be better off putting a ball in the animal's cerebrum."

"I know some French or volunteer soldier could have put one through yours."

Turning with an angered expression upon his countenance, the Exiled Herr inquired: "Who said that?" A hiss from Roxana caused him to turn his attention to the female caracal and hold his cane aloft as if he was about to bring it down upon her.

"Herr von Fell, that is enough." Captain Smith insisted. "Come with me, we can talk in my office on the subject of this unexpected visit."

Herr von Fell looked at the captain for a moment, before looking to Alexander and leaving the room, Beelzebub following after him. As they left, Alexander kept his eyes on the albino chimpanzee. There was something terribly sinister about that monkey-man.