CH.2 Being A House Elf Sucks


Fuking popsy that what my new mother called me why because her name is mopsy which is just fucking stupid as shit but it doesn't matter why you ask because I change it sooner or later.

And it not like my name is the worst thing I have to worry about because the next day I woke up by my mother moving and wrapping me in a cloth then putting me on the back like those women do in third world countries and then started working right after she just gave birth my god house-elves have it bad like fuck and as much as it sucked it did give me of an idea of where I was or more specifically when I was.

The apparent date 1970 July 13 which mean I was born on July 12 and also that the main story starts in twenty-one years and that made me happy because ill have a good amount of time to grow up and become powerful.

But for now, I just watched my mother work mostly because il probably need to do this soon and also to take in as much information that I can such as making a map of this place in my head and also getting used to operating because elves aren't the brightest when it comes raising their children but that might not be true because after she did a couple of time I got used to it and even started watching on how she does it how you may ask simply by moving magic to my eyes I can see her mana I'm guessing it works on other people hopefully.

And so I watched her clean and every time she aparates I look and at her mana and see how every part of it moves and I kept doing that till she made food for who I'm guessing is her master hopefully their at least ok wizards.

I was wrong like really wrong these guys monsters let me tell you what happen my mother went to wake her master she said sir multiple times till finally, she shook him and without missing a beat he slaps her away and wakes up, of course, my mother apologize and then leave and sets the breakfast on the table just in time for her master to come he dressed in a suit and started eating he had a mustache and looked fairly normal but in knew better when I looked at his mana it was black but with a few spots of blue and white its was disgusting then the mistress came who was dressed in a victorian dress she had the same mana color as her husband just weaker she looked normal black hair normal face and body type a typical mom and then finally two girls who were twins and looked like their mother with the same hair color came and sat down and started eating like everyone else.

????" mommy look it seems the elve gave birth it's so ugly," one of the twins said when it saw me "yes I can see it's ugly just don't touch it or bother it if we have to buy another house elve because of you two I ground you for life," the mother said" now magret their just want to play with it and who cares it's just a house elve," the master said," if you say so but try not to kill it is a newborn," she said then kept eating and after the twins finished eating they told my mother to give me to them and she did with no hesitation.

And that how I spent my hours of torture till they got bored of me and left me I only got my mother to come and get after yelling with my tiny lungs and she just picked me up and continue to work with a smile on her face.

After she finished she fed me again as I tried not to barf and then went to sleep which I now know is a dog house.

But I didn't go to sleep I had things to think about and plans to plan and so I started to think I have twenty-one years before the main story starts plenty of time to prepare but how exactly do I prepare'

'well I guess do what I've been doing so far strengthen my body with my mana, compress my manna to get a better quality and now always empty my mana reserves before I go to sleep'

'the new things ill need to do is to learn occlumency which will probably be easy with the knowledge of fanfiction I've read on harry potter after learning occlumency ill just keep upgrading it till I'm sure no wizard will be able to enter it after that ill start learning all the magic I can which will be easy since theirs a library in the house'

'now the real problem is dumbledore I need to figure out if he evil or good but crazy dumbledhore butt that will come later

'good I've gotten a-ok plan now I need to start training more specifically training wandless which should be easy for my kind'

I took out my tiny hand and pointed up 'lumos' I thought after imagining a ball of light then moving my magic through my hands and then a little light come out of my hand and I keep feeding it my mana till all of it was eaten by the light making me feel exhausted.

'good it looks like training wandless won't be a problem I just have to keep doing what I've been doing and fall in line and wait till I can strike like a snake in waiting but right now I need sleep I'll start trying doing occlumency training tomorrow night' I though then went to sleep.