Waking as a baby is a pain in the ass why you may ask well first I'm hungry as shit and I shit myself which is embarrassing but my oh so beloved mother changed me and then feed me which is nice is still feel bad for her she but a slave and her master is herself how sad but don't worry once I get strong enough I free you.

And just like yesterday, she did the same thing today made breakfast set the plates and food then the family ate the girls left me alone today so that's good but this day wasn't all bad because it would seem that this family of wizards has a library in here and you have no idea how happy I am.

Because they have a library it will be easier for me to learn and gain power more easily so I will start going to the library at night and because of that, I will need to start sleeping in the day to save what little energy I have.

And so I did my normal routine which I've seen has been giving me not as many returns as in the beginning but it's still working just slower.

After doing my routine I went to sleep but truthfully I just entered a deep state of meditation which is easy with the practice I've had but you might be asking why am I doing this well you see the first thing you should do if you ever find yourself in harry potter world or just any world, in general, you need to protect your mind and that applies to the world of harry potter I mean dumbledore could read my mind and just start manipulate me in minutes if I don't have any defense.

So I now need to start occlumency and I've gotten a general idea of how to do it from the various fanfiction I've read so first I need to enter a deep state of meditation then clear my mind I have already done that so check now the next step is to imagine a door which I do and make it link to your inner world and just like that Imagine opening that door then all of a sudden I was in an all with a room that felt infinite and when I looked around I could see orbs of different color which probably represent the emotion I even saw my memories before I was reincarnated but it was weird there were people but no face just information.

Ok, I've done the hard part which wasn't really that hard but I did have a lot of experience in this, and maybe house-elves have a talent for this and just never figured it out because none of them ever tried it.

Ok now the next step is to collect all my memories and then organize them and thanks to fanfiction they have given me the perfect way, so I imagined a very powerful vacuum and it appears beside me so I pick it up and turn it on and point it up and within seconds it started sucking up memories orbs left and right till eventually, it took all of them.

Ok, that's finished now I imagine the vacuum cleaner turning into a password-protected computer and boom no more is there a vacuum by me but a computer waiting for me to put a password wich I do then go to files which has all my memories sorted and just like that I'm halfway finished I was about to continue but I suddenly felt really tired so I stopped and exited out to see my whole mana storage is depleted but I guess that was to be expected I mean I am two day year old so I stop and got some sleep.

After sleeping well like a baby I woke up to my mother sleeping so I carefully got out of her embraced and crawled out of the dog house to see it was night now normally I would go back to sleep but today I have a mission I'm going to how I look like for example my mother look just about the same as you would see an elf but older wich is probably why she had me because elves like to make their children server their master because if I cant serve them my children must but anyway I want to see how I look like no matter how ugly I might be.

And I have the perfect way to do that I'm going to aperate into the bathroom that I passed while on my mothers back now apperating is dangerous if you don't know how it works but luckily I know how it does how it works is like teleporting in that jumper movie you see a place then just imagine yourself their also contrate and put a little magic and boom you're there.

So I concentrate on the bathroom and brig up the image of it which is really easier and I can even remember every detail and within seconds of doing this I felt a pulling force in my stomach then it felt I was twisted from inside out until there was a pop and I was in the bathroom sink.

But before I could think of anything exhaustion hit me not that I can complain I operated being two days old and after spending my whole mana reserve even though my reserve refill fast because of my meditation it's still taxing to do this but it was worth it.

After taking a short needed rest I finally looked up and at the mirror and what I saw entranced me don't get me wrong I was ugly as shit I look like one of those hairless cats but what entrances me was my eyes they were beautiful even more so because I had heterochromia meaning my eyes were two different colors one was emerald green and the other was the bluest of blue they look like art yet at the same time like the most precocious rubies and they seemed to glow in the moonlight that was coming from the window I could no get over them I just kept staring.

After reluctantly stopping staring at my eyes I pain sickly teleported by to my mother wich was even harder and emptied my reserved dry and as soon I got into the bed I fell asleep as soon as I got into my mother's skinny arms.