CH.8 Determination

Waking up was one of the things that I liked in my last life but not anymore nowadays waking up is just a pain in the ass because I must serve idiocy giving a form, but I just push those thoughts down and put on my weak faces.

After stretching for a while, I did my morning routine and started making breakfast which went by fast mostly because I wasn't listening, but I did hear about the part where Robert is starting to teach the girls to get a head start from the other students which means I'm free which doesn't happen for a long time.

After the idiots finished their breakfast, I teleported into my treehouse which is just a small space filled to the brim with books and a chair to read in. now normally I would read but by now I've read half the library plus I need to test something.

I went outside the treehouse, and I feel at peace as soon as I breathe in the fresh forest air. I start walking until I arrive at a clearing and then look at a tree. 'Ok now to test out my theory' I close my eyes and point my hand at the tree.

'Now how should I do this hmm let's do it on pure imagination first it's the easier option, I imagine my mana going to my and coming through my palm but as soon it comes out it for it to turn into water' and low and behold water come out of my hand but doesn't come out fast so I turn it off.

"So, I was right" you see wizards much like humans like to put things on a scale they can understand, and, in this situation, wizards are using magic wrong. for example, the reason they Latin to do their spells is that if they did in English there be too many accidents. Do you see the flaw in that just by saying a word they use their mana automatically with no control whatsoever? This should only apply to children to help them learn mana control, but these idiots don't even realize that.

You see my theory Is that when wizards much like humans discovered the true infinite of magic, they scaled it down, so they at least somewhat comprehend it but like humans, they eventually put a limit on themself and limit their growth. And now they can even use mana with a crutch how pathetic, but the most pathetic thing is the fact that my species is being controlled by these IDIOTS.

"Ha," I said then sent a lightning bolt to the tree making it fall and crash.

After calming down I went to the tree and supplied it with mana healing it so it could grow again and went back to my treehouse and started studying. Now I know weird why am I studying if I just need to use my imagination to create my spells? The reason is that even though I can do that I still need to know the spells that are going to be thrown at me plus it helps me come up with new spells, but the actual reason is that I have been looking for a way for me to evolve this body.

You see I've noticed that now a day that my mana compacity not has been increasing which you think would not make sense because I have a bit stronger mana compacity than my mother but after thinking it for a while you would realize that elf only has children when they're reaching the end of their lives and they have children to continue their service to their master and the life expectancy of an elf is two hundred years old.

And dear old mumsy here is one hundred and ninety which brings up a lot of question on how she managed to even have me but that for later the important thing is that I have the biggest mana compacity an elf is ever going to have because of my body but the problem is that it won't ever increase, I will remain as a puny elf with a limited compacity and I refuse to stay like that's why after figuring that out I delved into the library books but so far I haven't found anything relating to elf which was a no brainer the only thing that I could find was a book about rituals but even after scouring threw the library I found nothing. Which, I should have again guessed because these rituals are banned, but I expected dear old Robert to have.

And now it only leaves me with a few options which I'm hoping that the first one will work because if not the only option I have is to go to that place which I have crossed out as a place where no smart person should go.

"Ok we can try doing that tomorrow after I have practiced that spell to a good amount of level," I said then apparating back to the house to continue the day.

After yet another annoying day I find myself yet again at my treehouse but this time its night and I'm not reading any books but instead, I'm tracking some animals to help me practice a spell. All I'm doing is spreading my mana in a sonar-like way to sense the life signs nearby.

After a few tries, I finally found what I wanted a mouse, so I grab it with my mana and bring it in front of me.

I look at it as it squirms trying to get freed, I kind of felt bad at first but I remember this for my survival" sorry little guy but the survival of the fittest".

I pointed my finger at it and said" Imperio" a blue lightning-like light exists on my finger and hit the mouse and it stops moving the I feel something connect to my mental space which I'm guessing is the mouse brain.

"let's try something" 'jump," I think and the mouse jumps without missing a beat so I kept making it do more stuff at one point I made it dance but after that, I grab it with my mana again and stop the imperuis curse and it starts struggling again.

"now the next one crucio" I said pointing my finger at the mouse making red lighting like come out my finger hit the mouse making start squirming madly and making painful sounds so I stop its pain and it stops moving probably because of the pain.

"Sorry little friend but that one matters after this," I said then pointing my finger at it one last time.

"No offense mouse but I could not come to the world and not do this and plus you get to die in one the coolest way to die for a mouse," I said then close my eyes and thought of all the hatred I could muster all the ways I've seen my mother treated the anger that I feel when their mocking faces.

I open my eyes and yell two words" Avada kedavra" a bolt of green lightning comes out of my finger giving a deadly aura hits the mouse and for not a few seconds it stops breathing.

I look at me the mouse" il bury you at least I can do that" I said then grabbed the mouse with my mana and bury a hole and bury him.

After all that I went home and went to sleep knowing whatever comes next, I can fight it or even kill it.