Ch.9 Knocturn Alley

Once again, I wake up in my tiny doghouse and start my day, and just like any other day, it went the same. Usually, I would not mind this if it were not for the fact, I was a servant, but we can't always get what er want.

I prepared breakfast as normal, and my mother woke the wizards up for breakfast which they came for after a few minutes.

The first to arrive and sit as always was Robert then Margret and finally the twins. After arriving they started eating as well conversating.

"So, girls how goes studying "Margret asked the twins after finishing eating.

"it's going well mother so far everything has been easy, and I have come up with any problems unlike some people," Nancy said while looking at Tracy who lowered her head.

"Ah, I see it seems that we're going to have to increase your workload Tracy," Margret said to Tracy looking disappointed.

"Not to worry I have already started doing that" Robert said to Margaret.

After that, the conversation died down, and eventually, they finished their breakfast and went about their day which means I finally have time to myself, and I can finally play out my plan.

To do that first I need to aparate to Diagon alley first. So, I think of Diagon alley and with a pop, I'm there so I turn invisible and sit somewhere to spot the crowd for my puppet.

I know you might be wondering what I'm doing here and to that, I say wait and you will see my glorious plan. after waiting for a while, I finally see the person that I can use for this plan a dark wizard that looks like he can be tricked very easily he was about 6'1 had brown hair, and looked quite pretentious. So I get up from where I'm sitting and go up to him putting on my best afraid face.

"Mister wizard sir poppy was told to tell you by my mistress to come and see her over there," I said then pointing over to an alley.

He looked confused at first but after a while, he got a knowing look on his face and said" oh really then your mistress surely won't mind showing her face to me before we talk" he said making me understand that he thinks this is a scam.

"Yes sir," I said the scurrying along back to the alley.

After I made it back to the alley, I spread my mana and shaped it into a very sexy female which happen to be Angelina Jolie then made her go out of the alley and do the sexy come play finger play then made her come back and wait by me. It doesn't take a long time for him to come in fact he practically runs up to her.

"Hello, my lady I'm sorry I did not accept your invitation earlier, but you can never be too sure," he said then went for her hand to kiss it but I made the illusion back away because although this is a good illusion I'm not at a level to have it touch a person without it going through them but I can make it speak.

"Ah ah no touchy yet and no worries you can never be too careful "I made her say

"Ah of course where are my manners I am Sir Daniel Astrid at your service madam," he said

"Angelina Jolie a pleasure to meet you Sir Daniel" I made her say

"Now that we have introduced ourselves might I ask why you called me here," he said politely but was subtlety staring at her body.

"Well handsome I called you here because after I saw you, I just couldn't stop until I have a piece so what do you say" I made her say while making her look him up and down.

"Well, it would be a pleasure my lady truly a pleasure," he said now looking at her body.

"Good but before that popsy go along home, I'll be back in a few" I made her say.

"Yes, m-mistress," I said then walked past the wizard that hasn't even paid attention to me since coming here.

"Now that thing is gone where were we," he said

"Right about where you die," I said behind him the casting my spell" Imperio," I said making a lightning-like light come out my finger hitting the wizard.

"wha- "he said just as my curse hit him.

Immediately after I casted the imperious curse I stopped the illusion to save mana. I went into and I find something once again connect to my mind space.' good first part if the plan is complete now let try the next part'.

I look at the wizard and think jump and he jumps just like the mouse did I told him to walk, and he did I did all sorts of tests such as talking and shooting spells which all worked. After testing my new puppet, I told him to walk to our destination knockturn alley. Why am I going to the underbelly of the wizarding world? to get books on rituals of course for this is the easiest way to get them.

After walking into knockturn alley you could feel all the eyes on us so acted like any good elves would act scared and cower behind my 'master' and gave a command to Daniel to show his wand which made the eyes look away. After walking deeper inside and finally we reach our destination and went inside.

What was inside was a very old-looking store with many strange-looking objects which give a deadly aura and at the front desk in the back of the store lay a man who looked dark brown hair which was unkempt and had a fox-like nature to him.

"Ah new customers welcome to borgins and burkes my name is borgins what would you like to buy," the newly appointed borgins said to us after we entered.

I made daniel walk confidently while I walked behind him acting scared and arrive at the counter where borgins was "before we start, I like to say something I have come here for one thing and one thing only one thing so don't try to sell me anything else" I made daniel say which made borgin face drop but he quickly pulled it up and replied.

"Well of course sir now what would you like," he said with a smile that was not a smile.

"I need books on rituals" I made him say.

"Ah I'm sorry sit but this fine establishment does not sell these illegal books you speak of," borgin said still smiling.

"Oh, come on let's not play this game" I made him say.

"I really don't know what- "borgin was about to say but I made daniel cut him off.

"I'll pay double the price it's worth but don't try scam," Daniel said making borgin stop talking and take out his wand and do a spell that blocks out the store.

"I will be right back sir," he said with a big smile and then went downstairs.

I know you think I don't have any money to pay for this but this is where dear old daniel comes in he happens to have a bag with an extension charm in it and if that's not enough I can always make him sign a contract for so they can get the money from his vault at gringrots.

After a few minutes, borgins comes back with an old-looking leather book and places it in front of daniel on the counter.

"How much" I made him say

"10,000 galleons," he said to Daniel

"I thought I said not to scam me" I made daniel say with an angry expression.

"Ah you see normally it would be 5000 galleons, but you did say you would pay double," he said with a smirk.

"fine" I made daniel say and put his bag on the counter.

"Theirs 20,000 galleons in here take what I owe and leave the rest and if I find you cheated me, we will have problems" I made daniel say and show his wands.

"Yes, sir," borgins said and took the bag and went down again.

'Give me the book' I ordered daniel in my mind making him give me the book.

After a while borgins comes back up and gives daniel the bag so I order him to leave the store and head back where we came from.

After we arrived back, I took his hand and aperated by my treehouse and I took his wand. After that, I apparated to a muggle store close by and stole some ropes and chloroform. After apparating back, I order dear old Daniel to stand at the tree and I strip nude of all his weapons and clothes which he does. when he finishes, I tie him up on the tree from head to toe, and finally, I let go of the imperuis curse.

As soon as I let go of the spell, he starts waking up butt I chloroform him and force him to sleep. And finally, I set up a barrier by spreading my mana around just in case and then start looking at him.

"Now what to do with you".