Ch.10 The First Step Of Evolution:The Soul Part 1

After looking at him for a while I decided that I will decide after I read the book, so I leave Daniel and back to the house finding nothing has really changed Robert is teaching the girls and Margret has gone out to talk to the other wife I'm guessing so I wait till night. When night comes I apparated to my treehouse and see that Daniel is still asleep, so I start reading which I never told you how, but I just make big Lumos and float it above my head to see.

While reading the book and trying to find an answer to my problem Daniel finally woke up.

"Uhg where am I," he said then trying to move.

"Why am I tied up who dare to do this to me" he yelled then started looking around.

"You elve where's your master tell them to come here," he said when he saw me.

"sigh" I put my book down and went up to him.

"Shut the fuck up you annoying little shit I'm reading," I said then kick him and went back to the book.

"y-y-you how dare you kick me you dirty weakling when I get out of here, I will torture you for days including you're master," he said with an angry face.

"Ok now I'm angry," I said and put my book down, and went up to him once again.

"I'm going to tell you once again shut the fuck up or else," I said looking at him.

"who do you think you are to order me around you're just a mere servant now where your master" he yelled again.

"sigh man you're stupid just like the rest," I said then pointed my finger at him" crucio," I said making a red lighting light come out of m finger hitting him in a continuous wave-making him squirm and making painful sounds.

When a few seconds go by I stopped the spell and wait for him to catch his breath.

"let's get one thing straight I have no master and never will and lastly don't compare me to other elves I'm a whole different breed," I said

"You!, I remember your that woman's elve where is she," he said and started looking around.

"Did you not just hear what I said," I said to him

"As if an elf could be behind now where's you mistress," he said

"My god I was wrong you guys aren't stupid you downright retarded," I said with a shocked look and then made Angelina come out again.

"so, you finally come now tell me what you want so we can be done with this," he said looking arrogant again.

"she's really just an illusion see," I said then touched her making my hands go through.

"What now that impossible you're lying," he said

"I'm tired of this," I said then fired another curio at him over and over again but give him enough time to breathe so he doesn't go crazy.

"That should be enough now do you believe me," I said after stopping.

"I can't believe this kidnapped by an elve," he said with a crazy face.

"What exactly are you going to do to me," he said with a little fear hiding in his face.

"I don't know yet but for now shut up or else," I said pointing my finger at him making him shake with fear.

After he finally shut up, I went back to my book to try to find out anything to help and after searching for a while I finally found what I was looking for. It was a ritual on how to gain more mana compacity, although this would not help my body It would mean I would have another problem temporarily removed. The ritual says I need to sacrifice a virgin or virgins wizard and witches to steal their mana to push your own compacity to a new level the hard part of this is you need a powerful body to survive this if not you're going to pop like a balloon but luckily for me, I check that box.

"It may not be what I want but it is what it is," I said then putting the book down.

"Congratulations I know what I'm going to use you for," I said looking at Daniel.

"And that is," he said almost looking hopeful.

"Now it wouldn't be nice to reveal the surprise now would it," I said with a smile making him start shaking.

"Sleep," I said waving my hand making him fall asleep immediately.

I apparated back to the dog house where my mom lives and start staring at the wizard's house ' ok let's see our candidates first we have Robert and as much as I would like to kill him, his mana is too corrupt I don't want that in my system next we have Margret not as corrupt as Robert but I still corrupt and then we have the twins both have pure and fresh mana although not good in quality as mine it's still good and the equivalent amount of their mana combined equals to mines which is really unfair as I had to work for that much mana and they just get it like that.

' good now we have the candidates now onto the next part what I need to prepare to do this, the best way I can thank to do this a to drug them when their eating in the morning which will work because although wizards are different than humans on some level their still humans, then I just need to take their wands then strip them and tie them up and boom I win'.

'But the hardest part of this is what should I do with my mother although she never talked to me she still is my mother and has taken care of me since birth so what should I do with her I can't get rid of what they did to her so what should I do'.

And so, after thinking about it for a while I reached a conclusion il put her to sleep too and decided after this whole thing.

With that, I went to sleep.