Ch.11 The First Step Of Evolution: The Soul Part 2

Today I woke up with something I haven't had in a long-time vigor right now I am excited which might sound weird considering I'm going to kill people but when you have lived with these monsters for even a year you tend to lose your rationality.

I made sure to wake up before my mother and apparated to a muggle pharmacy then stole a packet of Rohypnol a date rape drug and apparated back where I cast a spell on my mother for her to stay sleeping till I say so.

I quickly make breakfast with orange juice and added the Rohypnol inside each of them after that I set up the table and begin waking up the lambs.

I thought about taking their wands, but I realized that they would notice that, so I just wait where I usually wait for them for breakfast.

Again, they arrive the same way they always arrive and start eating but most importantly they each drink the orange juice. They soon finished eating and start conversating then Robert looks at me and asks a question.

"Popsy were your mother?" he said with a sound of annoyance.

"I'm surprised you could even notice her absence with how stupid you are," I said with a smile.

"y-y-you how dare you speak to me that way you lonely thing" he yelled and then stand up about to take out his wand but just as he was the drug started taking effect.

"w-what going on," Robert said and passed out falling into the ground and the rest of the family follows along.

"Wow that was easy but what you expect from wizards their idiots when it doesn't come to magic," I said looking at the passed-out bodies of the family.

"Now let's not dilly dally," I said then lift them with my mana and apparated with them to the treehouse in the process of waking up dear old Daniel.

"Huh what who are those people," he said looking at the floating family,

"That none of your business now shut up," I said to him with an angry face with my finger pointed at him making him start shaking but no sound comes out of him.

After making sure Daniel won't make a peep, I start stripping the Hubert family and most importantly I take their wands and break each of them then I tie each of them separately with the leftover rope.

When that's finished I apparated to multiple muggle antique shops to find and take a knife which can be used in a ceremony which I find after a few attempts then I apparated to a arts and craft store and get some chalk and finally apparated back to the three houses.

I then transfigured the ground into cement then use my mana to draw the pentagram I need for the ritual. That took a few minutes because of how huge it was but it did give time for the Hubert family to wake up.

"Ugh where am I," Robert said waking up

"Mommy what happen," Tracy said

"Daddy what's going to happen to us," Nancy said

"Hush girls and let your father think," Margaret said.

"You where are we what's going on," Robert said when he saw Daniel.

"Shush you're going to get me in trouble," Daniel said with fear.

"And who in the blazes are you talking about," Robert said looking around.

"Daddy look theirs popsy," Tracy said seeing me

"Yeah, there he is maybe he knows what going on," Nancy said

"Do you girls do not remember popsy did something to us he being controlled by whoever wizard doing this" Margret said.

"Alright, whoever is behind this show yourself!" Robert yelled,

"He right there cants you see," Daniel said in fear.

"What are you talking about that just the elve have you gone mad," Margaret said,

"No, he is quite sane and what he said is true I am behind all of this," I said finally after finishing what I was writing on the concrete and turning to them.

"You expect me to believe a lowly elve is behind all this hahaha," he said then started laughing which made the rest of the family laugh as well except for Daniel who was shaking.

"Nice try but who would fall for such a trick now show you self," Robert said

"Sigh what was I supposed to expect I guess the only way to get respect is to earn it," I said then pointed my fingers at Margret and Robert firing crucios at them.

I did this like I did Daniel I didn't stop until the girls started crying and begging.

"Now do you believe me I am the one who kidnapped you," I said with an annoyed face.

After breathing for a little bit Robert answered" yes but why are you doing this after we took your family in and gave you shelter" he said in between breaths.

"Took me in and gave me shelter," I said and started laughing.


"You know I was feeling a little bad about this but that's gone now but anyways we should start now," I said and started walking towards the girls.

I untied Nancy first and as soon as that happened, she started running but I grabbed her with my mana and bring her back to me making her cry once again. I next untied Tracy next, but she did not move for she was criplled by fear, so I had to grab her too.

With the girls floating by me I inter the middle of the pentagram and set the girls opposite to each other and strip showing my weird-looking body of a ripped house elve which just doesn't look right.

Before I start the ritual, I need first get over the hard part I forgot to mention the sacrifice needs to give the power of their own free will. As hard and impossible that might sound fear, not for I have magic more specifically the spell confondus which is a better version honestly of the imperios curse because it makes the affected think, they're during it of their own free will.

I turn to the girls who are naked making me feel weird, but I put that behind me and hit them both with a confundus making them stop crying and fidgeting. I then input that their doing this out of their free will and that they are loyal to me also put the steps that they need to do for the ritual.

After that's done, I put Robert and Margret who have been yelling to sleep. Then I look at Daniel and put him to sleep.

"let's start them, girls," I said then laying down in the middle of the pentagram and starting the ritual.

After saying the words and injecting my mana into the circle its started to glow red so I go on to the next part I signal the girls by giving them the ceremonial knife.

"What was ours we now give to him out of free will knowing it can never come back," they both said than Tracy stabs her heart and drops to the ground and Nancy does the same. And finally, I grab the bloodstain knife with my mana and hover it over my own heart.

"No pain no gain," I said then stabbing myself in the heart causing the pentagram to turn crimson and making me pass out but not before seeing blood come out of the twin's heart and slowly coming into mines.