CH.12 The First Step Of Evolution: The Soul Final

I am once again in darkness lit by a blue flame which seems to be my soul but there is a difference from before theirs two more flames are not as strong and vibrant as mine but they're coming closer and closer to mines. and the touch and start merging with mines I feel it power something I haven't felt since I was born.

My mana is filled but it keeps increasing and forcing itself to different parts of my body this keeps going and soon enough it has nowhere to go, and my body is starting to hurt. So, I decided I take charge of my mist like mana and compress every single part of it no matter how small. I soon turn into a ball of mist, and it doesn't seem like it's going to compress anymore but I keep compressing it until a single drop of blue liquid drops out of it and it's my body.

As soon as it touches me my whole body feels like it got electrified and I felt a pleasure I never thought I could feel. It keeps happening over and over again drops from droplets to tiny a puddle rushing to every part of my body giving me pleasure wherever it passed.

Eventually, it passes and starts getting slower till it stops, and every part of my mana has become liquid. As soon as that happens I fall asleep and have the best sleep I've ever had since I was born.

When I woke up, I look around and it was night and Daniel Robert and Margret were still sleeping, the twin's body lay by my feet lifeless, I transfigure the dirt into the mirror and look at myself to see if any change.

There was not that much change for my body except I'm a fully grown elve now and my body is leaner than ripped the only difference is my mana. I put my hand up and imagine fire and poof it's a bright yellow ball of heat but it's different from my regular flame I've done this one is stronger more powerful not only that I barely felt my mana declining at all.

'my mana compacity has grown father but it's still has a limit set by this body I need to find a way to change my body to reach my true limit' I thought then look at Daniel Robert and Margret 'hmm what should we do with you, ah I've been meaning to get some lab rats for my ligimens training they should help especially since they have oclumens shield, and as for Daniel I'll keep around never know when you might need a wizard in my condition'.

'As for them' I thought as I looked at the dead girl's body" burn" I said walking out the pentagram making their bodies start burning.

I walk up to Robert first and kick him making him wake up and see the burning bodies of the twins making him start crying again.

"Do your worse," he said and looked at me while crying.

"Was planning on it" I said and waved my hand making his head stand straight and look me in the eyes.

"legimens," I said and looked him into his eyes.

As soon as I said that my mana moved from my eyes to his eye and entered his mental space which was the house except it had a force field around it there was also guards of different creatures including a dragon.

"You killed my daughters and for that, I will make you suffer," Robert said as he appeared on top of the house.

"You shouldn't have come in here puny elve now die" he shouted at me making monsters come out the forcefield running at me.

"Child play," I said and then use my manna to create multiple Chuckies in different sizes.

My chucky army starts fighting the monster army and they take them down with ease, but they are blocked by the force field.

"Break," I said breaking his so-called forcefield making my Chucky swarm the house.

"let's enjoy the show," I said then made a chair for me to sit on.

Tell me have you ever seen a dragon be defeated by an army of toy chucks well I officially have and I got to say it is an awesome thing to see. After my Chucky army killed the dragon, they went for poor Robert who put up a good fight but unfortunately numbers win when you don't have any power.

"Game set match," I said arriving in front of Robert being held down by multiple chucks

"Now let's get what I came here for," I said and then made a few robots

"go and collect every and any information from his memories," I said making them start.

"Now we wait," I said they made a chair and sit down and ignored Robert who was still trying to get out of the Chucky pile

After a few minutes, my robots come back and transform into hard drives which merge and land in my hand.

"Good now that's finished I need to see something," I said making my Chucky army disappear and apparating outside in the sky.

"Almighty push," I said destroying the house and landscape near me.

"Not enough, alright then let's do this," I said and then made making multiple tsar bombs appear and start dropping but before they hit the ground I exit out of Roberts's mind.

After exiting his mind, I can see the effect of my work the proud wizard Robert has become a mindless fool so not that much progress.

After that, I went up to Margaret and did about the same thing I did to Robert but before I destroyed her mind I played around with her memories and learned how to create fake ones then finally destroyed her mind.

Finally dear old Daniel I just did the same as before but after I destroyed his mind, I changed it and made loyal to yours truly wasn't even that hard he didn't even know oclumens, and just like that I have a pet wizard.

With finished I untied the mindless couple and just let them go who don't really move and fall because they can't walk.

When I finished all of this I apparated to the formally Hubert's house took anything I deemed valuable and then burned to the ground.

"Now what to do with you mother," I said looking at my sleeping mother.