CH.13 Goodbye And New Beginnings

I looked at my sleeping mother and could only think how poor she is to be born into this kind of life, its breaks my heart to see this, which is why I can justify putting her out of her misery.

"Just like putting down old yeller but way harder but this must be done I can't stop her suffering and she is beyond help at this point," I said still looking at her.

"Sigh let's get this over with," I said then gently lived my mother with my mana making her float.

With my mother floating by me, I started apparating to find a burial place for her and after a few times, I finally found what I was looking for: a nice hill.

After finding the hill, I got some wood and transfigured it into a nice coffin, and put her inside.

"This is goodbye mother thought we might not have spoken to you still where my mother doesn't worry your death won't be in vain, I will take revenge for our kind," I said and then pointed my finger cast the Avada kedavra curse making her body slump and lifeless.

As I burry my mother a tear slowly fell my face marking her death, after burying her I set up a nice headstone with her name on it and left.

When I came back, the house was still burning, and Daniel was still waiting for me like the loyal fool he is with the valuables from the house. I grab the valuable with my mana and apparated with Daniel to an abounded warehouse.

After arriving I told Daniel to start decorating around because now this is going to be my new secret base. when he was doing that, I went back to my treehouse where Hubert's couple was still nearby, and I collected each book I duplicated and finally dismantle the treehouse leaving no trace of it, and went back to the warehouse.

'Now I can start thinking about the next part of my plan where am I going to find info on how I need to evolve'.

'Unfortunately, I already know the answer to that, a place I never wanted to go, a cursed place where the darkest wizard stays, the place that says to be the best school in the wizarding world, Hogwarts'.

'As much as I don't want to touch that place with a ten-foot pole especially when dark lord dumblewhore too many names stay there but unfortunately Hogwarts has about the most information in the wizarding world the key to my evolution must be their'.

'Which is why I hate what I am about to say.

"I need to become a Hogwarts house-elf," I said grinding my teeth.

'I escape slavery just to chained again and by myself too, ugh this annoying but it must be done if I have any chance of hiding from dumblewhore I need to take advantage of my situation

'but not every part of this is bad news since it 1971 and Hogwarts is about to start a new term it means that lily Evans, the marauders and little snape are starting school this year which will make hiding, even more, easier not only that I could even mess with story plot since just me existing has already changed the plot of this world not only that I can actually see the creation of the marauder's map and maybe I can make a better version of it'

'Oh, and there's also the fact that I can kill some of voldedorks Horcruxes and weaken him, and when I'm powerful enough I can kill him'

"Good now that my plan is all set, I just need to infiltrate Hogwarts which shouldn't be hard enough," I said then went to sleep on the place I had set up in the warehouse.

After a nice slumber, I woke up to a fully furnished warehouse with Daniel sleeping in the far-off corner.

"Daniel comes here," I said making him wake up and run over to me and bow.

I looked him in the eyes and activated ligemens, after I went into his mind, I gave him a piece of good information that he could need and even reinforce his loyalty to me.

"I will be gone for sometimes and won't always be able to be here and because of that, I will give you an important task," I said, making him excited.

"I'm honored sir," Daniel said with a smile on his face.

"good, the task you need to do is to collect as many house elve as you can no matter how much they cost or how old they are as long as you can collect them do it but make sure to not bring attention to yourself after you have collected them bring them back here and start feeding them and training them in basic literacy," I said making Daniel nod his head.

"It shall be done sir," he said still bowing.

"Good and if you need more money just get the money from muggles and convert it at Gringotts but not too much at the same time," I said to him.

"Yes, sir," he said.

You might be wondering what I'm going to do with all these elves? Well, the answer is I'm building my future army because you see when I figure out how to break the curse that is my body is going to free my elven brother and sister while also becoming their king, and most importantly I'm going to need an army for the war that will eventually come.

Because if wizards are so stupid that they hate muggles and half-bloods imagine what would happen when I revolt without an army. The answer is well I would be obliterated without a chance to fight but with an army of magical creatures like elve, my victory is ensured.

"Now Daniel I'll be going to Hogwarts do not contact me and when I return, I expect to see house elve here," I said

"of course, sir," Daniel said

"Good," I said and then apparated away with no sound.