CH14 Infiltrating's Hogwarts Is To Easy

Let me ask you an important question how do you infiltrate the world's best wizarding school that houses thousands of wards? The answer is just an elve. Believe it or not, elves can apparate in and out of Hogwarts while wizards cannot, about all wizard houses are like this they don't have any anti-house elve apparating wards.

I only wish that the goblins weren't as smart as the wizards because that way I could just apparate into Gringotts and take as much gold as I need but that just means I'll have to figure another way to get gold which shouldn't be hard.

After apparating for a while, I finally reached my destination and immediately covered myself with mana, and turned invisible. after turning invisible I started at the marvel of the castle the movies really did not do it justice it was truly beautiful, and it gave a feeling of magic most likely an effect of being saturated with mana for so long.

After staring at the castle long enough I apparated inside and I was hit with just one of the purest mana I've ever felt but I was expecting this and centered myself.

"Fuck no wonder that fucker always stays here I can already feel myself getting stronger just by being here, not only that I can see one of the reasons wizards are dumb as they are now being saturated with such energy every day without learning control of your emotions first will make you do stupid stuff even more since they started as children that are starting puberty soon," I said after centering myself.

After taking a voluntary break to center me more so I don't do any accidents in the future, after doing that I went to my destination the house elve kitchen.

I apparated there and saw a bunch of houses elve cooking and moving around mostly preparing for the students that are coming tonight.

'Good in their hurry they won't notice me slipping into their ranks' I thought and then changed my rags which I still wear to remind me of my curse and changed them to look like the other elves with Hogwarts crest after that I slowly let my invisibility slip just enough for them to see me but ignore me as a face In a crowd.

I then started working alongside them not because I wanted to but to give me an alibi in case I ever get caught. I kept working with the elves till eventually, night came, and we stopped working and I apparated into the grand hall and put my invisibility on full blast because dumblewhore is going to be here soon and I don't want to take any chances.

I waited for a while until dumblewhore and the rest came most of the teachers that were in the movies were here such as Professor Minerva McGonagall and Filius Flitwick the half-goblin the rest I dint really recognize and dint even try to.

After the teachers came the older year students came in next and finally Minerva got up and went out the front door which I'm pretty sure she was getting the new students. She came back once more and put the sorting hat on a stool she transfigured and told everybody to be quiet and then went out the doors once again.

When she came back their children followed her with starstruck eyes looking at the ceiling, in the group of children I spotted the six that I will be paying attention to throughout the year.

The first was a redhead girl with forest green eyes that were staring at the ceiling one lily Evan future mother of the chosen one she looked very cute I can see why snape and James fell for her speaking of those boys snape was next to lily looking at her like the love-stricken fool he is, he had black hair and black eyes he actually looked quite good and could probably get a girlfriend if he wasn't in love with lily, then we have James the future father of the chosen one, he had hazel hair with black eyes but he wanst cute or handsome I'm guessing he hasn't hit his growth spurt yet.

Then we have Sirius black he had black hair and grey eyes and I will not lie he was handsome even as a kid he also gave of that bad boy feeling, next we have Remus lupin the resident werewolf had brown hair and green eyes he looked like a pretty boy but gave off a feeling of an introvert.

And finally, we have the coward Peter Pettigrew he was the ugliest out of the six and the biggest he had brown hair and brown eyes.

After I found all six of the children Minerva started the sorting first by waking it up having it do it song and then finally started sorting the children. I didn't really pay attention to that part because I knew how it went all five except snape got into Gryffindor while snape went to Slytherin. but there was a part that I liked the part where Minerva called the Hubert twins for a while which gave me a good laugh.

When the sorting finished the elve apparated food on the table and the children started eating, I took this time to test something I slowly moved forward to Dumbledore to see if he could see me or not. And I got my answer starting for the back of the grand hall when I got close Infront of the table he stopped talking and looked in my direction, but I was expecting that, so I moved and aperated as soon as he moved.

After finding out the limit of dumblewhores radar I went back to the kitchen and continued to help to strengthen my presence in the elves minds just in case.

After doing that and cleaning the rest of the house-elves started going to sleep which was, of course, a terrible place, and this time it was in the boiler room and many other terrible places to sleep.

'Soon I will free you all' I thought and went to sleep.