CH.16 Intelligence Upgraded

After having a great night of sleep, I awaken in the room of requirement and then I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. After eating I return to the seventh floor and this time I asked to be taken to the room of hidden things instead of where I was before.

After a door materialized, I went inside to see mountains of different types of junk and various type of objects.

"Wow that's a lot of stuff, how am I going to find this diadem," I said and then started thinking.

'Maybe I can try to use Accio but it wouldn't be that easy right, only one way to try' I thought and then lifted my finger.

"Accio Rowena's Ravenclaw diadem," I said making the previously soundless room full of noise. After the room started getting noisy the diadem came rushing to me and before I could even stop it, I did a stupid thing and touched.

As soon as the diadem touch my hand my mental shields were attacked for the very first time, and I got to say it was impressive it showed me just how on a different level that Voldemort was in but even if he is so am I, although he was able to kill some of my animals as soon as I brought all of them together was able to push back the soul fragment into the diadem and dropped it.

"Okay so no touching that ever again," I said and pick the diadem with my mana lifting it making it start floating around me.

"Before I leave, I need something," I said and then took a silver goblet which I saw, and then left the room of hidden things.

'Hopefully, this will work otherwise I might just destroy the diadem' I thought after I exited out of the ror room and started walking around it three times while thinking' a way to transfer souls. After the third time the door appeared, and I went inside to an empty room with what I'm pretty sure is a ritual circle with a book on a pedestal nearby.

I smiled and went up to the book which was titled 'A how too guide on souls', after reading the book for a while I had a pretty good idea on how to transfer the soul from the diadem to the silver goblet, so I got to work.

I first put the diadem and the goblet in the circle and take a break to restore my mana just in case something bad would happen. After I finished resting, I started the ritual which was just basically infusing your mana carefully inside said object and then transferring it to another.

Now, this might sound easy but you need a certain level of mana control to pull it off, not only that but you also need good quality mana so the soul inside the item doesn't beat you when it starts fighting back. That's about the only hard part of the ritual as soon as I take out the soul the circle will put up protection to not let the soul escape or get back inside the previous item leaving it with a choice of either getting inside the nearest object or dying.

When I finally got inside the diadem with my mana and surrounded Voldemort's soul I started carefully and slowly pulling him out, but of course, he starts fighting back and I could do nothing but persist for what I felt was about the longest ten minutes of my life.

And with a pop, Voldemort's soul came out making a barrier come to life surrounding the circle with a mini one surrounding the diadem. The soul who looked like a dark mist tried to get into the diadem again but when it saw that wasn't working, he saw the goblet and hurried inside it with no hesitation.

After Voldemort's soul went inside the goblet the ritual stopped and everything went back to normal making drop and start breathing heavily "dam my mana compacity is still small and growing I need to find a way to speed this up later, right now I need a break that took a lot out of me" I said in between breaths.

After a much-needed rest, I went to claim my prize Rowena's raven claws diadem that should make you smarter. I touched it and felt nothing so I put it on my head and immediately everything just clicks like all the puzzles that have been alluding to me became a child's game.

"wow this thing Is a bonified legendary item but it seems like it has a major defect I can feel the way it changing my brain chemistry which is a regular person or even a wizard used this for a while they would probably die from their brain pushed to its limit but it doesn't seem to have and effect on my brain because of the way I have been refining it since I was a fetus.

Although this is good news because now I pretty sure I am the smartest or one of the smartest people in this world but theirs is one little defect that I don't agree with, the fact that it's a diadem I mean I'm a guy for God sake I don't want to wear this.

'How about I just transfigured it into a different object, it should work because it's just changing the shape of the item not the overall meaning of it' I thought with my new intelligence which was already showing benefits.

After thinking of that I took of the diadem and transfigured it into a ring that had a raven symbol on it and a blue gemstone. I immediately put on my new ring just to find out it works just as well as it should.

'Good now with my newly acquired genius it should be that hard to come up with a plan to get the hardest ingredients just wait for me Fawkes I am coming for you I thought and went about my day.