CH.17 The Marauders

I woke up once again and started using my new intelligence to study, after studying for the rest of the morning I got something to eat and started enacting my plan, to speed up the marauders forming.

Now, this might seem hard but trust me when I say this it's so easy that I barely need to do anything, for you see in Hogwarts students are divided into four houses and these houses will fight with each other for the littlest things.

Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin those two houses hate each other to such a level that I only need to do something very simple to make them feud. And in this instance, I will play on Gryffindor's need to be heroes to unite the marauders.

Whit that plans set I started watching my pawns, Pettigrew, and lupin these two were going to be the victims, and James and Sirius were going to be the heroes.

"Now just need to choose the villains," I said then started looking for some Slytherin upper years.

I looked around and I did find some good candidates to play my villains but only one stuck out from the rest a young Lucius Malfoy. He just about looked like a young Draco with a few differences to set them apart.

After I found my villains, I started setting up the set which wasn't that hard I just need to find a place where people could fight without anyone knowing, that part was easy considering it was a huge castle. The next part involved me making the perfect timing so the victims and the villain would be together.

That opportunity came when lupin and Pettigrew were in the same class which had just ended so I carefully went into Pettigrew's mind while invisible and whispered that he should talk to lupin and be friends with him.

It works well enough, and Pettigrew started talking while walking with lupin, while they were walking, I started forcing Lucius and his henchmen to them while also putting James and Sirius behind them.

The plan worked just fine and soon lupin and Pettigrew walked by Lucius so at that time I went up to Lucius whispered into his ear.

"No, wonder he's in Slytherin his hair is as slimy as the rest of those snakes" I whispered in Lupin's voice and did a weak tickling charm on Pettigrew which made him chuckle.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Lucius turned around and yelled at them causing them to jump.

"What?" they said together.

"don't lie I heard what you said," he said this time taking his wand out.

"What are you talking about," Pettigrew said.

"What happening," said one of the henchmen.

"They called me a slimy snake," Lucius said

"oh, did they," the henchman said and took out his wand.

"Maybe we should teach them a lesson," another henchman said.

"Yes, let's teach them what happens when they disrespect their betters," Lucius said and blasted Pettigrew

At this point, lupin took out his wand and started trying to fight back but was losing in sheer number until James and Sirius just happen to arrive there to help them in a stroke of luck.

Because of their help lupin and Pettigrew were able to escape.

"Well, that went nicely, the potters and Malfoys hate each other so when lupin and Pettigrew explain what happened hell obviously believe them, now I just need to flame the fans of friendship that they are developing.

And that's what I did I created a few more encounters between them and made sure that the marauders won most of the time and within a week of doing this the four were best friends.

"Wow that was easy, but what do you expect these wizards made a school where you divided children based on characteristics, it was bound to create segregation in their society," I said looking at the newly formed marauders eating and talking.

"Maybe that what they wanted to separate them all, so they always know who the bad guys were I mean you never heard of a dark lord that came from Gryffindor," I said.

"what's even sadder is nobody ever gets smart even to see this even the muggles they just accept it how sad," I said and then apparated out of the grand hall.

'Now that I will have my distraction, I need to prepare a plan for it' I said appearing in a muggle university.

'And because of that, I need information, more specifically muggle science' I thought and then went my way to find some scientist.

After finding some science test I made him fall asleep then went into his mind and copied all information from the field he worked on. I did this multiple times and by evening I can proudly say I am the smartest elf in the world.

If you're wondering why I don't do this with wizards is because most wizards don't study and because when wizards learn about magic their views will change on how magic worked which means if I extract information from them, I won't be able to form my own views on magic and I might even start developing multiple personalities because those views are aspects of the wizards.

The only reason I don't have to worry about this from muggles is that when they learn about science their views change but the information remains information and won't infect me with their personality.

"Now for the distraction ill just simply start a war with Gryffindor and Slytherin which will evaluate by fumigating a potion that makes people angry at a quidditch match, that should give me all the time in the world," I said sitting in the ror room.

"as for the phoenix I can either try to see if Dumbledore has its previous ashes somewhere or I kill it after I've gotten what I need, speaking of that I need to make something to keep the phoenix fire in," I said

"Good with that done let's start the plan," I said standing up and apparating away.