CH.18 Fanning The Flames Of War

I apparated into Diagon alley and started getting the ingredients to make the potion, it was easy enough and I had money from the room of hidden things.

After getting the ingredients I began practicing making the potion because it was my first time doing this, it didn't take long for me to become a master at potions considering my intelligence and the memories I got from a chemistry professor.

Within a few hours, I was able to create an odorless and colorless potion that would only affect a certain age range, once I had finished the potion I made a few more potions that I would probably need and started making Gryffindor and Slytherin hate each other more than usual.

It wasn't that hard honestly, they had years of hate for me to work on and I just needed to give a push in the right direction. That included makings some of the seventh years fight against each other, then the first years, and soon.

And finally, I used racism to get the half-bloods, muggle-born, and purebloods to fight against each other. It wasn't long that both sides went into war with each other, but the teachers were acting as buffers slowly trying to settle the heat from both sides.

It worked for now although they weren't fighting anymore you can still see the hate in their eyes, like all the hate and anger, has reached the limit so now all it's going to take is one single thing to have a full-blown war.

"Good now that all the pawns are all set tomorrow, I can have what I need," I said and went to sleep.

I woke up at 6 and started preparing, first I move all the machines that would pump the potion into the air under the bleachers and made them invisible. then I went to balls and took control of the mechanism.

Then finally I made a few inconveniences for both sides which could be blamed on anyone but they obviously blamed it on each other.

After doing all that I apparated under the bleacher and waited for the game to start.

After waiting an hour or so everybody had come to the first quidditch game of the year and of course, it was gryfondor vs Slytherin.

After waiting for a while, I activated the machines and apparated away from here, when I was far enough, I used some boniculars to create some sutlle fouls for Gryffindor which made them made and made slytherin happy and mock them.

I did this two more times until I made the ball that a Slytherin player hit a Gryffindor had enough for him to fall to the ground. When that happened both teams got on the ground and started arguing.

It wasn't long before the Gryffindor leader threw the first punch and a fight spread out which soon affected the crowds and soon the field turned into a light show with different colors coming from each side.

"Too easy," I said and started heading towards Dumbledore's office.

After arriving in front of the office I said the phrase to open it.

"pop rocks," I said making the gargoyle move out the way.

After the door opened, I put on a gas mask and turned inviable then went inside.

When I went inside, I looked at the phoenix to see it was looking at the entrances where I was coming from, so I took out a modified smoke grenade and threw it in the room.

Fawkes looked at it trying to see if it was dangerous or not and after seeing it was doing nothing but letting air out it ignored it and kept staring at the entrance.

Because he kept starting it made come out still inviable wich he could see considering he tried to fly and flame travel out of the room but when he jumped, he just fell and slowly fell asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, I went up to him and took the longest feather he had, and then I started looking around for the ashes.

I kept looking and looking but the old wizard hid it well enough that I couldn't find a trace.

"Looks like you have to die sorry about this" I said then went to Fawkes.

"Before that, though I need some of your to fire so burn for me," I said and took out a lighter then directed the fire onto Fawkes making the fire transform into a golden flame.

I then took the fire from him and created a ball around it with my mana.

"Good it's still burning but it's using my mana as fuel because it can't get mana from the surroundings," I said looking at the fire.

'Sorry about this buddy but Im pretty sure Dumbledore won't help me I said looking at Fawkes and then bringing him to a bowl.

"Avada kedavra" I casted pointing my fingers at fawkes,

When my speel hit fawkes instead of him dropping dead he burst into flames and then turned to ashes which I started collecting with my magic.

After I finished collecting the ashes it revealed a baby fawkes looking at me, but I dint look at him and sprinted to the entrance and apparated into the ror room because I know that Dumbledore will know that fawkes has died.

"hahaha yes one step closer to evolution" I said celebrating my victory.

I then asked the room to make a place that I can put all my ingredients which it happily agreed and then I went to the field and quicky took my gas pumping machines making sure not to leave a trace which wasn't hard considering the destruction that had happed around the field.

After all of that, I watched how Dumbledore came back with a baby Fawkes in his hand and calmed down the crowd with what I would assume is a calming and sleeping speel mixed.

With all that finished I went into the ror room to plan what I would do next.