CH.19 Chaos At Hogwarts

Dumbledore pov

I arrived at the teacher's meeting room with Fawkes in my hand, the rest of the professors were arguing over whose fault it was that the fight started.

"your Gryffindor is the one who threw the first punch," Horace said looking at Minerva.

"That might be true but you're Slytherin were the ones who continued" Minerva defended.

I sat down in the head chair which made everyone turn to me.

"Dumbledore who are we holding responsibility for this, obviously it's the Gryffindors," Horace said

looking at me.

"You certainly will not blame my cubs" Minerva countered Horace.

After she said that she and Horace started arguing which brought almost the rest of the faculty with them each choosing aside.

"SILENCE!" I yelled making everyone stop talking and stare at me.

"Before we talk about who's responsible miss Pomphrey has something to say," I said and moved my head to Madam Pomphrey.

"After the fight, I noticed something strange was up with the students, they were still angry, at first I thought it was because of the earlier fight but after they kept getting angry for the little things that were when I decided to do a deeper search t find out the reason," she said

"What did you find poppy," I said looking at her.

"When I did a checkup search on each of them, I found out that every one of the students has been dosed with a potion which I'm guessing made them act this way," she said.

"So, what does that mean," Horace said.

"It means someone dosed the entire school so they could fight," Minerva said.

"But why would anyone do that" Horace said.

"It was a distraction," I said making them turn to me.

"What do you mean Dumbledore," Minerva said.

"What I mean is this," I said and took out baby Fawkes making them look confused.

"When the riot fight was happening, I sensed Fawkes dying and I rushed there to see what's wrong, and I found Fawkes here newly reborn," I spoke

"So wasn't it just his time," Horace said looking at Fawkes.

"No, it wasn't his time, and this wasn't a natural death, from what I can gather from my bond with Fawkes someone came into my office and killed Fawkes with the Avada kedavra" I said causing the teachers to look shocked.

"So that would mean that whoever did this was using the fight as a distraction to kill Fawkes," Minerva said.

"But all this to kill Fawkes and he dint even succeeded," Horace said

"He dints just kill Fawkes he also took one of his feathers and the ashes," I said now petting Fawkes.

"So, he did all of that for ingredients," Horace said.

"It would seem so," I said.

"Even if he did that for ingredients he still managed to sneak into Hogwarts, dose our students, and break into your office, what exactly are we going to do about this albus " Minerva said to me.

"Do not worry Minerva I've already called the arouras they should be here soon" I said.

"And what about the students, are we going to punish" Minerva said.

"We shall tell what has occurred and we cannot blame the students they were dosed" I said.

"Horace, can you help poppy come up with an antidote for the students" I said to Horace.

"Yes of course" Horace said.

"Minerva please come with me to meet up the auroras we need to do everything to find this person" I said to Minerva and stand up then started walking causing her to follow me.

As were walking Minerva turns to me.

"Is it him" Minerva said to me.

"I thought at first but no I checked" I said to Minerva.

"Maybe he sent someone" Minerva said to me.

"Yes, I also came to that though but even then, there was no way someone could sneak into my office or the school without me knowing after all you can't apparate inn the school" I said and though 'at least without my permission'.

"so, who is it then" Minerva said.

"I don't know Minerva I don't know" I said and continued walking.

Popsy pov

After arriving at the ror room and waiting for a while i continued reading 'rebirth' to see what comes next and what I got was that I can do a kind dyi on the new body that I'm going to get.

What that means when I'm doing the ritual I can use different parts to strengthen or change my body, such as the heart of a dragon for mana compacity or Vella hair for beauty.

"If I'm going to get a new body why not make it the most powerful that I can" I said.

"So now let's see for I need a dragon's heart for their mana compacity, then the skin of dragon for protection, next is Vella hair for beauty, and finally something I don't know what, but I need something like an ingredient that I'm missing is calling to me" I said.

"For now, I just need to relax and lay low to get the heat off of me" I said.

"Since I'm laying low, I need to study my new prey the strongest dragon in this world a Hungarian horntail" I said then started reading every book that I could find.

"After reading everything that I could about the Hungarian horntail I started planning how to get into the dragon enclosure in Romania" I said and started thinking.

"It shouldn't be hard to get into the encloser now all I need to figure out is a way to kidnap a full-grown dragon and then kill it" I said.

"Alright and as for the Vella hair I need to get some hair sample then refine it till it gets to the level that I need or find a full Vella and finally for that ingredient that keeps calling me if I can't find it then ill just do the ritual without it, I mean it cant be that important" I said.

"I mean it can't be that important right, alright after the heats gone down ill start going to Romania" I said and continued reading.