CH.20 First Meting

After waiting for two days, I finally had time to aparate to Romania and I did it without waiting for a second.

It took a few times for me to apparate there and I even had to go into a wizard's mind to see the location of the habitat.

I soon arrived on a hill where I could see the habitat, the first thing that I did was to watch and learn the schedule.

I kept doing that, but I got bored fast, so I decided to do it the smart way, so I waited until night found wizard that was alone then hit him with the old sleeping spell read his mind to find out everything that I needed to know.

After figuring out the whole system I came up with a plan to just put everyone to sleep the same way that I did at the quidditch match.

I apparated back into Hogwarts and got my machines then mass-produced sleeping potions and finally apparated back to Romania.

"Fuck me that took forever," I said then waited till it was night.

I first put on my gas mask and turned on the machines and after a few minutes, the animals and people that were up against me had fallen asleep.

"You may be a wizard but you're still human and that means I can put you to sleep without using magic," I said walking to the barns.

When I arrived, the dragons had already fallen asleep, so I started looking for my prey which I found in seconds after I had found the Hungarian horntail which just looked like a western brown dragon but with a lot of horns from its head going to the spine to its tail.

I lived it with my mana and apparated far away into the woods" phew that took a lot out of me" I said after I took my mask off and started resting.

After resting I apparated into the habitat and took my machines and came back." Now to take my prize" I said and pointed my finger at the dragon.

I first concentrated and tough of my most hated memories to use as fuel and then fired my curse " Avada kedavra" I said and let out the most powerful curse I've done since birth.

The curse hit the dragon and woke it up in an instant, at first I thought it dint work and I had to try again but the dragon soon dropped dead in front of me.

"ok now for what I came here for," I said and then started cutting the dragon's hide, after cutting the hide which took forever I found the heart which was still warm took it out. Whit those finished I warped the hide and heart with mana to preserve it and then started apparating to Hogwarts.

After getting to Hogwarts, I went to the ror room and put the hide and heart somewhere the room showed that it would preserve it.

"Now for Vella's hair, but first sleep I've used too much mana and I need to recover," I said then went to sleep on a bed in the ror room.

When I woke up it was morning and mana was full, so I ate some food and started apparating to France.

After arriving in France, I just read multiple wizards' minds to find where the Delacour family lived after finding that out I went their stalked the place, and waited until it was a night.

After it was night I apparated inside making sure not to make any noise then put on my gas mask, then took out a sleeping grenade and activated it.

After that was done I waited for ten minutes and head for the master bedroom but before I do that I turned on my shield to the max, after all this is a full Vella which I found after going through the wizard's mind.

'Alright let's do this I thought and opened the door.

I then went inside towards the woman figure under the bedsheets, as soon as I saw her face my shield was brutally attacked so much so that I started feeling something I haven't felt since being born, I was horny.

'Focus doesn't think with you're dick' I thought to myself and started looking at her hair instead of her face.

I took out scissors and started cutting all of her hair off and when it got short, I would feed her some hair growth potions. After doing these two more times I left the house with a bag of Vella's hair and all of the evidence leaving a bald woman and started finally apparating to Hogwarts.

I arrived at Hogwarts and went to the ror room and put the Vella hair somewhere.

"Finally, I'm done," I said and went to sleep.

As I was sleeping an I appeared in one of the most beautiful place that I've ever seen, their animals and plants that I had never seen in any of the books in Hogwarts. As I kept walking, I felt a pull, so I went where the pulling force was.

I soon arrived by a hill and on that hill was about the biggest tree that ive saw, the pulling felling was coming from it so I walked the hill and went to the three. As I got closer to it, I heard a faint like pulse come from the tree, when I got close enough to touch it I out my head against it and just kept hearing that pulse from it.

As I was hearing the pulse I felt as if my soul was slowy driftinh into the tree but the deeper I went into the tree the less I was losing myself. I tried to use occlumency, but it dints work and I started losing myself.

'After all of that this is the way, I die' I thought but suddenly a green mana that was in the form of a woman appeared and grab me.

"youre not strong enough yet but you will be" she said and kissed my head and I was sent out the tree causing me to wake up.

When I woke up, I looked around to see a piece of wood in my hand, it pulsed just like the tree.

"im guessing you the missinh ingredeint" I said to the piece of wook causing it pulse.