CH.21 The Second Step Of Evolution: The Body Part 1

I kept staring at the wood for a few minutes feeling the warm feeling it was giving off, not to mention the heart-like beat. But after a while, I finally put it down.

"Okay every ingredient is here I can start the ritual anytime," I said

"The best place to do this is here because of the abundance of mana, but with that come to a problem, Dumbledore will a hundred percent sense me if I do the ritual," I said thinking.

"I can just do another distraction but can't do the same one again so what should I do, ah got it the best way I can think is to use monsters, more specifically a monster wave," I said.

"I just need to make a potion to attract different monsters which should honestly give me enough time to finish the ritual," I said smiling.

"Even so I still will need some bodyguards for the ror room just in case so I guess ill need to brainwash some trolls and some other animals, okay let's do that then after all that I can finally fucking get a better body than this," I said with a little anger in my voice.

After saying that I put the wood somewhere safe in the ror room and apparated into the forbidden forest.

After apparating into the forbidden forest, I first went invisible and started collecting different monster samples like a female's acromantaula chemical that makes the males want to mate with her and so on.

After doing that I went to find the trolls that I was going to use to guard the ror room doing the ritual trolls. It wasn't that hard to find the second dumbest creature other than wizards as they were just wandering in the mountains in a community.

Let me tell you something don't ever try to go into a troll's mind because you will find out it's a puzzle that has no beginning or end and is not a puzzle at the same time. If you're wondering what that hell I'm talking about It means trolls are so dumb that even when I tried to use legimens and change their minds they forget it because they're so dumb.

So, I decided to let them loose in the castle when I start the beast wave.

"Okay I've got monsters it should be fine, but I can always go for overkill," I said with a dark smile.

I teleported back to the ror room and made It turn into a potion room then I got to work on making the said potion. It wasn't hard to mix all those different genetic materials with my intellect and by noon after hour at work, I finally finished the beast-attracting potion.

Without wasting time, I went to the top of Hogwarts secretly and put my air machines on different parts of the roof.

"now for the overkill," I said then apparated away.

I appeared in the Slytherins dorm more specifically Lucius Malfoy's room, the reason that I'm here is to give a little note on the four people that have been given him trouble as of now. Yes, I am talking about the marauders.

Ever since I used him to start their friendship a war has been going between them and I'm about to give Lucius an atom bomb.

I put the letter on his bed and apparated away.

I once again arrived in my favorite place the ror room and I started training, blasting dummies, and getting better at fighting like a wizard.

After doing that till night, I went into the kitchen got some food, and went to sleep but with so much excitement in me, I count sleep until I put a sleeping spell on myself.

When I woke up the first thing that I did was to prepare the ror room for the ritual then went into the great hall invisibly where students were coming into.

After a while, the marauders came in, and then finally Lucius came in with the biggest smirk I've seen with his henchman. He went to where the marauders were sitting as soon as he saw them and went up to lupin.

"I dint know that Hogwarts has fallen so far that It would let a monster in here," he said looking at lupin who looked scared.

"What are talking about Malfoy," James said.

"I'm talking about your best friend here being a werewolf," he said shocking lupin and making the marauders laugh.

"You shouldn't joke about my best mate being a monster," James said.

"yeah," Sirius retorted

it was at this point some auroras came in.

"What the meaning of this" Dumbledore said looking at them.

"We come here to investigate a possible werewolf," one of them said.

"And what proved do you have," Dumbledore said.

"Sir Malfoy has given enough proof for us to do so," they said and started moving toward lupin.

It was at this time that I teleported to the roof and started the machines then without wasting time aparate to where I saw the trolls last time and grab as much as I can with my mana and aparate them into different places across the castles.

After that finished, I finally returned to the ror room.

"the monster wave should start soon plus it won't take that long before the trolls are discovered, and not but least they're chances of the students starting fighting to protect lupin because they will think that it will be Slytherin trying to get one of them so naturally, they say its Slytherins fault, and Slytherin will do a snotty comeback and eventually the aftermath of the previous war might start another one if not then it will be a good distraction for the trolls," I said.

As I am saying that the room transformed into a room with all of the ingredients and a giant ritual circle in the middle of it all.

I stripped naked and went in the middle of the circle then I used my mana to bring the ingredients into the circle and finally I started my evolution.