CH.22 The Second Step Of Evolution: The Body Final

After bringing everything into the circle I inserted my mana into the circle making It come to life with a blue light.

As soon it did that the ingredients moved to different parts of the circle and the only thing that was left was the wood, the phoenix fire, and the ashes. As I was about to start chanting the wood started moving it went to the dragon's heart and started fusing with it, I thought about stopping it but something was telling me that I need to let it do this.

After the heart finished fusing it started glowing brighter and beating faster, this happened with the dragon's hide and phoenix feather each time getting brighter and beating stronger till eventually, it came back to me.

As I look at wood which was now not glowing green but a rainbowish color and beating like a full-grown heart I steeled myself and continued with the most painful part of the ritual.

You see to get a new body I first need to do something to the old body, and by that, I mean destroy it. And the only way to survive something like that is to borrow the power of the phoenix. So, I looked at the bright golden flame and brought it toward me with my mana and then set it on my body and let it burn.

"ahhhhhhhhh" I scream feeling the fire burning me.

Let me tell you something being burned alive is not a fun thing especially by phoenix fire. It felt as if ants were slowly crawling on and inside my body eating my nerves slowly but painfully. As much as I wanted to pass out, I preserved through the pain.

I don't know how long it lasted but eventually, there was no more pain no more anything actually, I felt as if I was going into the void again until I felt I was sucked into something and started hearing a heartbeat which made me fall asleep.

3rd pov

In the ror room inside the ritual circle a piece of wood floating on top of ashes, the wood started compressing until it was the size of a seed and then it fell into the ashes.

At that moment the circle that was glowing blue surged up and started glowing a rainbow color and the ror room started pulling a massive amount of mana in the ritual circle.

As the room did that inside the ashes the seed bloomed and sprouted from a seedling to a sapling. But the sapling dint stop there and kept growing at a visible rate.

Dumbledore pov ( a few minutes earlier)

Today started very nicely the two houses were not fighting at this time anymore, although I couldn't find the perpetrator it won't matter now anyway I've tightened the wards so that no wizard will be able to come into the castle without me knowing it.

Today I decided to have breakfast in the great hall to see how my new pawns are faring, the marauders their calling themselves how fun these new pawns are.

Everything was going fine until I felt wizards coming near the school grounds, I wondered why they dint just flewed here but I didn't put it to mind and started seeing where they were going and to my surprise they were coming into the great hall.

I was confused about this until Malfoy started spouting one of my pawn secrets which about being a werewolf. At this point i knew something bad was going to happen. This was more proven by the fact that the wizards were arouras and were here for lupin.

I don't know how he got that information but I needed to stop them so they wouldn't ruin my plans. As I was talking to them a elf apparated by me.

"sir Dumbledore sir its very bad big troll be in castle they be everywhere" the elf said to me making me shocked.

"WHAT!" I yelled with some people joining me.

As soon as I yelled that a Hagrid came into the great hall.

"Dumbledore sir something wrong with the creatures they seem to be headed to Hogwarts their numbered int the hundreds" he yelled making me yell what again.

I thought that it couldn't get any worse than this I was wrong because not even a second after that all the magic seems to be pulled into a certain place at a mass quantity that even the children can fell it.

"What in merlin is going here" I said with a shocked face.

Popsy pov

I was in darkness again but this time there were two beings fighting one red as fire and one brown with horns. At first it seemed that the one with horns was going to win but the red fire overcame it then started heading to me which was now a blue ball of flame shining brightly.

When the red flame came, I started defending and attacking with all my might but as I kept fighting, I soon realized that I was losing but that dint stops me. No, I dug deep and summoned all the power that I could just like the first time.

And just like in the beginning the green was here it jumped on the red and killed it with ease but this time it dints disappear no this time it ate both the red and brown and when it was finished it came up next to me. I wasn't afraid I knew it was going to eat me, so I welcomed it and soon both the green and me where mixing turning into a new color.

When the process was finished, I was still blueish, but I knew my new color was the color of cyan a combination of green and blue it felt perfect like a part of me that I never knew I was missing came back.

After that was finished, I started sleeping but before I did fall asleep I felt it, I felt my new body growing with each beat it grew more.