CH.24 War What Is It Good For

After sleeping for a while, I was woken up in darkness which soon was gone, and I saw the world in my new eyes. I didn't think about my new body yet not there was one thing that I needed to do first, I needed a name. not the one my mother gave me no I need a true name one to reflect my position in this world so I started thinking and there was only one way that I could name myself.

"I name myself Dryadalis Rex," I said making the world shake.

After I said that I started feeling and looking at my new body.

I have to say my new body felt so right like a missing puzzle, after feeling my body I transfigured a mirror to see my new body and I got say I am handsome.

"Finally have the body that I deserve, now let's check the final thing," I said and pointed my new fingers up into the sky.

"fire," I said and imagining fire coming out of my finger and transforming into a dragon.

I felt nothing at first but then my mana left my body, but I still felt that I didn't even use a drop of my mana and then the fire left my hand.

The fire was supposed to be average size but when it came out it was gigantic, the fire dragon soured into the sky and kept soaring till I made it explode in a fireworks kind of way. I ignored the shocked gasp and went to see my new mana compacity. What I found brought me to pure joy my previous mana compacity that was about the size of a puddle transformed into a cyan ocean, it looked near endless, so I decided to see its limitations.

I started shooting different dragons in different elements such as water, lightning, and wind, always making sure to make them explode when they reached a certain height making the sky live up.

As soon was finished doing that I checked my compacity to see no change so I came up with the conclusion that I'm either regenerating mana at such a speed that I don't lose any of my new mana is at such a level that me doing this doesn't take that much power, or it might be both I will have to test this out later.

After coming to that conclusion, I started looking ahead to see that I have a crowd composed of Dumbledore, the students, the teachers, some auroras, centaurs, and finally kneeling elves.

After looking at them I started walking till I got to the spot where the castle opened and I just kept walking and fell, but when I did I started floating down gently till I got to the ground and I apparated in front of them which dint look like normal aparating, it was as if I wasn't their one moment then I was so I'm calling this true teleportation or instant teleportation.

As soon as I appeared Infront of them they were shocked and of course pulled out their wands except for Dumbledore probably acting like the grandfather to try to be friends with me and manipulate me.

I don't pay attention to them and turn around to look at the Hogwarts.

"It seems my transformation roughed you up a bit lets get you back to shape as a thank you give," I said and then waved my arm and imagined the castle arranging itself back the way it is which it did in an instant.

It was at that time that I felt a small decrease in my mana, but I ignored it restoring a castle such as that will of course takes a lot of power.

"Mr.Dryadalis my name is Albus-" Dumbledore was about to continue but I stopped him.

"I know who you are," I said and was a little shocked at how my voice sounded, my new voice was smooth and was low but carried power with it I very much liked it.

After saying that I turned around and started walking to the elves that were kneeling. After arriving in front of them they were still kneeling but were just quiet so I decided to speak.

"rise," I said with a but a whisper, but everyone heard it and the elves rosed.

When they rosed, they started looking confused probably not knowing why they were accepting orders from me.

"Mr. Dryadalis I don't know what you've done to these elf's but I implore you to let them go," Dumbledore said with his grandfather's act.

"so they can go back to serving you again," I said not even looking at him but I could tell he was shocked.

"that's just the way their species are we can not choose who was born as," Dumbledore said again making me angry which in turn made the surrounding ground break.

"my species where not born to serve, your species were the one who put the collars on them I don't know when but I do know how" I said to him making him struggle to breath under the pressure of my mana along with the rest of the wizards.

"so you come to free them so they can serve you" he still said under all that pressure.

it was at this time I turned to him and talked.

"I am their king it is my birthright that they listen to me" I said with majesty in my voice.

"listing because I am going to say this one and only one time, you wizards with all of you arrogances have enslave my mighty race for centuries but no more it is time that my people fight, it is time that my people show you our power, it is time for you wizard to pay for the years of torture and abuse, I the king of elf's Dryadalis Rex declare war on every wizard" I yelled and then with a swipe of my arm I teleported myself and the elf's away leaving them in shock