CH.25 Causing Waves In The World

After Dryadalis left with the elf the world soon found about the new crown king of the elf's and this shocked everyone and with missing a beat the daily prophet soon realized the news.

"The elves haves declared war.

no, you are not hearing wrong folks, house elves are apparently declaring war on wizarding kind.

yesterday on Hogwarts ground after an invasion from trolls and a monster stampede an event occurred causing every single house elf to look in the direction of Hogwarts and bow.

this event was because of the birth of the supposed elf king named Dryadalis rex, after the event happened the newly crowned king declared war on wizarding kind and took every single house elf in Hogwarts and left for Merlin's nowhere".

Dumbledore pov.

I just finished reading todays daily prophet and put it down and started looking at the teachers arguing. After Dryadalis left I brought the students inside Hogwarts and brought the teachers to discussed what happened.

"What does mean albus" Minerva said to me.

"It means that Voldemort isn't the only person that we have to worry about" I said to her.

"What are you talking about its one person with a supposed army of house elf, for all we know he could be lying about this whole thing" Horace said.

"No this was one hundred percent real nature herself celebrated it" I said to him making him shocked.

"Well, what do we do no, how are we going to feed the children" Horace said.

"For now, we can just hire wizards willing to do work until we can think of a finally solution" I said.

"The only thing that we have to worry about is trying to stop this war before its starts" I said

"And how are we going to stop the elf king from raging war for house elf who of course have been abused in most if not all wizard houses" Minerva said.

"I don't know just yet but I'm sure that If I can just talk to him then we could reach a conclusion" I said with a smile.

"For now, I need to head back to my office and research more about this" I said and then left.

As I'm walking to my office with a smile inwardly, I'm cursing over and over again.

'How did this happen, a house elf couldn't and shouldn't be this powerful, not only that but my whole plan is ruined, the only good thing that came out of this is everyone forget about lupin being a werewolf' I thought.

'Okay let's calm down maybe I can use this to my advantage, if I can get the Dryadalis under control it will furthermore add to my power'. I though and then smile.

'Yes, all I have to do is get you under my control just like I've done with every single person, how hard could this be I mean he is just a house elf even if he is evolved once a house elf always a house elf' I thought and then went to my office to research on house elves.

3rd pov

In an unknown place, in an unknown room, there was a man with a malevolent aura seemingly contemplating something, as he is contemplating another person walks in.

Voldemort pov.

"My lord has you heard the news" one of my death eaters said to me.

"Yes, I have, and I have to say this is an intriguing surprise" I said with a smile on my face.

"What shall we do about this my lord" another death eater said.

"We shall recruit him of course, even if he is the king of the elf, he still is just a house elf" I said with a smile.

"But my lord what I've heard he able to suppress Dumbledore with his magic alone" another death eater said.

"So, what, of course our lord is stronger than Dumbledore and that puny little elf should be lucky to serve him, and he doesn't then well make submit" Bellatrix said.

"Well said Bellatrix" I said with a smile.

"Now I want you all to find this Dryadalis rex and invite him to meet me" I said making them bow and leave.

'a house elf who thinks it powerful enough to declare war on wizarding kind how interesting, let's see how powerful you are Dryadalis rex' I though with a smirk.

Grinkar pov

I put down the daily prophet and then proceed to laugh.

"hahahahahaha" I laughed making the other goblins turn to me.

"what's so funny Grinkar" one goblin said to me.

"Do you remember the house elf that I told you that I meet that day" I said to him.

"Yes, what about it" he said with a confused face.

"Well, you're looking at him" I said and pointing at the picture of Dryadalis.


"Ha I wish look at his eyes I know you remember that elf" I said making him look at the picture again.

"My good it's true but how can that be possible he was just a puny house elf the last time that we saw him, so how did he get so powerful".

"Hehe what did I tell you, I have a knack for finding special people and I knew that elf was special when I looked into his eyes" I said.

"So, what does this mean are we going to side with them, I mean they seem to be just like us" the goblin said.

"How should I know I'm not the king, now let's get back to work" I said and went back to work.

3rd pov

Around the world multiple factions, groups and powerful people had their eyes on Dryadalis rex, , most laughed at the elf king thinking he was just a bug beneath them, most wanted to recruit him and make him sir as his people have always done and finally their was a small group that knew of the true danger that this king posed but unfortunately this group could only watch as they had no power to make the new king submit.