CH.26 Change

After I teleported away, I arrived once again in the warehouse, after arriving I immediately put all the elf's to sleep and then look around to see more elf's so I put them to sleep too.

After putting them to sleep Daniel arrives and greets me.

"My lord" he said while bowing.

"I'm surprise you recognize me Daniel" I said while looking at him.

"No matter how much the lord changes he is still the lord" he said still bowing.

"hmm" I said and started walking towards a chair.

"You did a good job getting these elf's" I said and then sitting down in the chair.

"Thank you, my lord," he said with a happy beat to him.

"Line each of them up by themselves" I said.

"Yes lord" he said and started moving the sleeping elves.

As he was doing this I started thinking about things, mostly myself and my life. And I've come to a realization I have let the freedom and power of reincarnating change me I mean for fuck's sake I killed two children even if they were shity they were still children.

As much as I realized how stupid I've been acting it doesn't mean that I regret doing any of it, I did what I needed to do to get to where I am today so how can I regret it.

'Now let's start thinking about the important stuff' I though and continued thinking.

This new mana if I can even call it that because it's more of a mix between man and nature so maybe I should call nature mana a combination of nature and mana. Yes, that will work, anyways this natures mana is so powerful.

As I thought that I can already feel the abundance of power that I can tap from it, I mean I reconstructed Hogwarts with a wave of my hand. As much as this is power full, I know that I can't let this get to my head and become arrogant.

Yes, arrogance will lead to my downfall, now that I've gotten the body that I've deserved and became the king of all elves in the process what now. Well that obviously find a new home for the elves to live in and then find a way to evolve the elves to my level, then free the remaining elf's.

After that I don't quite know I guess something will happen and ill have to deal with it. with that done I soon turned to Daniel who was finished lining the elf's up who where all sleeping laying down peacefully. I started counting each of them and the result was I had about two hundred and five house elf that I need to evolve and find a home for.

For the matter of the home, I think I know the perfect place for it, the place where the nature energy came from, I'm pretty sure without that piece of wood I couldn't have evolved to the point where I am today so that mean that elf's must have a tree to evolve into their true form.

Speaking of said evolution I've come to resiled another thing there are still creature that I dint think about to add to my evolution, mostly because I felt adding to much would make me into a monstrosity and that I could do the ritual after I've set up a good foundation which I've done so now all I need to do is find the time and place to continue my evolution.

After thinking that I smiled "yes I can't wait, what should I go for fist the eyes of Wampus cat of maybe the eyes of the basilisk or the powers of a nundu, ah so many to choose from so much power" I said with a smile.

"My lord I have finished" Daniel said with his ever stone cold face.

"Ah good job Daniel" I said and then started looking at him.

'What exactly am I going to with you' I thought.

'Although Daniel here has been very helpful I am going to create a kingdom for elf's and as such no wizards wont be allowed for most likely ever, so what do I do about dear old Daniel' I though still looking at him.

'as much as I could kill him I did kind kidnaped him and brainwashed him so I kind of feel bad, oh I know why not give him his memories but take the parts about me being a bad guy and make it still seem that I am his lord, that should work not only would he have his life back but now I can also get a spy into the wizards ranks' I though and then smiled.

"Come here Daniel" I said making him come to me.

When he near enough I look into his eyes and he let me inside his mind with ease, after getting inside his mind I inserted his memories which I still had a copy of and messed around with it, so I came of as a wizard stuck inside a elf's body that saved him and then he pledge his life to me. After I exited out of his mind I saw that his face went gradually from emotionless to a Caple human being.

"My lord what was it that you need" he said with a smile on his face.

"I going to let you know that you need to go back to the wizarding world to gather information for me" I said.

"yes, my lord, thank you for this mission" he said with a smile.

"No problem and if anyone ask where you been just lie or something and if you need to talk to me just come back to this warehouse ill be able to feel you when you come in here" I said.

"Yes lord" he said.

"well, what are you waiting for leave" I said making him look surprised.

"Sorry my lord, goodbye lord" he said and then apparated out of the warehouse.

"finally, alone again" I said.

"Well not exactly" I said after looking at the sleeping elf's.

"Now brothers and sisters let go to our new home" I said and then wrapped all the elves present with my mana and started concentrating where the highest concertation of nature energy was coming from. After felling for a few seconds, I finally felt it deep withing the earth so I teleported there with all the elf's present.

