CH.27 Gaia And The History Of The World

After teleporting I once again arrived at the majestic forest in my dreams but this time I was in front of the tree and there was a woman here as if she was waiting for me. She had her back turned so I couldn't see her so I spoke up.

"Hello," I said causing her shoulders to jump and turn around.

"Finally," the woman said with the sweetest voice I've ever heard I was confused as to why she said finally and was about to speak but she turned around for me to see her and I was stunned.

Her face was a combination of natural beauty and a caring mother, she had dark green hair that became a lighter shade as it went down to the ground almost blending with the ground, she had brown horns on her head wich look like wood, and finally she had a brown dress on her decorated with different flowers, overall she looked like a goddess.

"wow" I said without realizing it making her laugh which again stunned me.

"Thank you for the compliment" she said with a smile.

"Wait I know that voice you're the one who saved me, who exactly are you" I said.

"Ill will tell you all that you need to know but let sit down first" she said and sat down on the grass which made flowers grow and bloomed.

Before I sat down, I first put all the elves down somewhere safe and sat next to her.

"If you haven't figured it out by now but my name is Gaia or mother nature, nice to meet you Dryadalis rex" she said with a warm smile.

"Huh I mean I had some speculations, but I dint think I was right" I said to her causing her to giggle.

"Yes, not everybody would think of that" she said.

"I have a question" I said to her.

"I assume you would" she said.

"Why did you help me" I said.

"Ah for me to answer that I must tell you the history of you people" she said with a sad look on her face.

"Long ago the primordial where born different aspects of different thing brought them into existence including myself, after being brought to existence the primordial dint has much to do but mess with the fabric of existence, this keep going on for a while until I decided to create planets and then eventually create life" she said with a smile.

"after I created earth it became the favorite of the primordial, it became a sort of playground for them, I of course did not mind I knew how bored they were, everything was going well until one primordial decide to try to make life like I did, at first he tried with different animals but ultimately failed so he came to for help and I helped him, after helping him he was able to create a new life based on my own life called monkeys, this new life as you can already guess was humanity" she said and sighed.

"after that primordial created humanity he proceeded to spread them around the world as a way of showing of his creations, and because of that the other primordial became jealous and so the creation races started, different primordial started making different life each having a little aspect of each of them inside for example the primordial of fire created the phoenix and the primordial of death created the dementors" she said.

"This creation race of course intrigued me so I to make my own creation the elves" she said with a beaming smile.

"The elves where my masterpiece they were much more powerful than the other primordial creation because they could understand the aspect of each primordial and use them something that has never been done before" she said with a smile that was now turning into a frown.

"but not all primordial could create life some just couldn't do it not matter how hard they tried one of them was magic, she a primordial on the same level as me and she was angry that she couldn't make her own life, so instead of making life she stole life by infusing her aspect into a human making the first wizard" she said and then sighed.

"After that a sort of war started magic started consuming the primordial creation cutting them off from the creator which weaken them so much so that magic consumed almost every primordial" she said with a tear falling down her check.

I wiped the tear from her check and asked" why did the primordial get weaker" I said.

"When the primordial create life, they put all their energy and aspect into them so when magic took over their creation, she basically swallowed the very aspect of them, it why wizards can do so much with mana" she said still looking said.

"After magic killed almost every aspect except for the few that escaped she came after me and my elves, but my elves were strong and fought her off, but magic used the elves good nature to gain their trust and have the wizards devolve them into what you before you now" she is looking at the elves sleeping with sadness.

"If that's what happened then how are you still alive" I said.

"I can't die because I am the aspect of nature and life magic could only weaken me to a coma at most" she said.

"Oh, if you were in a coma how did you wake up" I said.

"Why because of you of course" she said with a smile making me have a confused face.

Seeing my confused face she continued "while I was in a coma I felt something call me for help from the depths of my slumber causing me to wake up and help you if even only for a moment, I wanted to see who was calling me but to my surprise it was a new born elf and it seem that we had a connection even though magic herself was strong in you, you were producing nature energy so to help me come back from my slumber and to make sure magic doesn't sense you I've been taking all the nature energy you been producing" she said with a guilty face.

"it's okay I don't mind; you did what you had to do" I said.

"Thank you for understanding" she with a smile.

"So can you tell me the primordial" I asked causing her to smile and continue talking.