CH.29 Rebirth Of Forgotten Species

I do not know how long I was asleep for because this was the first time, I slept without worrying about what is coming for me or what I am going to do. Overall, it was a nice sleep a dreamless kind of sleep you get when your mind is so tired from working it cannot even be bothered to make dreams, I would have kept sleeping for more longer, but I was woken up by the sound of bark breaking.

I open my eyes to that sound, and I saw that the trees the elf's where in where now breaking apart with the first one being in front. The tree kept cracking and cracking till eventually an elf woman came out. She had green hair that went to her back with green eyes and a normal but strong body and not only that, but she was naked.

After she came out of the tree the rest soon followed, different trees broke revealing different elves of different sexes, each of them had different hair color, body size, but all of them had green eyes. Of them finished evolving they came in front of me and Gaia who was smiling and bowed.

"My lord" a symphony of different voices said to me.

Now right now there are a lot of things that I could say to my new subjects, but there was only one thing of which I could think.

"Why are they naked" I said aloud causing them to blush and Gaia to giggle.

"What do you expect, they were just born again" Gaia said.

"But I had my clothes when I evolved" I said with a confused face.

"Yes, but yours was a special king of evolution and after all you are the king" she said proudly.

"Oh ok" I said and then stand up to greet my new subjects.

"You can all rise" I said making them stand up.

"What are your names" I said

"We don't have any true names just the ones those wizards gave us" the woman in front of the crowd said with a little hatred at the end.

"Then how about naming yourself I did so why not you all do the same" I said to them.

"Thank you, my king," the woman said with glee.

"No problem now goes on I wait until you're finished' I said and then placed my head unto Giais thighs again.

It dints take long for them to start talking and producing names for themselves and eventually they finally stopped and came back to me.

"So are all you finished" I said still on Giais thighs.

"Not quite my king I still have not decided what my name shall be" the same woman said to me.

"Hmm how about I name you then" I said causing her to explode with happiness.

"It would be an honor my king" she said with a smile.

"Hmm how about Mia, Mia Regina" I said to the newly named Mia.

"Thank you for such a wonderful name my lord" mai said to me.

"No problem, no onto business" I said.

"First thing first you all need to get some clothes on you" I said pointing out their nakedness and then injecting my nature energy into the ground making vines grow onto each elf's body transforming into clothes.

"Thank you, my lord," mai said.

"No problem, now that you are no longer naked, we can start building our new kingdom" I said causing them to cheer.

"Now go on and start making your self-houses" I said making them leave.

"Mai stays" I said you mai who was leaving.

"What can I do for you your highness" she said to me.

"You seemed to have taken the role of leadership very nicely, so I want you to become my new assistant, from now on you will be responsible for telling the rest of the elves my orders" I said.

"Thank you, your highness, its and honor" she said with a smile.

"That said I wanted to ask you about a certain topic" I said.

"What would that be your highness" mai said.

"How do you think we should go about the wizards" I said causing her to frown at the mention at the wizards.

"as much as I hate the wizards most of them are innocent so we cant go into a all war with them especially since most of the elves are not trained inn combat yet, so the best choice that I can come up with is to go the ministry of magic and demand the release of every elf around the world" mai said with a serious face.

"Do you think that will work" I said.

"I doubt it my lord, the wizards who run the government are noting but bigoted idoits" mai said with hatred.

"So why should we do this then" I said.

"Because it would show us in a good light my lord, it would show that we have no other choice but to fight to free our people and therefore it becomes easier to recruit allies" mai said.

"Well done mai you've outdone yourself; you can go now I call you when I need you" I said to her with a smile.

"Thank you, my lord and goodbye," mai said then bowed and left.

"Is this the only way to free the elf" Gaia said to me.

"Yes unfortunately, the wizards nowadays are too arrogant and unwilling to change I mean look at their economy it doomed to fail" I said.

"I know but I just don't like war" Gaia said.

"don't worry I promise to do this war as peacefully as I can" I said with a smile.

"Thank you" gia said with a smile.

After that I started watching the elf's build the new homes, the way they build their homes was they would mold the trees with nature magic so that it would look like a house and then add a few expansion charms to make the inside bigger, then a few more spells to make it bigger and presto you have a house.