CH.30 How To Win A War Before It Starts

It took about a few days but finally, the elf finished building the house, after they were finished the forest looked more like a city than a forest, overall, it looked very beautiful the house blended into the trees giving the forest a looked of beauty and peace.

After they were finished building their house, I build mine except I made mines a castle instead of a house, it dints take long with the amount of nature energy I had, and eventually, I finished my glorious castle. The castle was like the rest of the houses it combined with the tree making it look glorious.

After all that was finished, I gathered the elves and started teaching them all that I knew, to make it go fast I went into their minds and imparted the information to them. After I had given them a good amount of information, I taught them oclumens and legimens.

It dints take long for the elves to learn what I taught them, so I sent them to learn by themselves after all the best way to learn was through failure, after sending them I went inside my castle and sat on my new throne and went inside my mind.

The reason that I came back here was that I needed to update my barriers, the only reason that I couldn't update them is that I didn't have enough energy but now, I have a very good amount of energy, so I started working.

The first thing that I did was expand the solar system and make more planets from various media that I know and spread fake memories into those planets. Then I made various spaceships that would attack people if when they leave a planet and finally, I took the spaceship that had all my memories and teleported into a mirror kind of dimension inside my mind.

This was the best way that I can think to hide my memories, think about let's say someone is that powerful that they can get past all my traps and defense just for them to find absolutely nothing at all because my memories are in a different dimension altogether, and I know they won't think to check a different dimension because no one has ever done what I just did.

After adding some finishing touch to my mind, I finally finished and then left my mind with relief that no one in this reality will ever get my secrets.

"You seem happy," Gaia said appearing next to me.

"that's because I am, I finally have my mind secured good enough that no one will be able to access it," I said with a smile.

"I guess that is something to be happy about," she said.

"Yes, it is, now I think it's about time that I contact the Ministry," I said and started thinking.

'What would be the best way to contact the Ministry' I thought.

'Oh, I get it we get good all dumbles to help, he would be the first to try to end this war before it even started mostly because it will ruin his plans' I thought.

"I'm going to contact the Ministry now," I said to Gaia and then teleported into Hogwarts where I was sensing Dumbledore's magic, more specifically the great hall.

When I arrived, everybody was eating and did not notice me mostly because I didn't make any sound, so I decided to make my presence known.

"Hello Dumbledore," I said shocking the surrounding wizards and making them draw their wands.

"My what a warm welcome," I said with a smile.

"Everybody put down your wands," Dumbledore said without missing a beat.

"MR. Dryadalis what brings you to Hogwarts" he said with his grandfather's smile, but I could tell that in his head he was running around trying to figure out how I passed his wards.

I smiled and said," the reason that I came to Hogwarts is simple, I've given it some thought and I've realized how impulsive I have been to declare war like that".

"Ah it's good that you have seen the light now we can talk this out like peaceful adults," he said with that grandfather smile making me sneer inside.

"Yes, I was thinking just that, I will meet you Infront of the ministry of magic building tomorrow in the morning and I shall tell you all my demands," I said and then teleported without giving him a chance to talk back.

I arrived once again in my castle and sat on my throne.

"I've contacted the ministry and we will give our demands tomorrow would you like to come," I said to Gaia next to me.

"As much as I would love to come with you, I can't the only reason that I'm here is that I'm using, your nature energy and this tree as an anchor, so I can't go outside or to far from the tree not nature energy in the world nowadays" she said with a sad face.

"I'm sorry, I promise I fix that so don't worry soon enough you be at full power and see the world once again" I said with a serious face.

She giggled and said thank you and then left, so I called Mai to the throne room to tell her what just happened.

"I going to allow you to speak for me so I'm going to impart all that I know about wizard society and politics" I said to Mai and went into her mind and imparted the information.

"Thank you, my lord I promise, I won't let you down" she said with a determined face.

"I know you won't, now go and prepare and tell the rest of the elves that we leave tomorrow in the morning" I said making her bowed and leave.

After she left, I started thinking about who I'm going to recruit for this incoming war 'the goblins are an obvious pick I mean we have a lot in common and I'm pretty sure the best way to recruit them is to give them gold and land for protection.

"Yes, that will work just fine" I said and started thinking about what else I need to do to recruit the goblins.