CH.33 Goblins Once Again

After a fun morning exercise, I took a shower with Gaia and went to Mia who was waiting for me outside my bedroom door.

"Hello Mia, good morning" I said with a smile causing her to blush either because of my handsome face or because of something else but I dint care and kept walking past her.

"Yes, good morning lord, shall we head to the goblins now" she said to me.

"Yes, let us do that" I said and grab Mia and then teleported into Gringotts.]

As soon as I arrive everyone stopped moving till, I cleared my throat and started talking "I believe we have an appointment with your king" I said causing them to move and most likely inform their king.

I was waiting for someone to come to me I saw a familiar figure, so I went up to him, "hello their nice to see you again" I said to him making him smirk.

"Hehe yes nice to see you again" he said with a snicker.

"I never got your name last time that I met you and neither did you get mines so how about I properly introduced myself I am Dryadalis Rex king of all elves" I said looking at the goblin.

"Nice to meet you your highness Dryadalis I am Grinkar" he said with a smile.

"Grinkar nice name, how would you like to come with me for meting you king" I said.

"It would be an honor your majesty" he said with smile.

"Hmm yes I like you if I ever open an account, you can in charge of it" I said making grinkars eyes turn into dollar sign.

"Thank you, your majesty," he said with a smile almost splitting his face.

Soon goblin warriors arrived with a person leading them who I'm guessing is the king by the crown and the way his dressing.

"Good day and nice to meet you lord Draydalis" the goblin said to me after arriving in front me.

"Same to you lord Ragnuck" I said with respect causing him to nod.

"Shall we take this somewhere more private he said.

"of course, I hope you don't mind that I bring sir grinkar here, his going to my manger if I ever open an account in Gringotts" I said to him causing to look at grinkar and nod.

"of course, not come along "he said and started moving causing me to follow along.

We soon arrived at a room with a table with multiple chair each hosting a goblin and to chair with equal height, ragnuck went to the other side of the chair and sat with his retainers, so I sat in the chair facing him with Mia and grinkar sitting by me.

After sitting ragnuck started speaking.

"You have contacted the goblins but about talks of an alliance" ragnuck said to me.

"Yes, as we elf and goblins are both creatures of nature its only mean that we should have an alliance plus with the way wizards are treating us it simply a good idea to stick together" I said with confidence.

"Yes, I guess it is but tell me sir dryadilas in this new alliance what will we do about matter of war" he said looking serious.

I chuckled "ha-ha getting straight to it are we" I said making him smirk.

"I see no reason to waste time so lest just get to the main subject at hand" ragnuck said.

"Yes, let us indeed, for the matter of war of course we should help each other" I said causing him to stop smiling and was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"Only in dire situation of if the leader specifically asks for help" I said.

"Hmmm I see, but I have a question" he said to me.

"Ask away" I said.

"If the goblins sign this alliance, will you ask us to fight in this war of yours" he said and looked me dead serious in the eyes.

"If you do sign the alliance the no, I will not ask you to join this war instead I will ask you to stay neutral to both sides" I said making look confused.

"You want to stay confused to both sides?" he said to me.

"yes to both sides, listen ragnuck I know as king you want what's best for your people and even though fighting with me could give you people a better life you don't know the chances of winning the war and you as king are not going to send your people fight a war without knowing the outcome so the best thing that I can ask you is to stay neutral, that way you can see who going to win the war and can choose which side you want to join" I said with a serious face.

"Are you that certain that you will win this war" he said looking at me.

"One hundred percent" I said causing him to laugh.

"Alright if you're so sure then we the goblins will stay neutral for now" he said making the last part known.

"that's all I'm asking for" I said with a smile.

After talking more about technical stuff, we wrote a contract, and both signed it and I soon left saying goodbye to both ragnuck and grinkar and went to prepare for the future.

Grinkar pov

After Dryadalis left, I was called to meet the king.

"Grinkar tell me what you think of the king of the elves "lord ragnuck said to me.

"I think its best we follow him" I said with a smile.

"Oh, and why is that" he says to me.

"Because the last time that I saw him he was noting but a stronger house elf serving a lowly wizard family, but in lest then a year he has become someone who is able to challenge the whole wizarding world" I said.

"Hmm Is that so well I guess we shall see just how great he is and if he is we shall follow him but for now we watch" ragnuck said to me and then dismissed me.