CH.34 The Plan (18+)

After coming back to the castle, I sent Mia away to keep training the elves and went to Gaia who was outside playing with a foxlike creature under the shade of a tree.

"How did it go," Gaia said with a smile seeing me coming to her.

"It went as expected and now the goblin will be neutral," I said getting behind her and hugging her making her leaned into me.

"So now we go to war" she said sounding sad.

"don't be sad I promise ill only kill the idoits and dark wizards" I said making her happier.

"Thank you" she said with a smile.

"And plus, this war is merely distraction" I said with a smile.

"What do you mean" she said.

"As powerful as me and the elves are we won't be able to beat all of the wizards in the world, its one of the reasons that I made it seem that were fighting this war for freedom and not just to kill wizards, this way I can get wizards on my side" I said with a smirk.

"And how will you do that I mean their wizards" she said a blank face.

"simple I've got a wizard minion that has been gathering power and now I just have to have him spread how the elves just want freedom and how unjust that wizards are being and how we should give them freedom they deserve, the light and maybe the neutral sides will eat it up and soon even Dumbledore will be on the side to let the elves be free, which in turn will cause a civil war and a divide" I said with a smirk still on my face.

"Okay I can see that happening" Gaia said with a thinking face.

"yes while that's going ill be going after Voldemort to make the light side see me more as a person who wants freedom and create more friction for the civil war, but all of that will be a distraction for me to get time to find and get more power and find the person or place the primordial of magic is, right now my best guess is Dumbledore" I said.

"Yes, he most probably is from what I know about him" Gaia said.

"Yes, well I guess it time for me to go greet my minion" I said kissing Gaia on the cheek and getting up.

"See you soon" I said and teleported away to where I was feeling Daniels's man signature.

I teleported in an office of sort and Daniel was doing work that I dint care to learn what, I stayed their waiting for him to acknowledge me, but it seems that the dint has enough experience to sense me teleporting in front of him, so I spoke.

"Hello Daniel" I said spooking him.

"My lord, this servants welcomes you to his home" he said as soon as he recognized me and bowed which I nodded to.

"How has things been going Daniel" I said sitting on a chair in the office.

"Things have been going well lord and I have done as you said" Daniel said still bowing.

"Good, I have a new assignment for you, I need you to gather a group and start supporting the elves preaching that all we want is peace and that this war can be avoided if we just compromise with them" I said.

"Yes lord" Daniel said.

"Make sure that you get Dumbledore's help on the matter" I said

"Yes lord" Daniel said.

"Since you're going to need money for this here" I said and then started filling the room with solid gold bricks, getting gold isn't hard as long as you know the chemical composition, alchemy and an abundance of mana.

"Thank lord I will not fail you" Daniel said.

"I know you I make sure of that" I said and then got in front of him put my hand on his head and expanded his mana reserves giving him the power close to Dumbledore.

"Also make sure no one finds about this just say you got lucky, or something just make it sound plausible" I said then teleported back to the castle and then went to the bedroom.

Right now, the sun was setting, and I was feeling mentally tired, so I drop myself on the bed and sighed.

"tired" Gaia said appearing out of thin air and started hugging me.

"Being a king is annoying and to tiring I going to find some one to dump this job on soon" I said and sighed.

"Hehe how about do something to give some energy" Gaia said with a smirk.

"ok" I said wanting to see what she would do.

She started slowly moving to my lower body using her finger to trace my muscles till she got to my pants which she took off bring my dick which by now was hard as rock.

"someone's happy to see" she said and then kissed it causing my dick to twitch.

"Hehe" she giggled knowing what she was doing to me.

She started licking slowly on all sides always stopping right before the tip, after torturing me for a few seconds she kissed the tip and slowly putt my dick her mouth making the whole seven disappear like a magic trick.

All this time she was looking at me not looking away even once, their where different sounds coming from her all which turn me on even more. She kept sucking till eventually I orgasmed and came into her mouth. She swallowed it all and with pop she licked all the cum from my dick.

"Hehe better" she said looking at me.

"Much much better" I said with a smile of my own.

"Hehe" she giggled once again.

We soon started having sex whit me going down on her retuning the favor and then to full on blown sex. This went on to the night until we fell asleep both satisfied and happy.