CH.35 Got To Cath Them All

Waking up to Gaia on my chest naked has become sort of aesthetic, it become something that I want to keep in my life.

I got out of bed making sure not to wake her up, after taking a shower eating something I went outside to see how the elves were doing.

So far, the elves have been adjusting well and training hasn't been a problem for them, they train in different groups with each group having a leader of different genders. After training they do whatever they witch to do, such as signing, making art, or just talking, most of the elves have gotten together and most of them were already together which is a nice thing.

Overall, the whole little city is in harmony, and that brought a smile to my face. After wandering around the city, I am once again in my castle but this time I'm in the newly purification room as I call it. In this room, there is only one item the goblet that has Voldemort's soul in it.

I've been putting it off but it's about time I find all of Voldemort's Horcruxes. The easiest and the first that I can get which will also help me in the long run is Marvolos Gaunt's ring also the ring that has the hold the resection stone.

The location of said ring is in the Gaunts shack so I need to first find the location of it.

"Hmm how about we use our new friend I'm sure they won't mind giving me some help plus this will also give me another win," I said with a smirk and then teleported to Gringotts.

I arrived and I made sure I made to make a pop noise this time to alert them, soon once again I am led to Ragnuck who seemed surprised to see me.

"Hello lord, Dryadalis I'm surprised to see it hasn't even been a week since we last talked," he said with a smirk.

"ha-ha yes I do realize that but the matter I have to tell you is of the utmost important," I said with a smile.

"And what would that matter be," he said with a questioning face.

"Why the defeat of Voldemort," I said making their turn serious.

"Are you serious?" he asked me.

"As serious as can be," I said with a smile.

"And how exactly can Gringotts help in this endeavor," he said to me.

"well its simple not many people know about this but Voldemort's isn't the oh so darks lord real name but instead it is Tom Marvolo Riddle a half-blood and you see Tommy boy has a huge fear of death so the idiot split his soul into five objects creating Horcruxes and until those objects are destroyed I can't kill him fully, and believe it or not but Gringotts has the information for two of those five objects," I said making him shocked.

"And what are those information" ragnuck said.

"The first is the location of the Gaunt shack and the second isn't information but in actual Tommy, boy left one of those objects inside one of your vaults the Lestrange vault to be specific," I said causing to slam his fist on the table.

"Thank you for telling us this the address for the guant shack will be given to you and the Lestrange vault will be searched," he said still angry.

"Oh, make sure to not touch it, it a very dark object and it can take over a person that doesn't have the strongest mind, also if you don't mind could you give me the object when you find it, I have a way to purify the object without destroying its," I said.

"that's fine I do not need such a dark object," ragnuck said.

After a while I got the location of the guant shack it was outside of little hangleton Yorkshire. After teleporting to try to find it I finally saw it. It was the only thing giving off mana and was quite easy to spot like a flame in the darkness.

There were obvious and not obvious charms and wards meant to alert and keep out a person does not mean to be here but with a mind like mine it was but child's play to get the wards under my control. After getting the ward under my control I went inside started looking for the ring.

I found as soon I came inside the house, the energy just screamed at me, it was so different then mana and nature energy that I could not have found it. Inside a drawer lied the Gaunt ring riddle with multiple curses on who would touch it without the right requirement.

Even when I picked it with my nature mana the curse kept spreading only to die out from the purity of my energy. After getting the ring I didn't wait and teleported back to Gringotts and went to ragnuck who was waiting for me with Helga Hufflepuffs cup which was giving waves of dark energy despite being sealed.

"Ah I see you have returned with an even stronger Horcruxes," ragnuck said cringing looking at the guant ring floating by me.

"Yes, and don't worry you won't ever see these ever again," I said making the cup float and come by the ring.

"Well now that our business is finished until next time lord ragnuck" I said with a smile and then teleported away to my final location the island of the crystal cave. The crystal cave hides the final Horcruxes that I will need for now the locket of Salazar Slytherin.

Instead of going into the cave and going through all the traps that Tommy set up for a locket that I won't use I'm choosing to do the smart thing and blowing it the fuck up while also finally seeing just how much destruction I can do whit my magic.

I floated high up and looked down where the cave is, I first bring my hand up and create a bubble, and inside the bubble, I create tinier bubbles, and with almost all my energy I create the basis of an atomic bomb in each bubble that will set of as soon as the bubble pops and then I let it go then teleported far away that I can see the destruction but won't get hurt.

Tell me something do you know when something terrible is about to happen, if you don't then you just need to listen and you hear nothing a deafening silence that will haunt you in your nightmares. That was what was happening it was deathly quiet and then it happened.

The explosion could be heard and seen even though I was still so far away from it all I could do it just stare at the amount of power that I had.

"Ha…ha. ha, you don't real;y know how powerful till you see just how much destruction you can do, note to self-magic and science has too much potential, and I need to keep a leash on who learns it, il call this spell tsar maxima" I said still tired from the amount of power the attack took from me.

After getting enough nature mana I teleported away not knowing the fear I had caused in the world.