CH.36 The War To End All Wars

After coming back to the castle, I went straight to the purification room and left all two of the Horcruxes inside after sealing them so nothing bad happens and went to rest.

I was resting under when Gaia came next to me with a smile that was not exactly a smile and made me feel nervous for some reason, she sat near me and kept smiling while looking at me.

I dint like the way she was looking at me, so I talked first.

"Hey what's up," I said awkwardly

"Tell me something you wouldn't happen to do anything stupid today have you," Gaia said but this time narrowing her eyes.

"Not to my knowledge, "I said this time sweating.

"Then please do tell me why I sensed a huge amount of nature and mana energy in the same place," she said looking at me.

"ha-ha you see I was getting Voldemort's Horcruxes and one of them I didn't feel like going to all the trouble to get it so I kind of just blew it up," I said looking away.

"Sigh, why did you think that was a good idea," she said looking disappointed.

"Honestly I didn't think I just wanted to see how big of the explosion that I could make," I said.

"Sigh, of course, you did, men," she said pinching her nose.

"I'm sorry," I said looking down.

"Sigh, it's fine but doesn't do something that stupid again who knows you might awaken her up and last time I checked you don't have enough power to fight her yet," Gaia said to me.

"Oh, actually I have a piece of the deathly hallows," I said looking up.

"Oh, that's good now you just need to find a way to let it absorb you," Gaia said.

"You mean death, he's still alive," I said.

"Yes, because you can't kill death just weaken it that why people still die but if you have all the hallows you gain power over death, "Gaia said.

"Then how come magic hasn't taken all of the hallows for herself," I said.

" because death made it so only humans or human-like beings could use the hallows no primordial as the story goes, and to answer you next question it's not easy to control humans to do you're bidden with free will and such plus when said human gains the power over death they could always kill magic herself, so she did the next best thing instead of locking the hallows in a place where everybody will try to get it, she made the hallows nothing but a children's story, therefore, making the masses laugh at the idea of such power and not pay attention to it," she said finishing explaining.

"Okay that makes sense, but one last thing how do you know so much if you've been sleeping so long," I said causing her to roll her eyes.

"I'm the primordial of nature I made this whole planet, it is all made of my essence so of course as soon as I woke up even though I didn't have the full power I still can access all the knowledge in the world," Gaia said.

"So basically, you have your google linked to the earth," I said with a blank face.

"Yes, if you want to dumb it down to that level, "Gaia said and laid by me.

I and Gaia kept talking till eventually I was at full power once again and soon I went back to the purification room. When I arrived everything was where I left it, before doing anything first I went to the gaunt ring and took out the resurrection stone from it as it was the only part that wasn't corrupted.

After doing that I stepped back and separated my nature mana and started forcing It into all three objects. Nature energy is the purest energy in this world and a dark soul such as Voldemort's will get obliterated when it comes in contact with it. Which was exactly what happened, after my nature energy went inside the Horcruxes and sound the souls I ripped them out by force, it dints cause any damage to the objects because of the level of my control.

Soon there were three wraiths in three green circles that were desperately trying to get out, but it was of no use because the green circle stared slowly closing till eventually not was left of the tree wraiths.

After that was finished, I put the resurrection stone back into the ring and put it on, I dint have to worry about the curse because I cleaned them while getting rid of the souls.

"now my other prize," I said then looking at Helga Hufflepuffs cup, there was the reason why I didn't destroy all of the items except for the goblet I just kept cause I felt like it but the cup was because it was an artifact and has powers that I wanted to see and as to why I dint kept Salazar's locket is because the one I truly dint feel like doing the whole puzzle thing and you have to be a parseltongue to open and use the locket and as for the ring well simple I want to see the look on dear old Tommy's face when I explain to him how he missed an opportunity to be the master of death, I can already see the despair.

After thinking about that I got the cup left it in the dining room and called all the elves to the throne room and after they arrived, I stand up and started talking.

"My fellow's elves as you know we are going to war with the wizard but I want to say we're going to war with specific groups of wizards and witches, the first being Voldemort's group and any dark wizard that you can find, the next thing that I want you to do is to look out for a dairy, that dairy is very important because it houses the so-called dark lord's soul the last piece to be specific, so when you find a dairy trying to mind control you call me immediately, and the last and most important thing to do is, of course, free our stilled chained brothers and sisters from their chains, NOW LET THE FIRST ELF AND WIZARD WAR BEGIN!!!" I said yelling the last part making the small crowd go wild.