CH.37 The Dangers Of Beauty

It's been about a week and so far, the war has been going great, at first the wizards thought they could beat the elves no problem but with the literal knowledge of every spell, it was kind of hard to fight them.

Not to mention nature energy is more powerful than the mana and gives better results, combine all that with the body of an elf you have an army of hundreds that can take thousands. The first thing I ordered them to do is to go after house elf and to bring them back, it wasn't that hard to get the wizards barely put any restrictions on the house-elf today.

Even those in the family house were easily taken because the house couldn't stop the elf from apperating inside, so it was easy as apparating inside, subdue the elf or elves and then bring them back where I evolved them and then started their training.

So far, the army of two hundred has increased to about five hundred and that after going to other countries. On the wizard's side, Daniel has been doing his job family well, he is preaching the unfairness of elves and how we only so far have killed dark wizards and death eaters, whit the amount of money he has his campaign has been going on strong with him appearing in various media over the wizarding world.

Normally such people would be shut down more so in the matters of war but with his position as a pureblood wizard and just him bribing the government, he remains unmoved. He even attracted Dumbledore saying that Dumbledore would one hundred percent agree with him about how this war can all end if we give the elves what they want.

Of course, dear old Dumbledore being the lord of the light he is had to agree, and now almost about the whole light wizarding world agrees with Daniel, therefore, has created a civil war while in war.

Their one last thing I'm pretty sure Voldemort hates me now mostly because he's been sending his death eaters after my elves. they even started using house elves to attract them hoping to ambush them and kill them. But unfortunately, I had my elves never go alone and always in a group, so whenever they did get ambushed, they were able to kill them after a while, but it still doesn't stop him from trying over and over again with different types of monsters, even dementors but they all failed.

While the war was going on I was focusing on a more pressing matter finding the second piece of the deathly hallows the invisibility cloak. It involved me focusing on the energy from the ring which I now called death energy, and then spread sense around the world and try to find the second piece, to my surprise and anguish it was at Hogwarts, more specifically it was in the hand of one James potter.

It was safe to say that I slapped my head for almost the whole day, but after doing that I asked Daniel to buy another invisibility cloak and proceeded to head to Hogwarts.

This is where I am right now, I am currently in the forbidden forest on a tree laying lazily staring at Hogwarts castle, the reason why I'm not going to inside or near it is because Dumbledore has buckled down Hogwarts making it hard for me to go, of course, this isn't impossible, but I felt like doing something fun.

You see this girl a 6th year Gryffindor who usually comes out into the forbidden forest to do either an assignment or something else, I didn't bother to know I just watched to see if she could be used and well, she can. One of the best ways to use a woman especially a teenage woman is the promise of beauty, and this girl hasn't well grown the right size she wants and by the rants, she has been having it seems that she's being bullied by the other girls for her sizes.

'Ah good all high school drama no matter what universe it always exists, and it can always be used to your advantage.

So here I am under a tree laying and "sleeping" without a care in the world until a certain someone comes and spots me freezing on spot making me open my eyes.

"Hello," I said looking like I don't care.

"Um h-hi," she said looking nervous.

"I'm not going to kill you; I was just taking a nap till you interrupted it," I said with the same face.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'll leave," she said looking more nervous.

"Come here," I said with a smile that calmed her down and made her blush.

"o-oh okay," she said came forward with her head down.

"here," I said pushing nature mana into her and temporarily making her breast, bust bigger and her face more beautiful.

"you've been complaining about how you look that I feel bad for you so here, later," I said and then promptly teleported away leaving a confused and happy teenage girl.

Now it might have seemed like I gave her everything she wanted for free, but truth be told it's not permanent and the effects will wear off in a few days and at that time she comes back begging for me to do it again and this time permanently which will say only if she does me a favor first.

So, while I waited, I trained the elves and do various things with Gaia till eventually a week passed by, and on the same day I changed her body I went back and laid under the tree for my "nap".

It dints take long for her to come.

"What is it now," I said as soon she came close enough.

"What you did to me can you do it again please I'm begging," she said.

"But I gave you what you wanted dint I," I said slightly annoyed.

"Yes, but it wasn't permanent, everything was going great until it started wearing off, please can you make it permanent, I'll do anything," she said this time doing dogeza.

"Hmm ok I can make it permanent, but you have to do something for me," I said.

"anything," she said looking up and then at my crotch then swallowing.

"Not that," I said looking where she was looking and then taking out an invisibility cloak.

"They're this boy named James's potter, he has an invisibility cloak and I want it, so I just want you to switch it with this one and you get what you want," I said giving her the invisibility cloak.

"Oh, here this will stop you from getting caught," I said and gave her a red ribbon.

"Just tie around the cloak and you're good" I said.

"Why do you want his invisibility cloak when you have one yourself" she said.

"Are you going to question me or do want to look good" I said making her start having a battle in her head.

"Here il give you pre bonus" I said then sending nature magic in her making her breast bigger permanently.

"that's permanent" I said making her check and seeing it was the truth.

"So, you going to do it" I said.

"Ok I'll do it" she said.

"Good also don't think about tricking, it won't end well for you, ill be here every day till you come back with it," I said and then left.

The next few days she dints come until eventually, she came with it, and it had the feeling of death energy on it.

"Good job," I said getting the second deathly hallow from her.

"I've done my part now yours," she said looking nervous, mostly thinking'd undermined her.

"of course," I said and then sent nature energy to change her body permanently making her beautiful.

"There you go happy," I said.

"very," she said looking at herself with a pocket mirror.

"Before I go tell how you got it so fast," I asked out of curiosity.

"He was a kid starting puberty all I had to do was flash him and let him a cup and he did whatever I asked," she said still looking at herself.

"I believe our business is done then miss, one more thing though," I said causing her to look at me giving me the perfect opportunity to go into her mind and change her memories and then teleported.

"Women don't know how powerful they are to a normal male," I said looking at the deathly hallow.

I waved my hand and erased every single charm that was on the cloak then proceed to wear it and disappear out of thin air.

"Soon, very soon"