CH.38 The Fall Of Tom Marvolo Riddle part-1

It's been a month since I've gotten the second deathly hallow and except for the fact that we have gotten more elves and the whole city has gotten more bigger and louder nothing much has changed.

Well except for one thing Voldemort is in hiding right, and that was because when I had enough power I went on the offensive side and proceed to obliterated Voldemort's army.

Because I'm unlike Dumbledore stupid army I actually killed them instead of stunning, so his number dropped like flies and mine just increasing.

Soon enough he went into hiding most likely trying to find a way to fight my elves, he has tried to fight them but has failed because every time he tried to fight them, I would make all the elves come as backup forcing him to retreat.

My elves haven't found anything on the diary so I'm guessing that Voldemort has it which is good because since the slippery snake is finally in one place, I can fight him head on.

From what my elves gathered Voldemort and his most loyal death eaters are on an island surrounded by monster and dragons, that very statement got me excited. It feels like about to go fight a final boss or in this instance the boss before the true final boss.

So right now, I am once again in the throne room with my army in front of me but this time they filled the whole room.

"My fellow elves the end of this war is soon about to meet its end, you may question why but do not worry I shall show the answer when the time is right, but now onto important matters" I said with vigor.

"The so-called dark lord is on his last leg and is holed up on an island, we shall commence the final attack with me leading the charge" I said causing them to cheer because they have not seen me fight yet.

"Now let us go" I said teleporting on the beach on the island with elves following me.

I started walking not caring about a thing, as various monsters and creatures tries to attack me either Mia or a random elf kills it before they come near me, given the effect of a majestic king.

Soon we arrived at a close to a mansion that had a small army of wizards and witches followed by Tommy in front. Both my elves and the wizards looked at each other, you could cut the tension with a knife.

Soon though Tom spoke.

"Have you come to surrender" tom said spreading his arms.

"Pfftt, hahahaha" I laughed causing the elves to laugh as well until I held my hand up making them stop.

"No, I have not come to surrender" I said whit a smile.

"Not instead I've come to kill you" I said and then pausing.

"Tom" I said after continuing.

"How do you know that name" Tom said with anger on his face.

"Tommy boy why so angry after all it is you name, and how I know that is simple I'm smarter than you" I said causing more anger on his face.

"As if a lowly house elf could be smarter than the great Voldemort" Tom said with the arrogance I've never seen from a wizard.

"Is that so well then how about I tell you two thing that I know that you don't" I said with a smirk.

"I supposed I can give you a last wish" Tom said.

"Do you know what this is" I said lifting my hand and showing the gaunt ring causing him to look shocked.

"So, you found one of my horcruxes not bad, but I already knew about" he said with malice in his eyes.

"Yes, but you know the true power of this ring" I said.

"What do you mean" Tom said.

"The story of the deathly hallows is true and this is the resurrection stone, let me give you an example of its power" I said and taking the stone from the ring and turning the stone over twice and then saying a name.

"Merope Riddle" I said in a whisper causing a shade of a woman to come out of nowhere shocking all that was present.

"Where am I" Merope riddle said looking around.

"Merope Riddle" I said making her turn to me.

"Meet you son Tom Marvolo Riddle" I said pointing at Tom who was shocked.

"TOM!" she yelled when she saw him and went flying to him but before she reached him, I sent her back to the afterlife.

"So, the hallows are true, good that just means when I kill you, I'll be even more powerful then ill assemble all three and il be truly immortal," Tom said with a sinister smile.

"As a thanks for giving me such wonderful new ill grant you a swift death" he said still smiling.

"Actually, I already have the second hallow the invisibility cloak" I said then moved my cloak which shimmered in and out of existence.

"And the last one the elder wand Is actually in the hands Dumbledore" I said then smiled.

"Speaking of Dumbledore, it brings me to the second thing that you don't know" I said smirking.

"And that is" Tom said.

"Dumbledore has been controlling you from the very first time you met" I said out loud making the area go quiet.

"what" Tom said with nothing but seriousness.

"ha-ha think about tommy boy Dumbledore is a master legimens and occlumency user he always knew what you were doing, always one step ahead of you,you probably think that it's not true because you learned occlumency but let's be serious this man has years of experience on you their was now you stand close enough a chance unless you could think outside the box and with the way wizards are that might as well be nonexistent, but lets say no of that matter in a match of spells do you really think you actually won when he has the elder wand, no Tom you were manipulated into becoming the darkness so he could be the light as he done with Gellert Grindelwald he has done to you, look past the grandfather act and see hi true face Tom" I said to the shocked face tom.

After a few minutes a horror-stricken Tom realized the truth and does the only thing he can and attacks me starting the final fight of the war.