CH.39 The Fall Of Tom Marvolo Riddle Final

As soon as tom fired a spell I blocked and apparated the both of us far away.

"what's wrong Tommy boy, sad you not as powerful as you think you are" I said blocking one of his spells.

"SHUT UP, AVADA KEDAVRA!" Tom yelled at me, but I just teleported behind him and poked his check.

"hahaha" I laughed and teleported away from his attack.

"Why won't take this seriously" he said with anger.

"Because Tom you're not worth it" I said stopping smiling.

"You are nothing but a child throwing a tantrum, you're stupid, bigoted, and think the world revolves around you and all should bow when you get a little bit of power" I said.

"you're everything wrong with wizards, no everything with humanity, so that's why I won't take this seriously because this nothing, but a game and you are just a silly little pawn, one who's going to die, more than even now that I sensed you last horcruxes" I said shocking him.

"Last horcruxes?" he said sounding confused.

"of course, did you think it was hard to find you horcruxes it not that hard" I said then turning to the mansion.

"Tom let me show you how I destroyed one of you horcruxes'" I said then lifted my hand towards the mansion and sent a bubble towards it.

Before it hit all the elves teleported aways and soon the island exploded leaving but a me and Tom surrounded by a blues green force field.

"This Tom is true power" I said as he was looking at the destruction I caused.

"Well Tom it's time to say goodbye, you lost all you horcruxes', you army" I said and then looked at him in the eyes.

"And you're will" I said with a smirk.

"Any last words" I said turning around.

"Yes, just one" Tom said.

"AVADA KEDAVRA" Tom said and then hitting making my body drop.

"Hahaha fool this is what happens when you offended lord Voldemort" Tom said and started laughing.

But as he was laughing his view of the world started changing and turning upside down till finally, he saw why. Her body was standing but there was no head, behind him something shimmered to reveal the person who he just kills with nothing but a smirk across his face, Tom then looked at the body beside him to see it become nothing but dirt.

No one could of know what Tom though as he died but if they saw his face there was only one thing that would come to their mind was confusion.

Tom face had nothing but confusion as if questioning his whole existence, question everything he's ever done, was he ever anything else but a puppet.

With that finally though Tom Marvolo Riddle Dark Lord passed with his body turning into ashes and blown away into the wind.

"As much I want to feel sorry for, he's just too stupid, there were so many better ways he could have done this, but he just had to do it the wizard way, sigh a shame I wouldn't have mind being in his position, would have made this much easier" I said as I finished watching Tom's ashes.

"Well time to finish it all" I said and flew up to where the elves where, they were all floating on water watching me.

"My fellows elves the first obstacle has been defeated now we go after the being that force us to become the things for years" I yelled making them cheer.

"Before we go, I must tell you do not interfere in this battle that I am about to fight no of you are strong enough, just stun all the wizards that come after me, now lets us go" I said and then teleported to Hogwarts with the elves following me.

After teleporting by Hogwarts Lake, the elves started surrounding the castle and I transfigured a throne and sit on it while I wait for the main person to arrive.

It doesn't take long as Dumbledore and his order arrive to greet me.

"Hello Dumbledore" I said not looking at him.

"Hello to you sir Dryadalis, what brings you to Hogwarts with such a big crowd no less" he said with the signature grandfather smile after looking around.

"You can stop with the act you know" I said.

"Act what you mean" he.

"The grandfather act" I said.

"Haha as much as you think this is an act, I'm telling you "He was about to continue but I cut him off.

"I killed Voldemort" I said causing to look serious with his group.

"As much as I want to congratulate you, but Tom isn't going to die that easy" he said looking serious.

"Yes, I know, that's why I killed all his horcruxes first, so let me repeat my self Tom Marvolo Riddle is dead" I said finally looking at him.

"Well, it seems that you actually did it" Dumbledore said making his order whisper in happiness.

"Yes, now their only one more dark wizard I need to kill" I said standing up and transfigured the throne away.

"And who would that be" Dumbledore said.

"Why you of course" I said pointing at him.

"How dare you accuse Dumbledore of such thing" one of Dumbledore lackeys said but I dint pay attention to him and just started at Dumbledore.

"don't try to deny it I know everything; I also know you're the champion of magic herself and well I have to kill or seal her, so she doesn't enslave my race again so one way or another you have to die" I said.

"Is that so" Dumbledore said.

"Well before we start can we move to a less crowded area "he said.

"By all mean go ahead will follow" I said starting to float making him start floating and head to quidditch pit.

As soon as he arrived his Fawkes was there with the elder wand and gave it to him and then floated by him.

"Let's start shall we" Dumbledore said as we stared each other floating in the sky with both armies and now students watching.

"Yes, let's start the beginning of the end" I said and fired the first spell.