The End Of The Story

The first spell was just a stupefy but as soon as I threw it the battle began elves fighting wizards and me fighting Dumbledore.

"You know I had it all figured out" Dumbledore said looking angry for the first time.

"Everything would have gone according to plan if it wasn't for you" Dumbledore said and the fire a spell making me start flying.

As we were flying, we both fired of spells and doges them, so far, we both were equally and so enough we reached a stalemate until he brought the phoenix in.

With the phoenix helping him I was getting a little distracted, so I decided to fix that.

"Avada kedavra" I said aiming at Fawkes but missed.

"Better call you bird back or else it's going to die permanently" I yelled at Dumbledore

"I supposed I should put it to better use before something happens to it" Dumbledore said and the proceeded to call and absorb the phoenix.

"Wow power hungry much" I said.

He dints say anything and just kept attacking but this time more fiercely than before, so fierce that he actually hit me causing me to frown.

"Alright time to fight seriously" I said and started using my combined energy instead of just one.

I then let my nature mana out forming into multiple elemental dragons which all went after Dumbledore.

While he busies fighting those guys, I prepared my new second strongest attack. First, I make a giant bubble, but this bubble is split in the middle. What's special about this attack is whichever side you end up in the bubble determined whether you will be pulled apart by gravity or crushed by it.

As I finished my attack Dumbledore has take care of my dragons by making a stone hydra and is fighting the last one but just as he finishes, I attack and throw the giant bubble at him.

"Not bad dumbles but I think its about time we end this, the longer we fight the more chances you to win so let's end this" I said after throwing the giant bubble at him getting his attention.

He of course makes the stone hydra take the damage but when the hydra gets inside the bubble its head are crushed and pulled apart which cause Dumbledore to start dogging. But I I've put a tracking charm on him, and no matter how much teleported he still couldn't lose it, so he tries the oldest trick in the book.

He heads straight to me smiling thinking he beat me, when he gets close enough, he teleports behind me and kept flying thinking my own attack would hit me because of how close it is. What happens instead is that the bubble splits and doubles its speed and trap Dumbledore who is now being pulled and crushed by gravity but his holding on with magic.

"And just like that I win, and I dint even have to fight the primordial" I said and then realize the stupidity of my words because Dumbledore's eyes glow and he destroyed my bubbles easily.

"Did you really think it be that easy puny elf" Dumbledore said but with a voice of a woman.]

"Honestly I really hoped that it was" I said but she ignored me and look to my side.

"Hello Gaia" she said to Gaia who just appeared looking the angriest I've ever seen her.

"Alexandra" Gaia said with hatred rolling of her.

"Last time you got away from me but not this time, no this time I will be the only primordial left and will rule everything" the newly dubbed Alexandra said.

"Oh, then why don't you slip out that shell and fight mano a mano" I said interrupting their conversation.

"please the moment I leave this vessel you steal the elder wand and plush I cant take you on just fine like this" she said and then waved her hands causing my body to fly away at unknown speed and land somewhere in London, when I land I started to feel a massive amount of pain it felt like how I died the first time.

Where I crashed there was a crater, the muggles noticed but I dint care from the amount of pain I was feeling.

"ow" I manage to say.

"Drya are you okay" Gaia said appearing by me.

"What does it look like" I said.

"Not the time" Gaia said.

"I don't think I can beat her she to strong" I said.

"No, you just need to be on her leave" Gaia said to me.

"And how do I do that" I said.

"You need to fuse with me, when you woke me up you technical where the new primordial of nature as you made the energy, now I'm going to give all back" Gaia said.

"Okay but what will happen to you" I said with worry.

"I'm just going to be inside of your head for a while you'll be able to separate when you powerful enough" she said and then looked up to see Alexandra appear.

"Okay let's do this" I said, and she smiled and kissed me.

"Aww once last kiss before you die, how romantic" Alexandra said with arrogant face but that dint last long as me in Gaia glowed green and then the crater glowed a blinding green.

When the light went down it reveal me to look the same, but I had gais wood horns and last of all I felt truly complete.

"So, this is me" I said admiring the felling of completion.

"Fine it seems we have to do this the hard way" Alexandra said and then placed the elder wand head and the proceed to change into a dragon.

Dumbledore's body finished to reveal an all-giant black dragon who was flapping his wing floating in the air.

"Yes, the hard way" I said and then proceeded to change into a dragon of the same size of him, but I was green with hard and sturdy wood horns.

"ROOAR" we but roared and the started fighting each other.

3rd pov

The world was quacking animals were going wild, nature was raging, the sea, the sky, everything was in chaos but strangely no single person was moving.

The reason for this was because of different feelings such as fear, amazement, and shock because in the sky their where to dragons of massive size that were fighting using the very elements themselves.

it could not be told who was on the winning side until the green dragon made a move.

Pov Dryadalis Rex.

I was tired, as much power I had I couldn't fight her forever so I decided to end this by getting the only thing that can end it. My ultimate attack.

I open my mouth and this time I dint you a bubble and in my I collapse gravity and shot it at her then I went to her forehead and transformed back into a human.

"Are you crazy a black hole, you kill us all" Alexandra said now fighting the gravitational pull of the newly formed black hole.

"Not if I beat you first" I said landing on her head and then started climbing her head heading to where the elder wand was situated.

"Fine since I'm going to die might as well take you with me" Alexandra said and the stopping fighting the current and start being pulled towards the black hole.

Right before we hit the black hole and I fell all my cells being stretched out and destroyed I touch the elder wand and fell a sucking motion coming from inside my soul and then not everything went blank.

For the last time I am in the dark space where it all began but this time it wasn't the same no this time, I felt like I had control do anything I wanted and that when I knew I had become the master of death, so I did the next thing.

"reverse" I said with power making reality itself reverse.

The world went in reverse and my body returns to right where I was before I shot the blackhole but this time I wasn't in my dragon form but was wearing an all-black reaper outfit.

"What happened why are you dressed like that" Alexandra asked looking scared.

"I gathered all the hallows and reversed time" I said with my chilling voice.

"that's impossible" she said than touching her head to see the wand not there.

"Impossible that's just simply impossible death can't reverse time" she said looking scared.

"Time does not matter to death" I said.

"No no no noooooooooo" Alexandra said then started flying away with fear.

"Dread it, run from its death arrives to all" I said wave my scythe toward where she was flying sending out a beam of black cut that seemed to stop time and slice through her and cutting her in half then cuts Dumbledore soul then finally cut through her sending all the trapped essences of different primordial out.

"And the story ends"

A 100 years later.

It's been a few years since I've the fight and everything has been well and a new society where every one can use magic is born.

How did I do that? Well simple I am literally the most powerful person in the world, so I told them to place nice and did a minor mental manipulation for them to accept it and boom everything is fine.

It good to have power.

As for me and Gaia I became the new primordial of death and gave the rest of my power of nature to her and she once again became the primordial of nature.

We are happily married with kids.

The end.


A word from the author:

Heyo author here I want to say I know the story fells rushed and that because it is I could of made the story longer but the thing is that I gave the mc to much power to early, not only that but he lacked dept making the story fell like wish fulfillment which wasn't what I was going for all.

Overall the one good thing I have to say is I have improved a lot and the next fanfiction that I write wont have the same problems this fanfic has.

And plus this is my second fanfic and the literally second time I've done something like this and I say I did a good job of correcting my mistakes as I went on.

Ps. I made a discord server a few weeks ago, its not the best trust me when I say that but I currently have three ideas on what I want my next fanfiction to be so I you want to help me decide then come on by or don't you choice.
